| English | German | |
| mil. fortified {adj} {past-p} [town, port] | 805 befestigt | |
| venerable {adj} [building, town, name, etc.] | 488 altehrwürdig [geh.] [Gebäude, Stadt, Name etc.] | |
| home {adj} [attr.] [e.g. town, planet, leave] | 386 Heimat- [z. B. Stadt, Planet, Urlaub] | |
| ghost {adj} [attr.] [e.g. town, train] | 71 Geister- [z. B. Stadt, Bahn] | |
| admin. geogr. district {adj} [attr.] [e.g. town, municipality, boundary, synod] | 28 Kreis- [z. B. Stadt, Gemeinde, Grenze, Synode] | |
| port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town] | 23 Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt] | |
| in {prep} [a city or town] | 21 zu [Wien, Mantua ...] [altertümlich] | |
| geogr. [concerning the town of Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia] {adj} | jülichsch [veraltet] | |
| geogr. Capetonian {adj} [from Cape Town (South Africa)] | aus Kapstadt [nachgestellt] | |
| downtown {adv} [toward the center of town] | stadteinwärts | |
| extramural {adj} [outside the walls or boundaries of a city or town] | außerhalb der Stadt [nachgestellt] | |
| flattened {adj} [region, town etc; by an earthquake, tsunami etc.] | dem Erdboden gleichgemacht | |
| geogr. Luccan {adj} [of the town of Lucca] | lucchesisch | |
| uptown {adj} [esp. Am.] [from the better part of town, fig. for: upper-class] | aus besseren Kreisen [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| mil. to capture sth. [a town] | 1280 etw.Akk. einnehmen | |
| admin. pol. to incorporate [town or city] | 475 eingemeinden | |
| to bypass sth. [town, village] | 109 etw.Akk. umfahren [auf einer Umgehungsstraße] | |
| constr. mil. to embattle sth. [fortify] [e.g. a town] | 27 etw.Akk. befestigen [zur Festung ausbauen] [z. B. eine Stadt] | |
| law to absorb [make part of an existing town/city] | inkorporieren [eingemeinden] | |
| to municipalise sth. [Br.] [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town] | etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen | |
| to municipalize sth. [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town] | etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen | |
Nouns |
| traffic road [outside a city, town or village] | 988 Landstraße {f} | |
| admin. pol. ward [of a city or town] | 368 Bezirk {m} [Stadtbezirk] | |
| urban neighbourhood [Br.] [district within a town or city] | 274 Viertel {n} [Wohngegend] | |
| dump [coll.] [pej.] [unattractive or boring town] | 262 Kaff {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| dullsville [town] [sl.] | 167 Kaff {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| backwater [behind-the-times small town] [pej.] | 101 Kaff {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| urban neighbourhood [Br.] [of a city or town] | 81 Stadtteil {m} | |
| admin. geogr. urban incorporation [Am.] [of a town, village, etc. into another] | 78 Eingemeindung {f} | |
| air [of building, town etc.] | 50 Atmosphäre {f} | |
| passage [through country, town etc.] | 50 Durchfahrt {f} | |
| district [part of a town, village] | 47 Ortsteil {m} | |
| outskirts [of town] | 45 Vorstädte {pl} | |
| educ. jobs schoolmarm [Am.] [a strict or old-fashioned woman schoolteacher, esp. in a rural or small-town school] | 44 Schullehrerin {f} [an den früheren Dorfschulen, streng und altmodisch] | |
| urban neighborhood [Am.] [of a city or town] | 37 Stadtteil {m} | |
| geogr. seaport [city, town] | 30 Hafenstadt {f} | |
| geogr. town [small town] | 28 Kleinstadt {f} | |
| place [village or small town] | 27 Ortschaft {f} | |
| admin. treasurer [of a city, town] | 25 Kämmerer {m} | |
| admin. [area of a city, town or village] | 21 Ortsgebiet {n} [österr.] | |
| admin. [German town directly subordinate to a region as opposed to a district] | 19 Stadtkreis {m} [in Baden-Württemberg für kreisfreie Stadt] | |
| admin. [any road outside a city, town or village] | 18 Außerortstraße {f} | |
| newcomers [to a country, town etc.] | 18 Zugereiste {pl} | |
| admin. [road outside a city, town or village] | 15 Freilandstraße {f} [österr.] | |
| urban centre [Br.] [of a village, town] | 13 Ortskern {m} | |
| hole [coll.] [unattractive, boring town etc.] | 12 Drecknest {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| comm. store [especially large out of town stores] [Br.] | 9 Verbrauchermarkt {m} | |
| hist. aristocracy [esp. of a city or town] | 8 Patriziat {n} | |
| traffic [any road outside a city, town or village] | 5 Landstraße {f} [österr.] [oft für: Freilandstraße, Außerortstraße] | |
| [citizen of a Hanseatic town] | Hanseat {m} | |
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