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|  |
 | comm. constr. for. timber {adj} [attr.] [e.g. industry, trade, yard, roof] | 395 Holz- [z. B. Industrie, Handel, Lager, Dach] |  |
 | comm. econ. for. lumber {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. industry, price, trade] | 120 Holz- [z. B. Wirtschaft, Preis, Handel] |  |
 | comm. fair {adj} [attr.] [trade fair] [e.g. attendance, catalogue, day, exhibit, hall] | 69 Messe- [z. B. Besuch, Katalog, Tag, Exponat, Halle] |  |
 | jobs relig. itinerant {adj} [e.g. labourer, monasticism, monk, preacher, trade] | 51 Wander- [z. B. Arbeiter, Mönchtum, Mönch, Prediger, Gewerbe] |  |
 | ivory {adj} [attr.] [e.g. carving, figure, tablet, trade] | 32 Elfenbein- [z. B. Schnitzerei, Figur, Tafel, Handel] |  |
 | domestic {adj} [e.g. trade, demand, economy, migration] | 22 Binnen- [z. B. Handel, Nachfrage, Wirtschaft, Wanderung] |  |
 | weapons arms {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dealer, depot, purchases, trade] | 13 Waffen- [z. B. Händler, Depot, Käufe, Handel] |  |
 | brew econ. brewing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, industry, sector, trade] | 11 Brauerei- [z. B. Konzern, Branche, Sektor, Wesen] |  |
 | econ. mercantile {adj} [trading, engaged in trade] | 7 handeltreibend |  |
Verbs |
 | to ply sth. [trade] | 631 etw. betreiben [Handwerk, Geschäft etc.] |  |
 | to smash sth. [dishes, etc.; a drug ring, the trade union movemnent, etc.] | 622 etw. zerschlagen [Geschirr etc.; einen Drogenring, die Gewerkschaftsbewegung etc.] |  |
 | comm. to merchandize [spv.] [obs.] [trade] | 57 handeln |  |
 | to dwindle [trade, initiative] | 56 verkümmern |  |
 | to ban [fig., political: of trade with terrorist regimes, of corporal punishment, etc.] | 46 ächten [fig.] [verbieten] |  |
 | to traffick [archaic] [trade] | handeln (mit) |  |
Nouns |
 | craft [trade] | 2536 Handwerk {n} |  |
 | union [trade union] | 2074 Gewerkschaft {f} |  |
 | econ. industry [type of trade] | 709 Branche {f} |  |
 | comm. booth [at a trade fair] | 519 Messestand {m} |  |
 | jobs profession [trade] | 119 Berufsstand {m} |  |
 | craft [trade] | 109 Gewerk {n} [fachspr.] [sonst veraltet] |  |
 | econ. industry [type of trade] | 90 Wirtschaftszweig {m} |  |
 | comm. booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | 67 Ausstellungsstand {m} |  |
 | pol. ban [fig., political: of trade with terrorist regimes, of corporal punishment, etc.] | 29 Ächtung {f} [fig., politisch: Verbot] |  |
 | comm. booth [trade fair] | 27 Koje {f} [Messestand] |  |
 | trafficking [illegal trade] | 27 Schieberei {f} [pej.] [illegale Geschäftemacherei] |  |
 | [pay scale agreed to by the trade unions] | 13 Tarif {m} |  |
 | tariff [on international trade] | 10 Handelszoll {m} |  |
 | brother [in trade unions] | 9 Kollege {m} [Gewerkschaft] |  |
 | law registrability [of a trade mark] | 7 Eintragungsfähigkeit {f} [einer Marke] |  |
 | comm. zool. T | 5 |  |
 | print trade [short for: trade paper] | 5 Branchenmagazin {n} |  |
 | archi. [buildings and premises in Vienna used for trade fairs from 1921 until the 1970s] | Messepalast {m} [Wien] [heute: Museumsquartier, MQ] |  |
 | comm. ecol. [trade fair for organic products] | Biomesse {f} |  |
 | [trade union representing a specific professional branch] | Spartengewerkschaft {f} |  |
 | blacking [by trade union] [Br.] | Bestreikung {f} |  |
 | dressmaking [trade] | Damenschneiderei {f} |  |
 | flooring [trade] | Fußbodenlegergewerbe {n} |  |
 | glazing [trade] | Glaserei {f} |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | market. publ. imprint [trade name] | Imprint {m} {n} [Verlagsname als Wortmarke] |  |
 | automot. make [trade name of the manufacturer] | Fabrikmarke {m} |  |
 | comm. nundination [obs.] [trade] | Handel {m} |  |
 | pol. Solidarity [Independent Self-governing Trade Union, Poland] | Solidarność {f} |  |
 | trafficking [illegal trade] | illegaler Handel {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | bare-knuckle {adj} [esp. Am.] [trade, negotiations, etc.] | rücksichtslos [Handel, Verhandlungen etc.] |  |
 | intra-American {adj} [e.g. trade] | inneramerikanisch [z. B. Handel] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be depressed [trade, economy] | daniederliegen [geh.] [Handel, Wirtschaft: nicht gedeihen / florieren] |  |
 | to slacken off [work, trade] | abnehmen [geringer, weniger werden] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. cleaning business [trade] | Reinigungsgewerbe {n} |  |
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