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English-German translation for: [therapy]
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Dictionary English German: [therapy]

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
gradual {adj} [therapy, etc.]
med. pharm. drug {adj} [attr.] [e.g. therapy, treatment]
medikamentös [z. B. Behandlung]
med. intractable {adj} [therapy-resistant]
conversational {adj} [e.g. partner, tone, topic, therapy]
Gesprächs- [z. B. Partner, Ton, Thema, Therapie]
med. to cup sb. [treat with cupping therapy]
jdn.Akk. schröpfen
to aggravate sth. [rare] [irritate: wound, scar, etc. (in therapy)]
etw.Akk. irritieren [selten] [reizen: Wund, Narbe etc. (u. a. als Therapie)]
reiki [alternative therapy]
Reiki {n} [Alternativtherapie]
shiatsu [alternative therapy]
Shiatsu {n} [Alternativtherapien]
med. physiatrics [physiotherapy, physical therapy]Physiotherapie {f}
Reiki [alternative therapy]Reiki {n} [Alternativtherapie]
Rolfing® [a type of massage therapy, also called structural integration]Rolfing® {n}
2 Words: Others
med. breast-conserving {adj} {pres-p} [therapy]brusterhaltend [Therapie]
med. pharm. drug-free {adj} [treatment, therapy]nichtmedikamentös [Behandlung, Therapie]
med. organ-preserving {adj} [e.g. therapy, surgery]organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation]
med. organ-sparing {adj} [e.g. therapy, surgery]organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation]
med. responsive to sth. {adv} [treatment, therapy, etc.]auf etw.Akk. ansprechend [Behandlung, Therapie usw.]
2 Words: Verbs
med. to break sth. off [discontinue, stop] [e.g. therapy, a treatment]etw.Akk. absetzen [abbrechen] [z. B. eine Therapie, eine Behandlung]
to jump ship [coll.] [idiom] [e.g. change one's supplier, leave a therapy]abspringen [z. B. den Lieferanten wechseln, Therapie verlassen]
to switch to sth. [e.g. drugs, therapy]auf etw. umstellen [z. B. Medikamente, Therapien]
2 Words: Nouns
med. antihormone therapy [also: anti-hormone therapy]Antihormontherapie {f}
Unverified conversion process [the process of conversion therapy]Konversionsmaßnahme {f}
MedTech. coupling bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.] [shock wave therapy]Koppelbalg {m} [Stoßwellentherapie]
med. CPAP therapy [continuous positive airway pressure therapy]CPAP-Therapie {f} [Therapie mit kontinuierlichem positiven Atemwegsüberdruck]
psych. dialogic therapy [dialogue therapy]Dialogtherapie {f}
med. phys. elongation factor [esp. in radiation therapy]Verlängerungsfaktor {m} [bes. bei der Strahlentherapie]
psych. family constellations {pl} [family therapy]Familienaufstellung {f} [das Familienstellen; systematische Therapie]
psych. hot seat [special seat in group therapy]heißer Stuhl {m} [besonderer Platz in der Gruppentherapie]
med. intravenous therapy <IV therapy, iv therapy>Infusionstherapie {f}
med. intravenous therapy <IV therapy, iv therapy>intravenöse Therapie {f}
MedTech. irradiation time [e.g. radiation therapy]Bestrahlungszeit {f} [z. B. Strahlentherapie]
med. occlusion treatment [eye patching therapy]Okklusionstherapie {f} [Amblyopie-Therapie]
med. speech pathology [speech therapy]Logopädie {f}
med. speech pathology [speech therapy]Sprachtherapie {f}
med. therapy trial [therapy experiment]Therapieversuch {m}
3 Words: Verbs
med. to be responsive to sth. [treatment, therapy, etc.]auf etw.Akk. ansprechen [Behandlung, Therapie usw.]
3 Words: Nouns
med. first-line treatment [first line therapy]Erstbehandlung {f} [Ersttherapie, Mittel der ersten Wahl]
anat. med. gamma nervous system [in eutony, breathing therapy, etc.] [rarely: gamma nerve system]Gamma-Nervensystem {n} [in Eutonie, Atemtherapie etc.]
med. hyperbaric oxygen therapy <HBO2 therapy, HBOT> [hyperbaric medicine]HBO-Therapie {f} [auch: HBO2-Therapie]
med. interferon-alpha therapy <IFNα therapy, IFN-alpha therapy>Interferon-Alpha-Therapie {f} <IFNα-Therapie, IFN-alpha-Therapie>
med. living-cell therapy [also: living cell therapy]Frischzellentherapie {f}
med. radioactive iodine therapy <RAI therapy> [radioiodine therapy]Radiojodtherapie {f} <RJT>
ultrared light therapy [also: ultra-red light therapy]Ultrarotlichttherapie {f}
4 Words: Nouns
biotech. med. pharm. biological response modifier therapy [biological therapy]Biologika-Therapie {f}
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