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English-German translation for: [thread]
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Dictionary English German: [thread]

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fine {adj} {adv} [hair, thread etc.]
dünn [Haare, Faden etc.]
count {adj} [e.g. thread 3-count]
fädig [z. B. Nähgarn 3-fädig]
tech. chased {adj} {past-p} [thread]
gestrehlt [Gewinde]
zool. cirrous {adj} [having tentacles or thread-like protuberances, often in tuft- or fringe-like arrays]cirrusartig [mit Tentakeln, Borsten, Wimpern oder dgl., oft in polster- oder fransenartigen Ansammlungen]
fine {adj} [hair, thread etc.]fisselig [regional] [dünn] [Haare, Faden etc.]
tech. to chase sth. [thread]
etw. strehlen [Gewinde]
to twist sth. [thread, rope]
etw.Akk. dröseln [regional] [Faden drehen]
textil. to weave sth. [thread]
etw. verweben
textil. to spool sth. [e.g. thread]
etw. spulen [z. B. Garn]
tech. to tap [to cut a female screw thread]Gewinde schneiden [Innengewinde]
tech. to tap sth. [form an internal screw thread in by means of a tap]etw.Akk. mit einem Gewinde versehen
gastr. to thread [form a fine thread when poured from a spoon]Fäden ziehen
to thrid sth. [archaic] [thread]sichAkk. durch etw.Akk. (hindurch) schlängeln
to thrid sth. [archaic] [thread]sichAkk. durch etw.Akk. (hindurch) winden
textil. strand [thread]
Faden {m}
thread [e.g. of a story, also in www]
Strang {m} [z. B. Erzählstrang, auch für thread im Internet]
string [slender cord, thread]
Spagat {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [dünne Schnur, Bindfaden]
tech. tapping [cutting a female screw thread]
Gewindebohren {n}
clew [ball of thread, yarn, or cord]
Knäuel {m} {n} [zu einer Kugel gerollter Faden]
tech. worm [thread]
Schneckengewinde {n}
snarl [tangled mass of thread, hair, etc ]
Fitz {m} [regional] [unentwirrbares Knäuel aus Fäden, Haar usw.]
Internet thread
Beitragsstrang {m} [Thread]
twist [thread, yarn]
Stopfgarn {n}
clews [balls of thread, yarn, or cord]
Knäuel {pl} [zu Kugeln gerollter Faden]
[heavy thread on a flat star-shaped spool]Sternchenzwirn {m}
tech. dancer [thread winding machine]Tänzerarm {m} [Drahtspulmaschine]
textil. snag [pulled thread]gezogener Faden {m}
string [thick thread](kräftiger) Bindfaden {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. double-start {adj} [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm]doppelgängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
tech. double-start {adj} [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm]zweigängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
tech. left-hand {adj} [thread, rotation]linksdrehend
tech. multi-start {adj} [thread]mehrgängig [Gewinde]
textil. S-twisted {adj} [thread, yarn]linksgedreht [Faden, Garn]
tech. single-start {adj} [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm]eingängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
tech. two-start {adj} [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm]doppelgängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
tech. two-start {adj} [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm]zweigängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
textil. Z-twisted {adj} [thread, yarn]rechtsgedreht [Faden, Garn]
2 Words: Verbs
to mess sth. up [e. g. thread, hair]etw.Akk. verwursteln [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
engin. tech. bottom clearance [thread]Spitzenspiel {n}
textil. craft thread [inexpensive thread][billiges Garn, billiger Faden, Zwirn]
tech. crest clearance [thread]Kopfspiel {n} [Gewinde]
tech. crest clearance [thread]Spitzenspiel {n} [Gewinde]
tech. drunken thread [coll.] [A condition in which the crest of a thread or threads wavers or is uneven.]taumelndes Gewinde {n}
photo. filter thread [lens filter thread]Filtergewinde {n}
tech. free fit [thread]Spielpassung {f} [Gewinde]
MedTech. Luer slip [no thread]Luer-Ansatz {m} [ugs.] [Luer-Steck-Verbindung, z. B. bei Einmalspritzen]
MedTech. Luer slip [no thread]Luer-Slip {m} [kein Schraubgewinde, z. B. bei Einmalspritzen]
MedTech. Luer slip [no thread]Luer-Steck-Ansatz {m} [ugs.] [Luer-Steck-Verbindung, z. B. bei Einmalspritzen]
tech. root clearance [thread]Kopfspiel {n} [Spitzenspiel] [Gewinde]
tech. small pitch [thread]kleine Steigung {f} [Gewinde]
tech. sulfur thread [Am.] [thread dipped in sulfur, used as a match]Schwefelfaden {m} [veraltet]
tech. sulphur thread [Br.] [thread dipped in sulphur, used as a match]Schwefelfaden {m} [veraltet]
3 Words: Verbs
to get messed up [e. g. wool, thread, hair]sichAkk. verwurschteln [österr.] [ugs.]
to get messed up [e. g. wool, thread, hair]sichAkk. verwursteln [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
textil. bobbin thread tension [lower thread] [sewing machine]Unterfadenspannung {f} [Nähmaschinen]
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