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| |
| harsh {adj} [flavour or taste; criticism] | 921 herb [Geschmack; Kritik] | |
| rank {adj} [smell, taste] | 901 widerlich [Geruch, Geschmack] | |
| crude {adj} [without taste] | 716 geschmacklos | |
| vulgar {adj} [lacking good taste] | 405 geschmacklos [stillos] | |
| naff {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [without style, taste or quality] | 298 billig [pej.] [geschmacklos] | |
| bitter {adj} [taste; also fig.: disappointment, setback, defeat, etc.] | 160 herb [bitter; auch fig.: Enttäuschung, Rückschlag, Niederlage etc.] | |
| gastr. nutty {adj} [taste, aroma] | 132 nussig | |
| insipid {adj} [without taste] | 109 lasch [Speisen] | |
| of {prep} [taste, smell] | 79 nach | |
| rank {adj} [smell, taste] | 67 übel [Geruch, Geschmack] | |
| assertive {adj} [conspicuous] [esp. of taste, aroma] | 40 auffallend [bes. Geschmack, Aroma] | |
| sharp {adj} [taste, flavour] | 20 säuerlich | |
| cosmet. oenol. floral {adj} [e.g. a floral scent, or taste] | 17 blumig | |
| burnt {adj} [smell, taste] | 16 brenzlig [veraltend] | |
| discriminating {adj} [taste] | 16 fein [Geschmack] | |
| bot. FoodInd. gastr. aniseedy {adj} [like aniseed, esp. in taste or smell] | anisartig [vor allem im Geschmack oder Geruch] | |
| oniony {adj} [in taste] | mit Zwiebelgeschmack | |
| round {adj} [in taste, e.g. coffee] | mollig [im Geschmack, z. B. Kaffee] | |
Verbs |
| to hit sth. [press] [a button, a key, etc.] | 441 etw.Akk. drücken [einen Knopf, eine Taste etc.] | |
| to strike sth. [press] | 370 etw. drücken [Taste] | |
| tech. to lock | 245 feststellen [z. B. Taste] | |
| to improve sth. [e.g. taste] | 74 etw.Akk. veredeln [geh.] | |
| to sting [taste, pain etc.] | 69 beißen [Geschmack, Geruch, Schmerzen] | |
| Unverified to delibate sth. [obs.] [rare] [taste] | etw.Akk. kosten [schmecken] | |
Nouns |
| FoodInd. gastr. flavor [Am.] [distinctive taste] | 773 Geschmack {m} [Geschmacksnote] | |
| smack [taste] | 117 Geschmack {m} | |
| tech. acerbity [taste] [in the technical register] | 32 Bitterkeit {f} | |
| mainstream [taste] | 30 Massengeschmack {m} | |
| electr. engin. failsafe [button] | 28 Öffner {m} [ugs. für Taste mit Öffnerfunktion] | |
| button | 19 Button {m} [Schaltfläche, Taste] | |
| arbiter [fig.] [female] [taste, fashion] | 16 Gebieterin {f} [fig.] [Geschmack, Mode] | |
| comp. RadioTV play [icon, button] | 15 Wiedergabe [ohne Artikel] [Icon, Taste] | |
| naffness [Br.] [coll.] [poor taste] | 13 Geschmacklosigkeit {f} [Stillosigkeit (als Eigenschaft)] | |
| comp. Enter [key, button] | 12 Eingabe {f} [Taste, Schaltfläche] | |
| oenol. race [characteristic taste] | 8 Aroma {n} | |
| mus. [musician who sightreads fluently but without taste or style] [hum.] | Notenfresser {m} [hum.] | |
| med. cacogeusia [bad taste in one's mouth] | Kakogeusie {f} [übler Geschmack im Mund] | |
| gustation [taste perception] | gustatorische Wahrnehmung {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| off-color {adj} [Am.] [in bad taste, vulgar] | etwas unanständig | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| gastr. to cook out [the flour taste in a roux] | [den Mehlgeschmack in einer Mehlschwitze] auskochen | |
| to hold down | gedrückt halten [Taste] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| tech. operator control [i. e. button, key] | Bedienelement {n} [z. B. Knopf, Taste] | |
| tech. SET button [also: set button] | SET-Taste {f} [auch: Set-Taste / Settaste] | |
3 Words: Others |
| sb. is a cheeseball [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [is lacking taste, style] | jd. leidet an Geschmacksverirrung [ugs.] [pej.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to give sth. a try [get a taste of sth., try sth. out] | in etw. hineinschnuppern [ugs.] | |
| tech. to press and hold sth. [button etc.] | etw. gedrückt halten [Taste etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| perception of taste [taste perception] | Geschmacksempfinden {n} [oder: Geschmacksempfindung] | |
| comp. scroll lock key | Scroll-Lock-Taste {f} [Rollen-Taste] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| comp. to be prompted to do sth. [e.g. to enter your password] | aufgefordert werden, etw. zu tun [das Passwort einzugeben, eine bestimmte Taste zu drücken usw.] | |
| to run in another direction [e.g. development, narration, taste] | in eine andere Richtung gehen [z. B. Entwicklung, Erzählung, Geschmack] | |
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