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English-German translation for: [tower]
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Dictionary English German: [tower]

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to bestride sb./sth. [tower over, dominate]
jdn./etw. beherrschen
to climb sth. [a mountain, a tower, etc.]
etw.Akk. besteigen [einen Berg, einen Turm etc.]
to spring [tower etc.]
to overlook sth. [to tower above sth.]
etw. überragen
archi. turret [small tower]
Türmchen {n}
hist. dungeon [in a tower]
Turm {m} [mit Verlies]
hist. mil. belfry [siege tower]
Belagerungsturm {m}
electr. ironman [Aus.] [coll.] [transmission tower]
Strommast {m}
archi. hist. keep [fortified tower]
Wehrturm {m}
archi. [Frankfurt landmark tower]
Messeturm {m}
hist. jobs watch [tower guard]
Turmwächter {m}
hist. watchman [on a tower]
Türmer {m}
ethn. sports castell [Catalan human tower]Castell {n} [katalanische Menschenpyramide]
archi. hist. mil. magazine [tower for gunpowder]Pulverturm {m}
archi. hist. psych. Narrenturm [early psychiatric hospital in Vienna, today a museum] [often glossed as "Fools' Tower"]Narrenturm {m}
archaeo. nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia]Nuraghe {f}
jobs orn. Ravenmaster [Tower of London]Rabenmeister {m}
hist. jobs watchman [tower guard]Hausmann {m} [veraltet] [Turmwächter]
hist. jobs watchman [tower guard]Turmwächter {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to rise (up) [tower]aufragen
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. anchor tower [also: mooring tower or mooring mast] [airship]Ankermast {m} [Luftschiff]
electr. anchor tower [dead-end tower]Abspannmast {m} [Freileitungsmast]
archi. hist. battery tower [defensive tower in a castle wall]Batterieturm {m}
archi. castle tower [palace tower]Schlossturm {m}
drop tower [a type of amusement ride]Freifallturm {m} [auch: Freefall-Tower] [Fahrgeschäft in Freizeitparks und auf Volksfesten]
electr. electricity pylon [Br.] [coll.] [transmission tower]Strommast {m}
archi. Funkturm Berlin [Radio Tower Berlin]Berliner Funkturm {m}
ind. graduation tower [brine graduation tower]Gradierwerk {n}
electr. hydro tower [Can.] [coll.] [transmission tower]Strommast {m}
lookout tower [observation tower]Aussichtsturm {m}
archi. hist. Montalembert tower [also: Montalembert's tower] [fortress construction]Montalembert'scher Turm {m} [Festungsbau]
archi. hist. Montalembert tower [also: Montalembert's tower] [fortress construction]Montalembertscher Turm {m} [alt] [montalembertscher Turm]
chem. ind. scrubbing tower [also: tower scrubber]Turmwäscher {m}
ind. thorn house [graduation tower]Gradierhaus {n} [bei Dorngradierung] [selten bzw. veraltet für: Gradierwerk]
ind. thorn wall [brine graduation tower]Dorngradierung {f} [Gradierwerk]
archi. TrVocab. Tower Bridge [London]Turmbrücke {f} [seltener für: Towerbrücke, Tower-Brücke]
chem. ind. tower scrubber [also: scrubbing tower]Turmwäscher {m}
archi. hist. TrVocab. Water Gate [Traitors' Gate; water gate entrance to the Tower of London]Traitors' Gate {n}
3 Words: Nouns
games (Lightning-Struck) Tower <XVI> [also: (lightning-struck) tower] [Tarot card]Turm {m} <XVI> [Tarotkarte]
archi. travel (the) Clock Tower [coll. or dated for: Elizabeth Tower]Big Ben {m} [Elizabeth Tower seit 2012 (Glockenturm)]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. Ceremony of the Keys [Tower of London]Schlüsselzeremonie {f}
Yeomen of the Guard [Br.] [Royal household][königliche Leibwächter im Londoner Tower]
5+ Words: Nouns
archi. TrVocab. the Leaning Tower of Pisa [also: the Tower of Pisa]der Schiefe Turm {m} von Pisa
hist. Yeomen Warders (of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London)Yeomen Warders {pl} [Wärter im Tower von London]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
games F holdfast [castle, fortress, tower]Burg {f}
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