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| plant {adj} [attr.] [product, tissue, cell, life, etc.] | 203 pflanzlich [Produkt, Gewebe, Zelle, Leben etc.] | |
| biol. compound {adj} [multi-layered] [e.g. epithelial tissue] | 80 mehrschichtig [z. B. Epithelgewebe] | |
| tongue {adj} [attr.] [e.g. piercing, depressor, tissue, sausage] | 77 Zungen- [z. B. Piercing, Spatel, Gewebe, Wurst] | |
| biol. med. aberrative {adj} [in development of living tissue] | 24 fehlentwickelt | |
| supporting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. beam, column or pillar, tissue, wall] | 7 Stütz- [z. B. Balken, Pfeiler, Gewebe, Mauer] | |
Verbs |
| med. to transplant sth. [tissue] | 16 etw.Akk. übertragen [transplantieren] [Körpergewebe] | |
| to dismember sth. [partition or divide up, e.g. territory, tissue] | 11 etw. dismembrieren [veraltet bzw. fachspr.] [zergliedern, ablösen, (bei Grundbesitz: zerstückeln)] | |
| to remove sth. [e.g. asphalt, tissue] | 11 etw.Akk. abtragen [(schichtweise) entfernen, z. B. Boden, Material, Gewebe] | |
| to astringe sth. [bind together, e.g. tissue] | 10 etw.Akk. zusammenziehen [z. B. biolog. Gewebe] | |
| MedTech. to coagulate [tissue] | 8 verkochen [Gewebe] | |
| med. to electrofulgurate sth. [cauterise and remove tissue using a high-frequency electric current] | etw.Akk. fulgurieren [Gewebe abätzen mittels einer nadelähnlichen Elektrode] | |
| med. to mortify [tissue] | brandig werden [Gewebe] | |
Nouns |
| Kleenex® [coll.] [tissue] | 152 Tempo® {n} [ugs.] [Papiertaschentuch] | |
| med. transplant [transplanted organ or tissue] | 45 Transplantat {n} | |
| med. cautery [the process of destroying tissue] | 17 Ausbrennen {n} | |
| med. MedTech. coagulation [of tissue] | 6 Verkochen {n} [des Gewebes] | |
| pharm. alteplase [recombinant tissue plasminogen activator] | Alteplase {f} [rekombinanter gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator] | |
| MedTech. cautery [the process of destroying tissue] | Kauterisation {f} | |
| MedTech. cautery [the process of destroying tissue] | Kauterisierung {f} | |
| MedTech. coagulation [tissue] | Verkochung {f} [Gewebe] | |
| med. desmoid [a dense benign connective-tissue tumor] | harte Bindegewebsgeschwulst {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| chem. med. lip- / lipo- {prefix} [relating to fat or fatty tissue] | Lip- / Lipo- [auch: lip- / lipo-] [Fett- / fett-] | |
| single-sheet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. toilet tissue] | Einzelblatt- [z. B. Toilettenpapier] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| med. collagen disease [connective tissue disease] | Kollagenkrankheit {f} | |
| contrast staining [with tissue marking dye] | Kontrastfärbung {f} [Färbung von Zell- und Gewebe, Bakterien usw.] | |
| med. fat apron [panniculus as a result of fatty tissue growth (dense layer)] | Fettschürze {f} | |
| anat. irregular type [Typus irregularis] [connective tissue] | irregulärer Typ {m} [Bindegewebe] | |
| anat. VetMed. Purkinje's tissue [also: Purkinje tissue] | Purkinje-Netzwerk {n} [Purkinje-Fasern] | |
| anat. VetMed. Purkyne tissue [spv.] [Purkinje tissue, Purkinje's tissue] | Purkinje-Netzwerk {n} [Purkinje-Fasern] | |
| anat. regular type [Typus regularis] [connective tissue] | regulärer Typ {m} [Bindegewebe] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. tenderizing (meat) [marinating, braising, use of bacterial enzymes etc. to break down the tough connective tissue of beef] | Mürben {n} [Verfahren wie Marinieren, Schmoren, Verwendung von bakteriellen Enzymen, um Fleisch mürbe zu machen] | |
| biol. tissue change [also: change in tissue] | Gewebeveränderung {f} | |
| biochem. tissue engineering <TE> | Gewebekonstruktion {f} [Tissue Engineering] | |
3 Words: Others |
| market. sniff-through-secure {adj} [tissue] | durchschnupfsicher [Papiertaschentuch] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. avulsion of skin [from soft tissue] [degloving] | Décollement {n} [Hautablederung] | |
| med. soft tissue cancer [also: soft-tissue cancer] | Weichteilkrebs {m} | |
| MedTech. soft-tissue window [also: soft tissue window] | Weichteilfenster {n} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| FireResc med. RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation [mnemonic for a treatment method for soft tissue injuries] | PECH: Pause, Eis, Compression, Hochlagern [Pech-Regel] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| med. skin and soft tissue infection [infection of the skin and soft tissue of the skin] | Zellulitis {f} [Phlegmone] | |
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