| English  | German |  |
 | social {adj} [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure] | 607 sozial |  |
 | delicate {adj} [having a fine structure or texture] | 129 filigran [feingliedrig] |  |
 | stout {adj} [strong in structure or substance] | 91 robust [Material, Schuhe etc.] |  |
 | dumpy {adj} [body structure of a person] | 38 untersetzt |  |
 | substantial {adj} [solid in structure] | 27 solide |  |
 | substantial {adj} [solid in structure] | 16 stabil |  |
 | constr. unsafe {adj} [of a building, structure] | 9 baufällig [nicht mehr sicher] |  |
 | bony {adj} [of bone] [e.g. structure, armour, growth] | 8 Knochen- [z. B. Struktur, Panzer, Wachstum] |  |
 | flamed {adj} {past-p} [wood structure] | geflammt [Holzstruktur, z. B. bei Ahorn] |  |
 | audio mus. tonal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colours, structure] | Klang- [z. B. Farben, Struktur] |  |
 | unorganized {adj} [without structure] | strukturlos |  |
Verbs |
 | to order sth. [structure] | 201 etw.Akk. gliedern |  |
 | to rejig sth. [esp. Br.] [system, structure] | 152 etw.Akk. umkrempeln [ugs.] [fig.] [System, Struktur] |  |
 | constr. to renovate sth. [building, structure] | 125 etw.Akk. sanieren |  |
 | to arrange sth. [structure, organize] | 107 etw.Akk. gliedern |  |
 | to raise sth. [a structure] | 59 etw.Akk. errichten |  |
 | to organise sth. [Br.] [structure] | 10 etw.Akk. gliedern |  |
Nouns |
 | wall [structure made of stones, bricks etc.] | 883 Mauer {f} |  |
 | lattice [framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips] | 754 Gitter {n} [System oder Gefüge aus sich kreuzenden Linien / Streifen] |  |
 | fabric [underlying structure] | 551 Gefüge {n} |  |
 | partition [structure] | 278 Trennwand {f} |  |
 | skeleton [structure, outline] | 115 Gerüst {n} |  |
 | constr. renovation [building, structure] | 68 Sanierung {f} |  |
 | partition [structure] | 58 Scheidewand {f} |  |
 | rail TrVocab. platform [raised structure beside a railway track where passengers embark and disembark at a station] | 45 Steig {m} [kurz für: Bahnsteig] |  |
 | naut. pier [breakwater structure] | 40 Mole {f} |  |
 | consigliere [position within the leadership structure of the Sicilian, Calabrian and American Mafia] | 26 Consigliere {m} [direkter Berater, höchste Stufe innerhalb der Hierarchie einer Mafiafamilie] |  |
 | naut. pier [breakwater structure] | 23 Hafendamm {m} |  |
 | partition [structure] | 20 Wand {f} [Trennwand, nicht gemauert] |  |
 | jetty [protective structure] | 19 Wellenbrecher {m} |  |
 | architecture [structure] | 14 Aufbau {m} |  |
 | partition [structure] | 14 Zwischenwand {f} |  |
 | archi. predecessor [structure] | 10 Vorgängerbau {m} |  |
 | sports stands [large raised tiered structure for spectators, typically at a sporting venue] | 8 Ränge {pl} [bes. Stadion] |  |
 | architecture [structure] | 7 Konstruktion {f} |  |
 | pol. referendum [binding vote on Federal structure changes] | 7 Volksbefragung {f} [Deutschland] |  |
 | anat. biol. arborization [branching structure at the end of a nerve fibre] | 6 Verzweigung {f} [an Enden von Axonen oder Dendriten] |  |
 | lookout [an elevated place or structure affording a wide view for observation] | 6 Aussichtswarte {f} |  |
 | archi. ossature [rare] [framework that supports a structure] | 5 Gerüst {n} [Rahmen] |  |
 | anat. biol. arborisation [Br.] [branching structure at the end of a nerve fibre] | Verzweigung {f} [von Axonendigungen] |  |
 | comp. bag [data structure] | Bag {n} [Multimenge] |  |
 | comp. math. bag [data structure] | Multimenge {f} |  |
 | archi. hist. bretèche [brattice] [small overhanging defensive structure often placed before the entrance of a passage way] | Nasenscharte {f} [eine schräg aus der Mauer hervortretende Mauerblende mit einer Schuss- oder Wurföffnung am unteren Ende; Wehr-/Wurferker] |  |
 | archi. constr. building [structure] | Gebäu {n} [veraltet] [Gebäude] |  |
 | constr. centering [Am.] [temporary supporting structure] | Lehrbogen {m} |  |
 | constr. centering [Am.] [temporary supporting structure] | Lehrgerüst {n} |  |
 | sports goal [structure] | Bude {f} [Tor(gehäuse)] |  |
 | archaeo. nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia] | Nuraghe {f} |  |
 | archi. palapa [Am.] [open-sided structure with a palm-thatched roof] | Palapa {n} [offene Struktur mit einem Palm-Strohdach] |  |
 | partition [structure] | Gliederung {f} |  |
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