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Full phrase not found. Did you mean [splitstep]? | » Report missing translation » [splitstep] |
Partial Matches |
| sports tech. split step [also: split-step] | Splitstep {n} | |
| by degrees {adv} [idiom] [step by step] | Schritt für Schritt | |
| by degrees {adv} [idiom] [step by step] | stufenweise | |
| footmeal {adv} [obs.] [also fig.] [step by step] | Schritt für Schritt [auch fig.] | |
| buoyant {adj} [step] | elastisch [Schritt] | |
| unprecedented {adj} [profit, step] | unerhört | |
| action [step, measure] | Maßnahme {f} | |
| step by step {adv} | etappenweise | |
| step by step {adv} | schrittweise | |
| step by step {adv} {adj} | stufenweise | |
| to back off [step back] | zurückweichen | |
| tech. horizontal displacement [step] | horizontales Versetzen {n} [Schritt] | |
| step by step {adv} | Schritt für Schritt | |
| step by step {adv} | Schritt um Schritt | |
| step by step {adv} | Zug um Zug | |
| RadioTV F Step by Step | Eine starke Familie | |
| audio mus. mixing [a step in sound production] | Abmischung {f} | |
| FoodInd. affination [raw sugar; first refining step] | Affinierung {f} [Rohzucker] | |
| mus. (tone) interval [step, e.g. a minor third] | Tonschritt {m} | |
| to intervene [to step in] [coll.] | sichAkk. ins Mittel legen [Redewendung] [veraltend] | |
| to hustle [Am.] [step it up a notch] | einen Zahn zulegen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| dance pas [dance step, esp. in classical ballet] | Schritt {m} [bes. im klassischen Ballett] | |
| dance pas [dance step, esp. in classical ballet] | Tanzschritt {m} [bes. im klassischen Ballett] | |
| elephant's foot [coll.] [mobile step stool (office)] | Elefantenfuß {m} [ugs.] [Bürorollhocker, Aufstiegshilfe] | |
| to set foot on sth. [idiom] [step on] | etw.Akk. betreten [z. B. ein Gelände, festen Boden] | |
| rightward {adv} [step, move, etc.] | nach rechts [gehen, sich bewegen etc.] | |
| dance pas [dance step, in classical ballet] | Pas {m} [Tanzschritt im klassischen Ballett] | |
| Would you like to ...? [e.g. to step in] | Ist es gefällig ... (zu) ? [z. B. einzutreten] [veraltend] [geh.] | |
| to back off [retreat, step back] [also fig.] | sich zurückziehen [sich zurückhalten] [auch fig.] | |
| archaeo. archi. Step Pyramid of Djoser [also: Step Pyramid of Djeser] | Stufenpyramide {f} des Königs Djoser | |
| idiom to take up the slack for sb. [to replace or step in for sb.] | für jdn. einspringen [jdn. ersetzen oder vertreten] | |
| to pick up the slack for sb. [idiom] [to replace or step in for sb.] | für jdn. einspringen [jdn. ersetzen oder vertreten] | |
| med. Manchester triage system <MTS> [5-step triage system] | Manchester-Triage-System {n} <MTS> [5-stufiges Triage-System] | |
| stat. traffic mode split [also: modal split, mode-share] | Verkehrsmittelwahl {f} [Modal Split] | |
| to split sth. [split up, break down] | etw. aufspalten | |
| gastr. long (bread) roll [split lengthwise, ellipsoidal in form] | Schnittbrötchen {n} | |
| MedTech. 4-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split] | 4fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung] | |
| MedTech. 2-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split] | 2fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm] | |
| automot. (VW) split window Beetle [also: split-window Beetle] | Brezelkäfer {m} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| lit. F The Seventh [Richard Stark] [aka: The Split] | Parker und der Amateur | |
| chem. one bead - one compound | ein Kügelchen - eine Substanz [Split-and-Combine-Technik] | |
| gastr. long (bread) roll [split lengthwise, ellipsoidal in form] | Spitzbrötchen {n} [fränkisch regional: Kipf oder Spitzweck] | |
| constr. shake [a wooden shingle made from split logs] | Schindel {f} [Holzschindel; durch Spalten aus einem Block hergestellt] | |
| comp. MedTech. 16-on-1 [screen split] | 16-fach [Bildschirmaufteilung, Bildschirmunterteilung] | |
| MedTech. 2-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split] | 2-fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm] | |
| MedTech. 4-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split] | 4-fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm] | |
| spec. stocks split [e.g. stock split] | Split {m} | |
| spliss [split hair ends] | Spliss {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| tech. split cotter [neologism] [split pin (UK usage), cotter pin (US usage)] | Splint {m} | |
| to split the costs equally [also: to split the costs 50:50 / 50-50 / 50/50] | die Kosten je zur Hälfte tragen | |
| med. spina bifida [split spine] | Spina bifida {f} [gespaltenes Rückgrat] | |
| econ. to cannibalize sth. [a company] [split it up and sell the profitable parts] | etw.Akk. filetieren [fig.] [ein Unternehmen] [die profitablen Bereiche aus dem Unternehmen herauslösen und gewinnbringend weiterverkaufen] | |
| comp. med. spec. split brain [also split-brain] | Split Brain {n} | |
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