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English-German translation for: [successful]
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Dictionary English German: [successful]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
lucky {adj} [archaic] [successful]
worked {past-p} [been successful]
geklappt [ugs.] [gelungen]
fruitful {adj} [successful]
erfolgreich [Karriere, Leben, Bemühungen]
prodigiously {adv} [talented, successful]
educ. [successful in acquiring external research funding] {adj}
to succeed [be successful]
reüssieren [geh.]
to fly [be successful] [e.g. plan] [Am.]
funktionieren [z. B. Plan]
theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful]en-suite spielen
to prevail [be successful]erfolgreich sein
acad. educ. pass [successful completion of an examination]
Bestehen {n} [einer Prüfung ohne Auszeichnung]
sports [ball sport requiring successful return of the ball to the opposing player or team] [e.g. tennis, badminton]Rückschlagspiel {n} [z. B. Tennis, Badminton]
hunting [branch worn on a successful hunter's hat]Beutebruch {m}
2 Words: Others
sad-sack {adj} [coll.] [never likely to be successful]chancenlos [unfähig zum Erfolg]
2 Words: Verbs
to catch on [coll.] [to become successful]erfolgreich sein
idiom to go places [be successful](sehr) weit kommen [erfolgreich sein]
to go places [idiom] [be successful]es zu etwas bringen [Redewendung] [viel erreichen]
to make it [manage to arrive in time, be successful]es schaffen
to take sb. far [to make sb. successful]jdm. zum Erfolg verhelfen
to work out [be successful]glücken [gelingen]
to work out [be successful]Erfolg haben
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. mil. aerial victory [successful aerial combat flight]Luftsieg {m} [auch: Sieger im Luftkampf]
fat cat [pej.] [successful businessman who is greedy for wealth]Bonze {m} [pej.]
high-flier [successful person]Senkrechtstarter {m} [erfolgreiche Person]
econ. performance reward [given to particularly successful sellers, sales agents]Ergebniszuschlag {m}
3 Words: Verbs
Unverified to die a death [Br.] [idiom] [fashion, craze etc.] [cease or fail to become popular or successful][enden, populär zu sein; scheitern, erfolgreich zu werden]
to go down well [fig.] [to be successful]gut ankommen [Erfolg haben]
to make a hit [fig.] [be successful]Erfolg haben
4 Words: Verbs
to be in the ascendent [idiom] [becoming more and more successful or powerful]auf dem aufsteigenden Ast sein [Redewendung]
to go like a bomb [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be very successful]ein großer Erfolg sein
5+ Words: Others
It was onward and upward (from there). [also: onwards and upwards] [sb./sth. was becoming more and more successful]Es ging (dann) immer aufwärts. [mit etw. oder jdm.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be on the way up [idiom] [successful person]im Kommen sein [Redewendung] [Karriere]
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