| English  | German |  |
 | twee {adj} [Br.] [pej.] [sweet or cute in a way that is silly or sentimental] | 100 putzig [ugs.] [hier pej.] [possierlich auf kitschige, gezierte oder lächerliche Weise] |  |
 | sickly {adj} [too sweet] | 42 übersüß [Kuchen, Parfum] |  |
 | dear {adj} [delightful, sweet, cute] | 22 herzig |  |
 | oenol. doux {adj} [of champagne: very sweet] | 17 süß |  |
 | darling {adj} [sweet] | 14 süß |  |
 | saccharine {adj} [pej.] [excessively sweet] | 8 übersüß |  |
 | mellifluent {adj} [sweet-sounding] | wohltönend [geh.] |  |
 | semisweet {adj} [also: semi-sweet] | halbbitter [ugs.] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] | 2772 Nachspeise {f} [Süßspeise] |  |
 | gastr. sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] | 2756 Nachtisch {m} [Süßspeise] |  |
 | gastr. macarons [sweet meringue-based confectionery] | 539 Luxemburgerli® {pl} [schweiz.] |  |
 | gastr. brittle [sweet made from fragmented nuts] | 288 Krokant {m} |  |
 | bot. T | 222 |  |
 | gastr. treat [titbit] [Swiss: sweet] [also a treat for dogs, horses, etc.] | 177 Leckerli {n} [ugs.] [schweiz.] [sonst bes. Belohnung für Haustiere] |  |
 | nosegay [literary] [a small sweet-scented bunch of flowers] | 90 Biedermeiersträußchen {n} |  |
 | gastr. confectionary {sg} [sweet pastry] | 81 Konditorwaren {pl} |  |
 | gastr. [type of cough sweet] | 60 Blockmalz {n} |  |
 | bot. gastr. capsicum [Aus.] [NZ] [Ind.] [(sweet) pepper, bell pepper] | 35 Gemüsepaprika {f} [Gemüsepaprikaschote] |  |
 | bot. T | 34 |  |
 | [person / child with a sweet tooth] | 33 Naschkatze {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | gastr. goody [sweet / candy] | 28 Bonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}] |  |
 | gastr. stollen [sweet German bread with raisins and icing sugar] | 24 Stolle {f} [bes. nordd.] [Stollen] |  |
 | gastr. sweet [Br.] [sweet dessert] | 24 Dessert {n} [Süßspeise] |  |
 | gastr. treat [sweet] | 21 Gutti {n} [ugs.] [regional] [Süßigkeit] |  |
 | gastr. sweetmeat [archaic] [sweet / candy] | 20 Bonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}] |  |
 | bot. T | 17 |  |
 | gastr. flan [sweet or savory dish baked in a bread or pastry shell] | 14 Wähe {f} [schweiz., südd.] |  |
 | zoggy [Am.] [sweet little dog] | 12 Moppel {m} [herziger kleiner Hund] |  |
 | gastr. sweet [Br.] [sweet dish, sweet dessert] | 11 Süßspeise {f} |  |
 | gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | 10 Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.] |  |
 | FoodInd. gastr. macaron [sweet meringue-based confectionery] | 8 Makrone {f} [französisches Macaron] |  |
 | gastr. [traditional peasant dish, similar to a pancake cut into small pieces, today mainly sweet dessert] | 7 Schmarrn {m} [österr.] [südd.] |  |
 | oenol. malmsey [a sweet Madeira wine] | 7 [süßer Madeirawein aus der Malvasiatraube (weiße Rebsorte)] |  |
 | gastr. franzbrötchen [sweet cinnamon-flavoured Northern German pastry] | 6 Franzbrötchen {n} |  |
 | oenol. [(semi-)sweet wine] | Damenwein {m} [veraltet] [lieblicher Wein] |  |
 | gastr. [Austrian and Slovenian sweet bread filled with nuts or poppy seeds] | Potitze {f} [österr.] [regional] |  |
 | gastr. [Bavarian veal sausage breakfast with wheat beer, pretzel and sweet mustard] | Weißwurstfrühstück {n} [Bayern] |  |
 | [sb. with a sweet tooth] | Süßschnabel {m} [Naschkatze] |  |
 | gastr. [sweet flour dumplings with seasonal ingredients; Harz specialty] | Diebichen {pl} [gekochte Harzer Mehlklößchen] |  |
 | gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus] |  |
 | gastr. [traditional Krampus sweet bread with raisins, baked for Saint Nicholas Day in Austria and Southern Germany] | Krampus {m} [Krampusbrot] |  |
 | gastr. Dominostein [sweet gingerbread pastry, sold during Christmas season in Germany and Austria] | Dominostein {m} [würfelförmiges Lebkuchengebäck mit je einer Schicht Marzipan und Fruchtmark] |  |
 | gastr. entremets [usually sweet courses or dishes usually served at the end of a meal (dessert)] | Entremets {pl} [Süßspeisen als Abschluss eines Essens] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | horehound [cough sweet] | Hustenbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}] |  |
 | gastr. lolly [Aus.] [NZ] [sweet, candy] | Bonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}] |  |
 | gastr. macaron [sweet meringue-based confectionery] | (französisches) Macaron {n} |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. pox [soil rot of sweet potatoes] | Bodenfäule {f} der / bei Süßkartoffeln [Bataten] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
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