| English  | German |  |
 | sedentary {adj} [staff] | 154 ortsgebunden [Personal] |  |
 | poached {adj} {past-p} [e.g. staff, customers] | 77 abgeworben |  |
 | managerial {adj} [e.g. skills, functions, level, style, staff] | 23 Führungs- [z. B. Qualitäten, Aufgaben, Ebene, Stil, Personal] |  |
 | stolen {adj} {past-p} [e.g. staff, customers] | 6 abgeworben |  |
Verbs |
 | to redeploy sb. [staff] | 52 jdn. umsetzen [eine andere Tätigkeit zuweisen] |  |
Nouns |
 | jobs turnover [of staff] | 327 Fluktuation {f} [von Arbeitskräften] |  |
 | mus. stave {sg} [staff] | 112 Notenlinien {pl} [Notenzeile, bestehend aus 5 Linien] |  |
 | acad. educ. faculty [Am.] [staff] | 73 Kollegium {n} |  |
 | facility [staff and/or equipment support etc.] | 53 Hilfe {f} [Hilfsmittel] |  |
 | crook [staff] | 38 Stab {m} [z. B. Schäferstab] |  |
 | mace [staff of office] | 27 Stab {m} [Amtszeichen] |  |
 | econ. trimming [of production; staff] | 23 Verschlankung {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | transfer [of staff, data, etc.] | 14 Übernahme {f} [von Mitarbeitern, Daten usw.] |  |
 | rail halt [Br.] [small station, usually unstaffed or with very few staff] | 13 Haltestelle {f} <Hst> [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | art relig. crook [of a staff] | 11 Krümme {f} |  |
 | [number of staff away sick] | 9 Krankenstand <KS> {m} [Kennzahl] |  |
 | mil. tab [British Military] [a marking on the collar distinguishing an officer of high rank or (formerly) a staff officer] | 8 Kragenspiegel {m} [hier: Rangabzeichen des britischen Militärs] |  |
 | med. print caduceus [winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it] | 7 Hermesstab {m} [geflügelter Stab mit zwei gewundenen Schlangen; auch Symbol für Medizin in den USA] [Unicode: U+2624 (9764)] |  |
 | [coll. description of paramedical staff working in emergency services regardless of rank or education] | 5 Notarzthelfer {pl} [ugs.] [falsche Bezeichnung für das Rettungsdienstpersonal] |  |
 | mil. naut. snipe [Am.] [coll.] [U.S. Navy term for members of the engineer staff of a vessel] | 5 [US-Navy-Slang für ein Crewmitglied des Maschinenpersonals eines Schiffs] |  |
 | law med. [(German) nursing staff reinforcement act] | Pflegepersonal-Stärkungsgesetz {n} <PpSG> |  |
 | law med. [(German) regulation for the threshold for nursing staff] | Pflegepersonaluntergrenzen-Verordnung {f} <PpUGV> |  |
 | hist. law [law on the rights of domestic staff] | Hausgehilfengesetz {n} [österr.] [1920] |  |
 | rail halt [Br.] [small station, usually unstaffed or with very few staff] | Haltepunkt {m} <Hp> [Deutschland] |  |
 | jobs kitchen [kitchen staff] | Küchenpersonal {n} |  |
 | jobs recruiting [of staff] | Einstellung {f} [von Personal] |  |
 | secondment [Br.] [of staff, experts, etc.] | (dienstliche) Entsendung {f} [von Personal, Fachleuten etc.] |  |
 | rail shunters {pl} [shunting staff] | Rangierpersonal {n} |  |
 | team [staff] | Stab {m} [z. B. Krisenstab] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | [family, staff, etc.] of four {adj} [postpos.] | vierköpfig |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to align sb. (to sth.) [e.g. staff] | jdn. (auf etw.) einschwören [strategisch ausrichten] |  |
 | to await sb.'s convenience [idiom] [to be ready for sb., e.g. staff, carriage, meal] | für jdn. bereitstehen [z. B. Personal, Kutsche, Mahl] |  |
 | jobs to be overmanned [provided with more staff than necessary] | überbesetzt sein [personell] |  |
 | jobs to be overmanned [provided with more staff than necessary] | zu viel Personal haben |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | airport credentials {pl} [staff badge] | Flughafenausweis {m} [Mitarbeiterausweis] |  |
 | archi. pol. Chancellery building [personal offices of the Chancellor and the Chancellery staff] | Bundeskanzleramt {n} |  |
 | clerical workers {pl} [collectively] [clerical staff] | Büropersonal {n} |  |
 | astron. hist. naut. cross-staff [Jacob's staff] | Kreuzstab {m} |  |
 | journ. publ. RadioTV editorial meeting [regular staff meeting] | Redaktionssitzung {f} |  |
 | econ. employee orientation [includes employee relationship to managers and other staff, employee relationship to work tasks, etc.] | Mitarbeiterorientierung {f} |  |
 | jobs med. hospital porter [errand runner for the nurses or on-staff physicians] | Stationshilfskraft {f} [Krankenhaushelfer, Pflegehelfer] |  |
 | educ. liaison teacher [female] [between pupils and staff] | Vertrauenslehrerin {f} |  |
 | educ. liaison teacher [male] [between pupils and staff] | Vertrauenslehrer {m} |  |
 | natural wastage [of staff] | natürlicher Arbeitskräfteabgang {m} |  |
 | spec. personnel hygiene [staff hygiene] | Personalhygiene {f} |  |
 | hist. mil. SS-Scharführer [staff sergeant of the SS] | SS-Scharführer {m} |  |
 | nucl. tech. weekend shutdown [staff, equipment etc.] | Wochenendstillstand {m} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. brigade de cuisine [kitchen staff] | Küchenbrigade {f} |  |
 | jobs mil. naut. First Sea Lord [Chief of Naval Staff] <1SL/CNS> | Erster Seelord {m} [Oberbefehlshaber und Chef des Stabes der Royal Navy] |  |
 | Mercury's staff / rod [caduceus; winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it] | Merkurstab {m} [Hermesstab] |  |
 | econ. jobs round of layoffs [staff cuts] | Entlassungsrunde {f} [Personalentlassungen] |  |
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