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| |
| incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.] | 428 integriert | |
| autopoietic {adj} [systems theory] | 5 autopoietisch [Systemtheorie] | |
| autopoietically {adv} [systems theory] | autopoietisch [Systemtheorie] | |
| comp. wontfix {adj} [often capitalized] [a tag in bug-tracking systems stating that a bug will not be fixed] | [Ein Tag in Bugtrackern, der besagt, dass ein Fehler nicht behoben wird.] | |
Verbs |
| to mechanize [systems, whole industries] | 5 technisieren | |
Nouns |
| million <m., m, M, MM> [abbreviations: MM for finance; M / m / m. for SI / metric systems] | 835 Million {f} <Mio.> | |
| inertia | 396 Schwerfälligkeit {f} [Trägheit eines Systems, einer Organisation] | |
| values [value systems] | 39 Werthaltungen {pl} | |
| tech. jamming | 27 Lahmlegen {n} [eines Systems] | |
| geogr. geol. acad. aspect [geographic information systems] | 16 Exposition {f} [Geografische Informations-Systeme] | |
| autopoiesis [systems theory] | 10 Autopoiesie {f} [Systemtheorie] | |
| values [value systems] | 10 Wertehaltungen {pl} | |
| phys. tech. isolation [from other systems] | 7 Abschluss {m} | |
| acad. biochem. biotech. xenobiology [study of synthesizing and manipulating biological devices and systems] | 6 Xenobiologie {f} | |
| autopoiesis [systems theory] | Autopoiesis {f} [Systemtheorie] | |
| electr. autorecloser [used on overhead distribution systems] | automatische Wiedereinschaltung {f} <AWE> | |
| comp. bugdoor [in computer systems] | Bugdoor {f} [in Computersystemen] | |
| conceptualiser [Br.] [of life, worlds, systems, etc.] | Entwerfer {m} [des Lebens, von Welten, Systemen etc.] | |
| conceptualizer [of life, worlds, systems, etc.] | Entwerfer {m} [des Lebens, von Welten, Systemen etc.] | |
| comp. dotfile [syn. with hidden file in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| med. elastance | Elastance {f} [Maß für die Steifigkeit des respiratorischen Systems; Kehrwert der Compliance] | |
| electr. recloser [autorecloser] [used on overhead distribution systems] | Kurzunterbrechung {f} <KU> [automatische Wiedereinschaltung] | |
| ind. refurbishing [e.g. medical systems] | Refurbishing {n} [qualitätsgesicherte Überholung und Instandsetzung von Produkten zum Zweck der Wiederverwendung und -vermarktung] | |
2 Words: Others |
| MedTech. high-speed {adj} [film/screen systems] | hochverstärkend [z. B. Film-/Folien-Kombinationen] | |
| mil. nucl. weapons nuclear-capable {adj} [e.g. missiles, weapon systems, fighter aircraft] | nuklearfähig [z. B. Raketen, Waffensysteme, Kampfflugzeuge] | |
| comp. signature based {adj} [in intrusion detection systems] | signaturbasiert [bei Angrifferkennungssystemen] | |
| electr. engin. with memory {adj} [property of dynamic systems] | gedächtnisbehaftet | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| balance equation [e.g. in systems] | Bilanzgleichung {f} [z. B. in Systemen] | |
| tech. blanking spade [Br.] [in piping systems] | Steckscheibe {f} | |
| tech. case temperature [esp. electronics systems] | Gehäusetemperatur {f} | |
| tech. closed circuit [of fluid systems] | geschlossener Kreislauf {m} | |
| mus. contrabass clef [subbass clef] | Kontrabassschlüssel {m} [Subbassschlüssel, F-Schlüssel auf der obersten Linie des Systems] | |
| electr. tech. DC isolator [esp. in photovoltaic systems] | DC-Freischalter {m} | |
| comp. Internet Dexter model [architectural model for hypertexts and hypertext systems] | Dexter-Modell {n} [Architekturmodell für Hypertexte und Hypertextsysteme] | |
| comp. dot directory [syn. with hidden directory, esp. in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| comp. dot-file [syn. with hidden file, esp. in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| jobs duct builder [female] [sewage systems etc] | Kanalbauerin {f} [Abwassersysteme etc.] | |
| jobs duct builder [sewage systems etc] | Kanalbauer {m} [Abwassersysteme etc.] | |
| transp. grand union [tram or trolleybus systems] | Vollkreuzung {f} | |
| nucl. nuclear stability [e.g. of a system] | nukleare Stabilität {f} [z. B. eines Systems] | |
| tech. orifice plate [in piping systems] | Drosselscheibe {f} [für Rohrleitung] | |
| MedTech. orthogonal slice [esp. in imaging systems like MRI] | orthogonale Schicht {f} | |
| electr. tech. response characteristics {pl} | Übertragungsverhalten {n} [eines Systems, Messgerätes usw.] | |
| electr. tech. rolling code [esp. in keyless entry systems] | Rolling-Code {m} | |
| running-in | Einfahren {n} [eines Systems] | |
| astron. solar systems [planetary systems] | Sonnensysteme {pl} [Planetensysteme] | |
| tech. spectacle blind [in piping systems] | Umsteckscheibe {f} [DIN EN ISO] | |
| tech. stability requirements [e.g. of systems] | Stabilitätsanforderungen {pl} [z. B. von Systemen] | |
| sociol. structural coupling [systems theory] | strukturelle Kopplung {f} [Systemtheorie] | |
| comp. symbolic link [esp. in UNIX-type operating systems] | symbolischer Verweis {m} | |
| comp. tech. system administration [also: systems administration] | Systemverwaltung {f} | |
| automot. ind. technical cleanliness [of components and systems] | technische Sauberkeit {f} [von Bauteilen und Systemen] | |
| tech. winter operation [of heating systems etc.] | Winterbetrieb {m} [von Heinzanlagen etc.] | |
3 Words: Others |
| large-scale technological {adj} [e.g. systems, risks] | großtechnisch [z. B. Systeme, Risiken] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| educ. automotive systems engineering <ASE> | Automobilsystemtechnik {f} [auch Automotive Systems Engineering] | |
| econ. QM tech. Critical to Quality <CTQ> | qualitätskritische Merkmale {pl} <CTQ> [eines Produkts, eines Prozesses oder Systems] | |
| method of implementation [of a system] | Einführungsmethodik {f} [eines Systems] | |
| right to connect [e.g. solar systems, town water] | Zugangsgarantie {f} [für Anschlüsse, z. B. für erneuerbare Energie] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| MedTech. digital image rotation with subsequent processing [imaging systems] | digitale Bilddrehung {f} mit nachfolgender Bildberechnung [bildgebende Systeme] | |
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