| English | German | |
| equine {adj} [e.g. anatomy, disease, hospital, painter, sports] | 249 Pferde- [z. B. Anatomie, Krankheit, Klinik, Maler, Sport] | |
| sports sporting {adj} [sports-related] | sportmäßig | |
Verbs |
| to serve (sth.) [food etc., also in sports] | 4629 (etw.Akk.) servieren | |
| to sand sth. [icy footpath, lawn, sports terrain] | etw.Akk. sanden [schweiz. und fachspr. (Golf)] [sonst regional oder veraltet] [mit Sand bestreuen] | |
Nouns |
| sports varsity [esp. Am.] [sports team] | 191 Unimannschaft {f} [ugs.] | |
| sports varsity [Am.] [sports team] | 123 Schulauswahl {f} | |
| lead [in sports, elections, etc.] | 66 Vorsprung {m} [in Rennen, bei Wahlen etc.] | |
| sports varsity [Am.] [sports team] | 41 Uniauswahl {f} | |
| addiction [coll.] [to sports, hobbies etc.] | 38 Fimmel {m} [ugs.] | |
| pol. RadioTV sports outing [appearance of an athlete in a sports event] | 15 Einsatz {m} [Auftritt eines Sportlers bei einer Sportveranstaltung] | |
| sports lapping [circuit sports] | 12 Überrundung {f} | |
| sports drafting [in cycling and motor sports] | 11 Windschattenfahren {n} | |
| games ladder [games] [sports] | 10 Ladder {f} | |
| track [sports track or track of an animal] | 7 Geläuf {n} | |
| sports [a sports match between the national teams of neighbouring countries] | Nachbarschaftsduell {n} [zwischen Nationalmannschaften] | |
| sports [Association for Field Sports / Games, abbr. VfR] | Verein {m} für Rasensport / Rasenspiele <VfR> | |
| sports [ball sports utilizing a wall, e.g. squash] | Wand-Ballspiele {pl} | |
| sports [ban on exercising a function; disciplinary measure, e.g. in sports] | Funktionssperre {f} [Disziplinarmaßnahme, bes. im Sport] | |
| sports [German Federation for Grass Strength Sports and Tug-Of-War] | Deutscher Rasenkraftsport- und Tauzieh-Verband {m} (e. V.) <DRTV> | |
| sports [nickname for members of the sports club of Bayer Leverkusen] | Farbenstädter {pl} [ugs.] [Spitzname für Sportvereine/Sportler von Bayer Leverkusen] | |
| sports [sports club based in a capital city] | Hauptstadtverein {m} | |
| hist. sports [title of German national coach (several sports) from 1918 to 1945] | Reichstrainer {m} [Bezeichnung deutscher Nationaltrainer (verschiedene Sportarten) 1918 bis 1945] | |
| addict [coll.] [of sports etc.] | (begeisterter) Anhänger {m} | |
| catcalling [whistling, shouting, etc. esp. to express disapproval in sports] | Auspfeifen {n} [als Missfallenskundgebung] | |
| neol. sports cupset [sl.] [Br.] ["cup upset"; sports cup game where the underdog wins] | Pokalsensation {f} [Pokalspiel, bei dem der Nicht-Favorit gewinnt] | |
| equest. sports enclosure [section of sports ground, racecourse etc.] | Zuschauerbereich {m} [für bestimmte Personen reserviert] | |
| hist. sports Hakoah [soccer club, sports club] | Hakoah {f} [jüdischer Fußballverein, Sportverein] | |
| overround [in sports betting] | Quotenschlüssel {m} [bei Sportwetten] | |
| sports parasports {pl} [sports for the disabled] | Behindertensport {m} | |
| yankee [sports betting jargon] [multiple bet] | Yankee {m} [Sportwettjargon] [Systemwette mit multiplem Wetteinsatz] | |
2 Words: Others |
| sports in sport {adv} [in sports] | im Sport | |
| low-slung {adj} [chair, sports car] | niedrig | |
| Unverified sb. chokes (it) [coll.] [fig.] [esp. in sports] | (bei) jdm. versagen die Nerven [ugs.] [bes. beim Sport] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be active [in sports, on the market, as a pilot, etc.] | tätig sein [beruflich oder geschäftlich] | |
| to co-host sth. [e.g. a sports event] | etw.Akk. gemeinsam ausrichten [z. B. eine Sportveranstaltung] | |
| sports to make varsity [Am.] [sports team] | in der Schulauswahl spielen | |
| sports to make varsity [Am.] [sports team] | in die Unimannschaft kommen | |
| sports Unverified to run sth. back [sports: have a rematch] | etw.Akk. wiederholen [Sport: Revanche austragen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports (local) derby [Br.] [a sports match between two rival teams from the same area] | Derby {n} [Lokalderby] | |
| sports base camp [e.g. in sports] | Stützpunkt {m} [z. B. im Sport] | |
| sports broken target [shooting sports] | Bruchtaube {f} [Schießsport] | |
| games sports chess section [of a sports club] | Schachsektion {f} [eines Sportklubs] | |
| sports clean sweep [international sports] | Dreifachsieg {m} | |
| sports defending champions {pl} [team sports] | Pokalinhaber {m} [Mannschaftssportart] | |
| games psych. sports direct opponent [esp. in sports] | direkter Gegenspieler {m} [bes. im Sport] | |
| mil. sports dug-out [also: dugout] [sports team shelter, e.g. in baseball, also military] | Unterstand {m} [z. B. für Sportmannschaft, auch militärisch] | |
| explosive strength [esp. in sports] | Explosivkraft {f} [bes. im Sport] | |
| favourite club [Br.] [esp. sports] | Lieblingsverein {m} | |
| Unverified fixed game [manipulation in sports betting] | manipuliertes Spiel {n} [bei Sportwette] | |
| sports golf club [sports equipment] | Golfschläger {m} | |
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