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| sepulchral {adj} [e.g. inscription, monument, mound, stele, stone] | 217 Grab- [Grabes-] [z. B. Inschrift, Denkmal, Hügel, Stele, Stein] | |
| insensate {adj} [matter, stone] | 188 leblos | |
| carved {adj} {past-p} [in stone] | 129 gemeißelt | |
| stone {adv} [absolutely: e.g. stone cold, stone dead] | 9 völlig | |
| archaeo. tools lithic {adj} [of, relating to, or being a stone tool] | 7 Stein- | |
| inscribed {adj} {past-p} [grave stone etc.] | beschrieben [Grabstein etc.] | |
Verbs |
| to roll sth. [heavy stone etc.] | 655 etw.Akk. wälzen [schweren Stein usw.] | |
| art to cut sth. [in stone] | 391 etw. hauen [in Stein] | |
| gastr. to pit [stone-fruit] | 241 entkernen [Steinobst] | |
| to lapidate [obs.] [stone to death] | 212 steinigen | |
| to carve sth. [in stone] | 37 etw. hauen [meißeln] | |
| archi. art to dress sth. [stone] | 32 etw.Akk. behauen [Stein] | |
| to inscribe [on stone, rock] | 28 einmeißeln | |
| gastr. to stone [stone-fruit] | 25 entkernen [Steinobst] | |
| to break sth. [a window; e.g. a bullet, a flying stone] | 24 etw.Akk. durchschlagen [ein Fenster] | |
| to engrave sth. [in stone] | 20 etw.Akk. einmeißeln | |
| ind. mining to cut sth. [slate, stone, marble, etc.] | 14 etw. brechen [Schiefer, Stein, Marmor etc.] | |
| ind. to dress [stone] | 13 schleifen | |
| to set sth. [a precious stone] | 11 etw.Akk. fassen [einen Edelstein] | |
| to boast [stone] | grob behauen [Stein] | |
| to boast [stone] | aus grobem Stein hauen | |
Nouns |
| bot. pit [stone of a fruit] [esp. Am.] | 338 Stein {m} [bei Steinobst] | |
| jewel [precious stone, piece of jewellery] [also fig.] | 324 Juwel {n} {m} [Edelstein, Schmuckstück] [auch fig.] | |
| bot. for. T | 295 | |
| tablet [flat slab of stone, clay, or wood] | 173 Tafel {f} [aus Stein, Ton oder Holz] | |
| bot. pit [stone of a fruit] [esp. Am.] | 105 Kern {m} [bei Steinobst] | |
| ledger [slab of stone on a grave] | 66 Grabplatte {f} | |
| jewel [precious stone] | 39 Edelstein {m} [Juwel] | |
| med. passing [kidney stone] | 19 Abgang {m} [Nierenstein] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. pitter [contrivance for removing the pits from stone fruit] | 19 Entkerner {m} [um Früchte zu entkernen] | |
| constr. sett [paving stone] | 19 Pflasterstein {m} | |
| constr. ashlar [square hewn stone] | 11 Bruchstein {m} | |
| archaeo. art hist. balbal [anthropomorphic stone sculpture, Eurasia] | 6 Balbal {m} [anthropomorphe Steinskulptur, Eurasien] | |
| gastr. [brandy made from stone pine cones] | Zirbengeist {m} [österr.] [Schnaps] | |
| ashlar [square hewn stone] | Steinblock {m} | |
| ashlar [squared stone] | Werkstein {m} | |
| archaeo. cleit [Scot.] [stone storage hut on islands of the St. Kilda archipelago] | Cleit {m} [Steinbau als Speicher auf den Inseln des St.-Kilda-Archipels] | |
| constr. gallet [Am.] [chip or splinter of stone] | Gesteinssplitter {m} [Steinsplitter] | |
| hist. tools handstone [upper stone of a hand quern] | Läufer {m} [Reibekugel] | |
| handstone [upper stone of a hand quern] | Reibekugel {f} [bewegter oberer Mahlstein] | |
| kit [quantity of fish equalling 10 stone or 63.6 kg] | [Fanganteil entsprechend 63,6 kg Fisch] | |
| archi. hist. latticework [also: transenna] [latticed screen, made of stone or wood] | Transenna {f} [durchbrochene Stein-, Holz- oder Marmorplatte., bes. in Fenstern] | |
| marble [stone] | Marmelstein {m} [veraltet] | |
| constr. jobs mason [builder in stone] | Rauhmaurer {m} [veraltet] [Natursteinmaurer] | |
| constr. jobs mason [builder in stone] | Steinmaurer {m} [bes. österr., schweiz.] [auch: Natursteinmaurer] | |
| archaeo. tools microburin [stone tool production] | Kerbrest {m} [Steingeräteherstellung] | |
| travel milestone [also: mile-stone] | Meilensäule {f} | |
| med. nidus [starting point for calculus, e.g., kidney stone] | Kristallisationskeim {m} | |
| archaeo. nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia] | Nuraghe {f} | |
| archaeo. retouch [on stone tools] | Retusche {f} [an Steingeräten] | |
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