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English-German translation for: [steel]
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Dictionary English German: [steel]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
damascened {adj} {past-p} [ornamented (as iron or steel) with inlaid work of precious metals]tauschiert
steelblue {adj} [spv.] [steel-blue]stahlblau
to clean [wooden floors with steel wool]spänen
tech. quenching [of steel]
Abschrecken {n} [von Stahl]
material pearlite [steel microstructure containing both ferrite and cementite phases]
Perlit {m} [Phasengemisch aus Ferrit und Zementit in Stahl]
material tech. slug [steel blank]
Rohling {m}
tin [coll.] [sheet steel]
Stahlblech {n} [dünnes Blech]
ind. height [steel]
Stärke {f} [Stahl]
engin. pass [steel rolling]
Kaliber {n} [Walzen]
tech. ferrule [termination for steel wire ropes]
Pressklemme {f} [Endverbindung für Drahtseile aus Stahldraht]
weapons flechette [pointed steel projectile]
Flechet {n} [pfeilförmiges Projektil]
hist. sports [wooden skates with a steel edge]Friesen {pl} [österr.] [hölzerne Schlittschuhe mit Eisenkufen]
electr. material Unverified ACSR [aluminium conductor steel-reinforced]Verbundleiter {m} aus aluminiumummantelnden Stahldrähten
constr. tech. pretensioning [structural steel, etc.]Vorspannen {n} [Baustahl etc.]
ind. jobs scarfer [in a steel mill]Gussputzer {m} [auch: Gussbrenner]
2 Words: Others
steel armoured {adj} [Br.] [also: steel-armoured]stahlgepanzert
constr. wide-flanged {adj} [steel beam section]breitfüßig [Stahlprofil]
2 Words: Verbs
to attribute sth. to sth. [e.g. 'hardness' to steel]etw.Dat. etw.Akk. zuschreiben [z. B. Stahl "Härte"]
tech. to coil sth. up [steel strip etc.]etw. aufrollen [Stahlband etc.] [aufwickeln, zusammenrollen]
2 Words: Nouns
material air patenting [steel]Luftpatentieren {n}
auxiliary support [e.g. a steel beam]Hilfsstütze {f}
tech. bead blasting [using steel beads]Kugelstrahlen {n} [mit Stahlkugeln]
ind. tech. burner arrangement [e. g. iron and steel industries]Brenneranordnung {f} [z. B. Eisen- und Stahlindustrie]
CV steel [chromium-vanadium steel]CV-Stahl {m} [Chrom-Vanadium-Stahl]
constr. tech. declutching detector [for steel piles]Schlosssprungdetektor {m} [für Spundbohlen]
ind. tech. drawing temperature [steel and glass processing]Ziehtemperatur {f} [Stahl-, Glasverarbeitung]
honing steel [sharpening steel]Abziehstahl {m} [Wetzstahl]
engin. HSS tool [high-speed steel tool]HSS-Werkzeug {n} [Werkzeug aus Schnellarbeitsstahl]
constr. interlock failure [of a steel pile]Schlossversagen {n} [einer Stahlspundwand]
sociol. iron cage [Talcott Parsons's translation of "steel-hard casing" (Max Weber)]stahlhartes Gehäuse {n} [Max Weber]
material tech. longitudinal slitting [esp. steel processing]Längsteilen {n} [bes. Stahlbearbeitung]
gastr. metal straw [stainless steel straw]Metalltrinkhalm {m}
tech. plastic spool [e.g. for steel wire]Kunststoffspule {f}
tech. reheating furnace [in forges, steel processing]Wärmofen {m} [in Schmieden, der Stahlverarbeitung]
engin. roll pass [steel rolling]Kaliber {n} [Walzen]
SS-tray [stainless steel]Edelstahlpalette {f}
econ. geogr. ind. Steel Belt [also: steel belt] [USA] [Rust Belt]Stahlgürtel {m} [ugs.] [Rust Belt]
material steel grade [also: grade of steel or steel quality]Stahlgüte {f}
hist. steel pen [pen with a steel nib]Stahlfeder {f}
ind. tech. superspeed steel [also: super-speed steel]Hochleistungsschnellstahl {m} <HSS> [auch: Hochleistungs-Schnellstahl]
gastr. tenderizing (meat) [e.g. with a stainless steel meat tenderizer]Mürben {n} [Plattieren, z. B. mit einem Fleischhammer]
constr. material weathering steel <WS> [often referred to as COR-TEN steel, Corten steel]wetterfester Baustahl {m} [auch: COR-TEN-Stahl, Cortenstahl, Kortenstahl]
3 Words: Verbs
to patent in air [steel]luftpatentieren
3 Words: Nouns
material cold work steel [also: cold-work steel]Kaltarbeitsstahl {m}
material cold-drawn steel [also: cold drawn steel]Blankstahl {m}
constr. material low-alloy steel [weathering steel]niedrig legierter Stahl {m}
4 Words: Nouns
tech. u-steel / U-steelU-Stahl {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
plated structures subject to out-of-plane loading [Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures]plattenförmige Bauteile {pl} mit Querbelastung [Eurocode 3: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Man with the Getaway Face [Richard Stark] [aka: The Steel Hit]Parkers Rache
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