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English-German translation for: [swimming]
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Dictionary English German: [swimming]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
sb. crawled [swimming]
jd. kraulte
crawled {adj} {past-p} [swimming]gekrault
natant {adj} [rare] [floating or swimming](auf dem Wasser) treibend
sb. crawls [swimming]jd. krault
swimmable {adj} [safe for swimming]bebadbar [schweiz.]
synchronized {adj} [e.g. figure skating, synchronized swimming]Synchron- [z. B. Eiskunstlauf, Synchronschwimmen]
sports to touch [swimming]
anschlagen [beim Schwimmen]
sports [to be habitually behind all the others in swimming races]hinterherschwimmen [ugs.]
to bathe [esp. Br.] [swim, go swimming]baden (gehen) [schwimmen (gehen)]
to swim sth. [to cross sth. by swimming]etw. durchschwimmen
to swim sth. [to cross sth. by swimming]etw. schwimmend überqueren
cloth. bathers [Aus.] [coll.] [swimming trunks for men and boys]
Badehose {f}
optics goggles {pl} [one pair of safety, swimming, or skiing goggles, etc.]
Brille {f} [Schutz-, Sport-, Schwimmbrille etc.]
sports goggles {pl} [one pair of swimming goggles]
Schwimmbrille {f}
dive [act of swimming underwater, usually with breathing equipment]
Tauchgang {m}
jobs lifesaver [swimming pool]
Bademeister {m}
sports stroke [rowing, swimming, tennis]
Schlag {m} [Rudern, Schwimmen, Tennis]
jobs superintendent [swimming pool]
Bademeister {m}
cloth. bathers [Aus.] [coll.] [swimming costume for women and girls]
Badeanzug {m}
locker [in a swimming bath]
Kästchen {n} [österr.] [im Schwimmbad]
sports kick [swimming]
Beinschlag {m} [Schwimmen]
pool [swimming pool]
Bassin {n}
sports armstroke [swimming]
Armzug {m}
sports stroke [swimming]
Schwimmart {f}
sports stroke [swimming]
Schwimmstoß {m}
sports aquathlon [composed of only swimming and running stages]Aquathlon {m}
balconing [jumping into a swimming pool from a balcony or (falling from height while) climbing on balconies or jumping between them]Balconing {n} [auch: Balkoning] [das Springen von Balkonen in einen Swimmingpool oder das (Stürzen aus größerer Höhe beim) Klettern an Balkonen oder Springen zwischen ihnen]
TrVocab. cabana [Am.] [beach, swimming pool]Sonnen-Cabana {f} [auch: Sonnencabana]
cloth. cozzie [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [short for: swimming costume]Badeanzug {m}
sports drafting [in swimming]Windschattenschwimmen {n}
sports judge [e.g. in athletics, gymnastics, swimming]Kampfrichter {m}
bot. hydro. nautochory [plant and plant seed spreading by swimming]Nautochorie {f} [Verbreitung von Pflanzen und Samen durch Wasserströmungen]
sports swimrun [composed of alternating swimming and running stages without transition]Swim and Run {n} [auch: Swim & Run]
2 Words: Verbs
sports to do lengths [Br.] [in the swimming baths]Bahnen ziehen [im Schwimmbad]
to tread water [when swimming in deep water]Wasser treten [beim Schwimmen]
2 Words: Nouns
sports arm stroke [swimming]Armzug {m}
baby pool [in a swimming bath, hotel etc.]Kleinkindbecken {n}
sports butterfly (stroke) [swimming]Schmettern {n} [ugs.] [Schmetterlingsschwimmen]
sports cannon ball [swimming]Arschbombe {f} [ugs.]
sports doggy paddle [coll.] [swimming style]Hundepaddeln {n} [Schwimmstil]
doggy paddling [coll.] [swimming style like a dog]Hundepaddeln {n}
sports flip turn [lane swimming]Rollwende {f} [Bahnenschwimmen]
archi. hist. sports ladies' pool [swimming bath]Frauenbad {n} [Schwimmbad]
sports nose clip [swimming]Nasenklemme {f} [Schwimmen]
scissor kick [in swimming]Scherenschlag {m}
sports swimming noodle [swimming aid]Schwimmnudel {f} [Schwimmhilfe]
sports tumble turn [lane swimming]Rollwende {f} [Bahnenschwimmen]
3 Words: Nouns
acad. pharm. psych. behavioural despair test [(Porsolt) forced swimming test]erzwungener Schwimmtest {m} (nach Porsolt)
counter-current system [of swimming pools]Gegenstromanlage {f} [bei Schwimmbecken]
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