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English-German translation for: [tape]
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Dictionary English German: [tape]

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
adhesive {adj} [e.g. film, tape, binding, dressing, power]
Klebe- [z. B. Folie, Band, Bindung, Verband, Kraft]
mus. tech. ADD [SPARS code: analog tape recorder used during initial recording, digital tape recorder used during mixing / editing and for mastering]analoge Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <ADD> [SPARS-Code]
mus. tech. DAD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, analog tape recorder used during mixing / editing, digital mastering]digitale Aufnahme, analoge Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DAD> [SPARS-Code]
sb. recorded [on tape etc.]jd. nahm auf
audio to record sth. [e.g. on tape]
etw.Akk. aufnehmen [Musik, eine Sendung etc.]
audio to record sth. [messages, announcements, etc. on tape, cassette, etc.]
etw. aufsprechen [Nachrichten, Ansagen etc. auf Tonbänder, Kassetten etc.]
audio mus. RadioTV to record [on tape etc.]Aufnahmen machen [auf Band, CD etc.]
to rethread [tape etc.]wiedereinführen [Band]
to tape sth. [to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with tape]etw. tapen [Jargon] [einen Tapeverband anlegen]
length [video, tape, DVD, etc.]
Spieldauer {f}
retension [magnetic tape]
Nachspannen {n} [Magnetband]
retention [magnetic tape]
Nachspannen {n} [Magnetband]
constr. tech. waterstop [sealing tape]
Fugenband {n} [gegen Feuchtigkeit]
audio leader [tape leader]
Vorspannband {n}
tech. capstan [allows the tape to run at a precise and constant speed]Tonwelle {f} [auch Capstan; bei Tonbandgeräten, Filmprojektoren usw.]
mus. tech. DDD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, mixing / editing and for mastering]digitale Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DDD> [SPARS-Code]
mus. demo [demo tape]Demo {n} [kurz für: Demoaufnahme]
hist. mus. Magnetophon® [also: magnetophone] [tape recorder]Magnetophon® {n}
mil. pipeclay [Am.] [archaic mil. sl.] [red tape]alter Zopf {m} [blindes Festhalten an sinnlos gewordenen Gepflogenheiten]
strip [adding tape]Addierstreifen {m}
2 Words: Others
two-track {adj} [attr.] [e.g. tape]zweispurig [z. B. Tonband]
when sb. recorded [on tape etc.]als jd. aufnahm
2 Words: Verbs
to duck under sth. [rope, tape etc.]sichAkk. unter etw.Dat. hindurchbücken
to listen to [tape etc.]abhören [Tonband etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
bulk eraser [tape media]Bandlöschgerät {n}
correct tape [rare] [correction tape]Korrekturband {n} [Schreibmaschine]
Duck Tape® [Am.] [duct tape]Panzerband {n} [ugs., bes. Soldatensprache] [hier: Duck Tape®] [Panzerklebeband]
Duck Tape® [Am.] [duct tape]Panzerklebeband {n} [hier: Duck Tape®]
Duck Tape® [Am.] [duct tape]Panzer-Tape {n} [ugs.] [hier: Duck Tape®] [auch: Panzertape] [vgl. Panzerklebeband]
textil. heading tape [curtain tape]Gardinenband {n}
audio electr. Unverified print-through [magnetic tape]Kopiereffekt {m} [Tonband]
cloth. Unverified taking measurements [with body tape measure]Maßnehmen {n} [mit Körpermaßband]
cloth. tapa-sexo [a strip of tape or cloth that covers a (dancer's) genitalia; esp. used in samba school parades]Tapa Sexo {n}
tape dispenser [esp. for adhesive tape]Abroller {m} [bes. für Klebeband]
med. TVT plastic [tension-free vaginal tape]TVT-Plastik {f}
film tech. voice track [on tape etc.]Sprachspur {f} [auf Tonband etc.]
3 Words: Others
through unofficial channels [cut through the red tape]auf dem kleinen Dienstweg
3 Words: Nouns
audio fast backward <FB> (button) [on tape deck]Rückspultaste {f}
audio fast forward <FF> (button) [on tape deck]Vorspultaste {f}
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