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English-German translation for: [stay]
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Dictionary English German: [stay]

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enforced {adj} [e.g. appearance, break, prostitution, stay]Zwangs- [z. B. Vorführung, Pause, Prostitution, Aufenthalt]
to abide [stay]
to abide [stay]
verweilen [geh.]
to roost [lodge or stay, esp. for the night]
logieren [(vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen]
sports to mark sb. [esp. Br.] [stay close to a player of the opposite team]
jdn. decken
to delay [stay on, linger]sich aufhalten [zögern, warten]
to roost [lodge or stay for a night or a period of time, usu. in an informal or temporary manner]sein Quartier aufgeschlagen haben [ugs.] [(vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen]
abode [archaic] [stay, sojourn]
Aufenthalt {m} [vorübergehend]
overnighter [stay]
Übernachtung {f}
constr. shore [brace, stay]
Strebe {f}
psych. clinomania [excessive desire to stay in bed]
Bettsucht {f}
TrVocab. couchsurfing [also: couch surfing] [to stay overnight with a series of hosts who typically provide basic accommodations (such as a couch to sleep on) at no cost]Couchsurfen {n} [Übernachten auf fremden Sofas]
tech. staytube [also: stay tube]Ankerrohr {n} [Behälterunterstützung]
tech. staytube [also: stay tube]Halterohr {n} [Behälterunterstützung]
tech. staytube [also: stay tube]Stützrohr {n} [Behälterunterstützung]
2 Words: Others
agr. grass-finished {adj} [beef] [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives][Fleisch von Rindern, die ihr gesamtes Leben auf der Weide verbracht haben]
2 Words: Verbs
to abide with sb./sth. [stay]bei jdm./etw. bleiben
to keep dry [to stay dry]trocken bleiben
2 Words: Nouns
house dad [coll.] [Am.] [stay-at-home dad]Hausmann {m} [in einer Familie mit Kind oder Kindern]
house mum [Br.] [Aus.] [Can.] [coll.] [stay-at-home mother]Hausfrau und Mutter
TrVocab. minimum stay [rental stay]Mindestmietdauer {f}
overseas stay [stay abroad]Auslandsaufenthalt {m}
naut. sea endurance [length of time a man or ship can stay at sea]Seeausdauer {m}
archi. sticky space [place that encourages people to stay]Verweilraum {m}
3 Words: Others
Keep it real! [coll.] [Stay true to yourself]Lass Dich nicht verbiegen! [Redewendung] [Bleib Dir selbst treu!]
3 Words: Verbs
to keep up with sb./sth. [stay close while following]mit jdm./etw. mitkommen [Schritt halten] [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. grass-finished beef [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives]reines Weidefleisch {n} [das Rind verbringt sein gesamtes Leben auf der Weide]
FireResc stay and playStay and Play {n} [entspricht dem Stay and Treat]
4 Words: Verbs
to stay on one's toes [idiom] [stay alert]wachsam bleiben
to tarry at a place [to abide or stay in or at a place]sich an einem Ort aufhalten [verweilen]
4 Words: Nouns
admin. stay at home order [also: stay-at-home-order]Ausgehverbot {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
med. case-based lump sum and procedural rate [for stay in hospital]stationäre Fallpauschalen {pl} und Sonderentgelte
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