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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [specific]
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Dictionary English German: [specific]

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
yet {adv} [up to now or until some other specific time]
concrete {adj} [specific, definite]
they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“]
archi. roofed {adj} {past-p} [with a specific material]
gedeckt [Dach]
appropriate {adj} [for a specific purpose]
them {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "him" or "her" or "him or her"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „ihn“ oder „sie“ oder „ihn oder sie“]
their {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "his" or "her" or "his or her"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „sein“ oder „ihr“ oder „sein oder ihr“]
to specify sth. [determine a specific quantity / quality]
etw.Akk. festlegen
to specify sth. [to be more specific about sth.]
etw.Akk. konkretisieren
to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate]
etw. klimatisieren
to approach sb. [for a specific purpose]jdn. apostrophieren [geh.] [selten] [gezielt ansprechen, sich (feierlich) an jemanden wenden]
bee [social gathering for a specific purpose] [chiefly Am.]
Arbeitskreis {m}
pitch [coll.] [esp. Am.] [specific plan of action, angle]
Ansatzpunkt {m} [fig.] [Blickwinkel, für eine Vorgehensweise]
tactic [an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end]
Vorgehensweise {f} [Taktik, Strategie]
biol. genetics {sg} [of a specific individual or species]
Erbanlagen {pl}
fin. [money set aside for a specific purpose] Fond {m} [FALSCH für: Fonds]
idiom [regional, group-specific]
Spracheigentümlichkeit {f} [einer Region, Gruppe]
educ. mainstreaming [educating disabled students in regular classes during specific time periods]
[zeitweiliger gemeinsamer Unterricht von behinderten und nicht-behinderten Schülern]
admin. fish law [an official term in Germany for license to fish in specific locations there]Gewässerschein {m} [Fischereierlaubnisschein]
[one opposed to specific measures]Maßnahmengegner {m}
educ. [recommendation for a specific type of school, e.g. Gymnasium, Realschule]Schullaufbahnempfehlung {f}
[trade union representing a specific professional branch]Spartengewerkschaft {f}
drive [united effort to accomplish some specific purpose](gemeinsame) Aktion {f} [z. B. Spendenaktion]
lactometer [a hydrometer for determining the specific gravity of milk]Laktometer {n} [Laktodensimeter]
2 Words: Others
comm. vendor-specific {adj} [also: vendor specific]händlerspezifisch
pharm. very often {adj} [adverse effects associated with specific medications]sehr häufig [Produktinformation, Nebenwirkungen; Häufigkeitsdefinition nach MedDRA: mehr als 1 Behandelter von 10 (>10 %)]
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to go by ... [be known by a specific name]unter dem Namen ... bekannt sein
to go by ... [use a specific name]sichAkk. ... nennen [bei einem Umgangsnamen usw.]
to pair up [to work for a specific purpose or goal]sich zusammentun [zu einem bestimmten Zweck mit jdm. verbinden]
2 Words: Nouns
meteo. phys. adiabatic index [ratio of specific heats]Adiabatenindex {m}
hist. law alms ordinance [capitalized as the title of a specific ordinance]Almosenordnung {f}
MedTech. anatomy program [organ-specific program setting]Anatomieprogramm {n}
law weapons assault weapon [term used in United States legislation for a semi-automatic firearm with specific features][in USA-Gesetzgebung verwendete Bezeichnung für eine halbautomatische Schusswaffe mit bestimmten Merkmalen]
barracks camp [group of huts used to house a specific group of people]Barackenlager {n}
med. blown knee [three specific injuries to two ligaments and the meniscus]Unhappy-Triad {f} des Kniegelenks
bot. ecol. for. characteristic tree [of a specific region or habitat]Charakterbaum {m} [für eine bestimmte Region oder ein bestimmtes Biotop]
publ. control text [specific text upon which a modern edition is based]Textgrundlage {f}
psych. dark triad [group of three specific personality traits]Dunkle Triade {f} [auch: dunkle Triade]
psych. dark triad [group of three specific personality traits]Dunkler Dreiklang {m} [auch: dunkler Dreiklang]
automot. dedicated design [for a specific vehicle]fahrzeugspezifische Konstruktion {f}
law pol. emancipation act [capitalized when referring to a specific act]Emanzipationsgesetz {n}
ecol. electr. pol. energy summit [specific meeting: Energy Summit]Energiegipfel {m}
med. hip fracture [non-specific] [coll.]Oberschenkelhalsbruch {m}
FireResc jet fire [fire of turbulent dispersion in a specific direction]Fackelbrand {m} [fachspr.] [Schadensfall]
listed dog [breed-specific legislation]Anlagehund {m} [ugs.] [in der Liste der gefährlichen Hunde erfasste Rasse]
listed dog [breed-specific legislation]Listenhund {m} [Liste der gefährlichen Hunde]
med. Muehrcke's lines [changes in the fingernail, non-specific appearance]Muehrcke-Linien {pl}
archaeo. art spec. name vase [specific vase an anonymous painter is named after]Namenvase {f} [namengebende Vase für einen anonymen Vasenmaler]
mus. orchestral setting [with reference to specific work or movement]Orchestersatz {m} [Besetzung von einem Einzelstück oder Satz]
law petty crime [specific act]Bagatelldelikt {n}
hist. settlement policy [recruitment of settlers to specific areas]Peuplierungspolitik {f}
Social Register® [specific to the U.S.]Who's who {n} [der gehobenen Gesellschaft, USA]
archi. society house [often capitalized as the name of a specific building]Gesellschaftshaus {n}
law voluntary agent [agency without specific authorisation] [German civil code]Geschäftsführer {m} [bei Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag] [BGB]
3 Words: Others
for good reasons {adv} [specific reasons]aus guten Gründen
I'm just looking. [shopping without a specific objective]Ich möchte mich nur mal bei Ihnen umsehen.
3 Words: Verbs
to fill sb. in (on sth.) [coll.] [supply with information on a specific topic]jdn. (über etw.Akk.) informieren
3 Words: Nouns
electr. (electromagnetic) disturbance power [measured under specific conditions]Störleistung {f} [unter spezifizierten Bedingungen gemessene elektromagnetische Störleistung]
law [a specific] intellectual property rightLeistungsschutzrecht {n}
pol. Age of Reform [if not for specific political periods: age of reform]Reformzeitalter {n}
mus. altered (dominant) scale [jazz-specific term]alterierte Skala {f} [Jazz-spezifisch]
mus. altered (dominant) scale [jazz-specific term]alterierte Tonleiter {f} [Jazz-spezifisch]
econ. law white-collar crime [specific act]Wirtschaftsstraftat {f}
4 Words: Others
I'm happy for you. [for something specific]Das gönne ich dir.
4 Words: Nouns
jobs master tradesman / tradesman's certificate [for a specific profession replace "tradesman's" by the name of the profession, e.g. "master carpenter's certificate]Meisterbrief {m}
insur. own-occupation disability insurance [covers one specific occupation, can include training period/apprenticeship]Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung {f}
audio med. specific developmental language disorder [specific language impairment]umschriebene Sprachentwicklungsstörung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
law agency to ward off danger [agency without specific authorisation] [German civil code]Geschäftsführung {f} zur Gefahrenabwehr [bei Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag] [BGB]
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