| English | German | |
| flimsy {adj} [thin and light] | 1015 hauchdünn [Stoff, Kleid etc.] | |
| waifish {adj} [overly thin] | 397 spindeldürr [Person, z. B. Model] | |
| textil. filmy {adj} [thin and light] | 255 hauchdünn | |
| stringy {adj} [tall and thin] | hoch aufgeschossen [auch: hochaufgeschossen] | |
| thin {adv} [in a thin manner, so as to produce something thin] | dünn [auf dünne Weise, in dünner Weise] | |
Verbs |
| to skim sth. [remove a thin layer of material] | 83 etw. abtragen [dünne Schicht von Oberfläche] | |
| to clear [thin out, remove confusion] | 18 lichten [Wald, Durcheinander] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. material foil [very thin layer of metal or plastic] | 1237 Folie {f} [sehr dünne Schicht Metall oder Kunststoff] | |
| envelope [for a letter or thin package] | 256 Kuvert {n} [Briefumschlag] | |
| switch [thin stick that can be easily bent] | 188 Gerte {f} [Rute] | |
| gastr. wafer [very thin] | 158 Oblate {f} | |
| book [thin booklet, exercise book etc. with soft cover] | 106 Heft {n} | |
| thread [short, thin] | 95 Fädchen {n} | |
| cords [thin ropes, electrical cords] | 73 Schnüre {pl} | |
| foil [thin sheet of metal] | 63 Metallfolie {f} | |
| stick [coll.] [very thin person] | 47 Hungerhaken {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [sehr hagerer Mensch] | |
| envelope [for a letter or thin package] | 36 Couvert {n} [schweiz. oder veraltet] [Kuvert] [Briefhülle] | |
| beanpole [tall, thin person] [coll.] | 34 Spargeltarzan {m} [ugs.] | |
| anat. biol. spines [e.g. thin spines] | 31 Dornen {pl} [z. B. dünne Dornen] | |
| film [thin layer] | 23 Schicht {f} [dünne Schicht, Überzug] | |
| roan [leather, thin sheepskin] | 19 Schafsleder {n} | |
| film [thin coating] | 16 Überzug {m} [Beschichtung, Glasur, Film etc.] | |
| chain [small, short or thin] | 13 Kettchen {n} | |
| gastr. [very thin coffee] | 6 Blümchenkaffee {m} [ugs.] | |
| beanpole [fig.] [tall, thin person] [pej.] | 6 Bohnenstange {f} [fig.] [dünne, große Person] [hum.] [pej.] | |
| gastr. [very thin coffee] | 5 Lorke {f} [nordd., bes. Berlin] | |
| climbing verglas [thin coating of ice on rock] | 5 Glaseis {n} [dünne Eisschicht auf Felsen] | |
| gastr. [very thin coffee] | Blärre {f} [ugs.] [regional] | |
| gastr. bouillon [thin soup or stock made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water] | klare Brühe {f} [Bouillon] | |
| dusting [thin layer] | Gesprenkel {n} | |
| film [thin layer] | dünne Schicht {f} | |
| gastr. flute [esp. thin baguette] | Flûte {n} {f} | |
| gastr. jus [meat juice, or a thin gravy or sauce made from meat juice] | Jus {f} [südd. auch {n}, schweiz. meist {m}] [(konzentrierter, event. leicht gebundener) Bratensaft] | |
| biol. microfilament [actin filament, thin filament] | Mikrofilament {n} [Aktinfilament, dünnes Filament] | |
| tech. scale [thin coating] | dünne Schicht {f} | |
| gastr. somen [also: sōmen] [thin wheat-based noodles] | Somen {pl} [auch: Sōmen] | |
| cloth. waterproofs {pl} [thin, transparent plastic personal raincovering] | Regenhaut {f} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| idiom a beanpole [coll.] [tall thin person] | ein langes Reff {n} [ugs.] [hagerer, lang aufgeschossener Mensch] | |
| bean-pole [also fig.: thin person] | Bohnenstange {f} [auch fig.: dünne Person] | |
| engin. law elongate member [chiefly in patent documents] [long, thin component] | längliche Komponente {f} | |
| engin. law elongate member [chiefly in patent documents] [long, thin component] | längliches Element {n} | |
| gold chain [small, short or thin] | Goldkettchen {n} | |
| gold spangle [small thin piece of glittering material] | Goldflitter {m} [golden glänzendes Plättchen] | |
| material tech. nickel plating [also: nickel-plating] [process of depositing a thin layer of nickel on a surface] | Vernickeln {n} | |
| material tech. nickel plating [also: nickel-plating] [process of depositing a thin layer of nickel on a surface] | Vernickelung {f} [das Vernickeln] | |
| material tech. nickel plating [also: nickel-plating] [process of depositing a thin layer of nickel on a surface] | Vernicklung {f} [das Vernickeln] | |
| electr. sheet resistance [measure of resistance of thin films] | Schichtwiderstand {m} | |
| string bean [coll.] [tall, thin person] | Hungerhaken {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [sehr hagerer Mensch] | |
| string bean [fig.] [coll.] [long, thin person] | Bohnenstange {f} [fig.] [ugs.] | |
| vaccary fence [Br.] [for restraining cattle, made of thin slabs of stone placed upright] | [Weideeinzäunung aus regionalen Steinen, üblich im Norden des UK] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| bag of bones [coll.] [very thin person] | Hautständer {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [hum.] [selten] [sehr dünner Mensch] | |
| bag of bones [coll.] [very thin person] | Klappergestell {n} [ugs.] [sehr dünner Mensch] | |
| dent. med. cutting-grinding technique [method to obtain thin sections for histological examination] | Trenn-Dünnschliff-Technik {f} | |
| pair of scales [thin shell pieces placed on sides of small knife blade] | Schalenpaar {n} [Messerschalen, bes. für Taschenmesser] | |
| MedTech. sliding subvolume MIP [sliding thin-slab MIP] | gleitende Subvolumen-MIP {f} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| FoodInd. gastr. assorted sliced roast pork [thin slices] | Schweinebratenaufschnitt {m} | |
| wisp of a girl [also: wisp of a boy, wisp of a man, wisp of a woman] [a small and thin person] | Strich {m} in der Landschaft [ugs.] [hum.] [ausgesprochen schmale, dünne Person] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be a bag of bones [coll.] [very thin] | Haut und Knochen sein [ugs.] | |
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