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 | roaring {adj} [traffic, waves] | 1186 tosend |  |
 | congested {adj} [with traffic] | 751 verkehrsreich |  |
 | traffic Crossroads [Br.] [traffic sign] | 443 Kreuzung [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
 | traffic Roadworks [Br.] [traffic sign] | 321 Baustelle [Verkehrszeichen] [veraltete Bezeichnung für: Arbeitsstelle] |  |
 | busiest {adj} [most traffic] | 317 verkehrsreichste |  |
 | traffic amber {adj} [Br.] [traffic light] | 181 gelb [bei der Ampel] |  |
 | air {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bubble, cleaner, cooling, analysis, traffic] | 84 Luft- [z. B. Blase, Filter, Kühlung, Analyse, Verkehr] |  |
 | comp. tech. telecom. bursty {adj} [LAN traffic] | 69 stoßweise [LAN-Verbindung] |  |
 | traffic busy {adj} [with lots of traffic] | 51 verkehrsreich |  |
 | pedestrian {adj} [attr.] [traffic, bridge etc.] | 39 Fußgänger- |  |
 | serial {adj} [adulterer, womanizer, traffic offender, etc.] | 7 notorisch [pej.] [Ehebrecher, Frauenheld, Verkehrssünder etc.] |  |
 | traffic Crossroads [Br.] [traffic sign] | Einmündung mit Vorfahrt von rechts [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
 | traffic Roadworks [Br.] [traffic sign] | Arbeitsstelle [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
 | traffic TrVocab. YIELD [Am.] [traffic sign] | Vorfahrt gewähren! [Verkehrszeichen: Geschwindigkeit verringern und bremsbereit sein] |  |
 | traffic YIELD [Am.] [traffic sign] | Vorrang gewähren! [österr.] [Verkehrszeichen: Geschwindigkeit verringern und bremsbereit sein] |  |
Verbs |
 | to divert sth. [traffic, a plane, the course of a stream, etc.] | 1214 etw.Akk. umleiten [den Verkehr, ein Flugzeug, einen Bach usw.] |  |
 | rail to withdraw [from traffic] | 334 ausrangieren |  |
 | to jam [traffic, paper etc.] | 239 stauen |  |
 | to tag [Am.] [coll.] [with a traffic ticket] | 41 aufschreiben [z. B. Falschparker] |  |
 | traffic to direct [traffic] | 29 regeln [Verkehr] |  |
 | [to destroy by excess vehicle traffic, e.g. dunes or desert habitat] | 7 etw.Akk. zerfahren [durch vieles Befahren völlig zerstören] |  |
 | to jaywalk [Am.] [to cross a street against a traffic light] | bei Rot über die Straße gehen |  |
 | to wear [to become worn by foot traffic] | sichAkk. abtreten [durch Begehen abgenutzt werden] |  |
Nouns |
 | traffic light [traffic light] | 463 Ampel {f} |  |
 | bump [traffic calming measure] | 295 Bodenwelle {f} [Verkehrsberuhigungsmaßnahme] |  |
 | traffic lights {pl} [traffic lights] | 68 Ampel {f} |  |
 | traffic amber [Br.] [in traffic lights] | 57 Gelb {n} [bei der Ampel] |  |
 | traffic clearway [Br.] [traffíc sign] | 33 Parkverbot {n} [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
 | control [of traffic, sound etc.] | 29 Regelung {f} [Verkehr, Ton etc.] |  |
 | traffic robot [S.Afr.] [coll.] [traffic light] | 20 Ampel {f} |  |
 | comp. fin. routing [of data, traffic, etc] | 16 Steuerung {f} [Routing, z. B von Transaktionsdaten] |  |
 | center [Am.] [hub, (traffic) junction] | 8 Knotenpunkt {m} |  |
 | turbulence [from passing traffic] | 8 Fahrtwind {m} |  |
 | traffic [German association of traffic participants, focus on ecology] | Verkehrsclub {m} Deutschland <VCD> |  |
 | [mobile indoor air quality monitor with traffic light option] | Miefampel {f} [ugs.] [Luftgüteampel] |  |
 | traffic [period of low traffic intensity] | Schwachverkehrszeit {f} <SVZ> |  |
 | traffic Unverified [priority for traffic turning left or right] | abknickende Vorfahrt {f} |  |
 | [priority road traffic sign] | (viereckiges) Spiegelei {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [Verkehrszeichen 306 für Vorfahrtstraße] |  |
 | [traffic lights that operate temporarily when necessary] | Bedarfsampel {f} |  |
 | RadioTV traffic [traffic reporting network] | Servicewelle {f} [Rundfunksendung, bes. mit Verkehrsdurchsagen] |  |
 | [traffic violation points registered in Flensburg, Germany] | Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA] [Deutschland] |  |
 | traffic urban [traffic-calmed area with precedence for pedestrians] | Begegnungszone {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | jobs rail conductor [for German regional traffic] | Kundenbetreuer {m} im Nahverkehr <KiN> |  |
 | jobs traffic flagger [Am.] [traffic controller] | Verkehrslotse {m} |  |
 | urban superblock [an area with reduced vehicle traffic] | Superblock {m} [verkehrsberuhigter, lebensfreundlicher Stadtteil] |  |
 | constr. traffic tunnel [for vehicle or foot traffic] | Tunnelbauwerk {n} |  |
 | traffic weaver [coll.] [through traffic] | Kolonnenspringer {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | traffic weaver [coll.] [through traffic] | Lückenspringer {m} [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | traffic Fallen rocks [Br.] [traffic sign] | Steinschlag [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
 | traffic Falling rocks [Br.] [traffic sign] | Steinschlag [Verkehrszeichen] |  |
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