| English | German | |
| interpreted {adj} {past-p} [translated orally] | 7 gedolmetscht | |
| proverb [German pun, may be literally translated as: When flies fly behind flies, flies are flying after flies (to follow them).] | Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. | |
Nouns |
| dearie [usually not translated] | 83 Liebling {m} | |
| dearie [usually not translated] | 13 Schätzchen {n} | |
| duckie [female] [Br.] [archaic] [often not translated] | 5 Süße {f} | |
| admin. Unverified [cantonally appointed leader of a district, sometimes translated as governor or bailiff] | Regierungsstatthalter {m} [Schweiz] | |
| film hist. name [nickname for the film actress Kristina Söderbaum, translated e.g. as: the water corpse of the Reich, most prominent water corpse in the Reich, the National Drowned Corpse] | Reichswasserleiche {f} [Spottname für die Filmschauspielerin Kristina Söderbaum] | |
| weapons Unverified AK [coll.] [officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova] [literally translated: Kalashnikov's automatic (rifle)] | AK {f} [kurz für: Automat Kalaschnikow] | |
| deary [usually not translated] | Kleine {f} / Kleiner {m} / Kleines {n} | |
| hist. law Deutschenspiegel [usually not translated; lit.: mirror of the German people] [legal code, Germany] | Deutschenspiegel {m} | |
| duckie [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [often not translated] | Süßer {m} | |
| geogr. Gnadensee [western part of Lower Lake Constance] [rarely translated as Lake of Mercy] | Gnadensee {m} | |
| hist. pol. Saisonstaat [pej.] [sometimes translated as 'seasonal state'] | Saisonstaat {m} [pej.] | |
2 Words |
| market-conform {adj} [WRONG for: in line with the market, in conformity with the market] [sometimes wrongly used in translated EU documents] | [marktgerecht] | |
| geogr. Lake Laach [often not translated] | Laacher See {m} [auch: Laacher-See, Laachersee] | |
| geogr. Lower Aargau [but usually not translated] | Unteraargau {m} | |
3 Words |
| caeteris / ceteris paribus {adv} [literally translated as "with other things the same," or "all other things being equal or held constant"] | unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen <c.p., cet. par.> | |
| with considerable licence {adv} [e.g. translated] | sehr / ziemlich frei [z. B. übersetzt] | |
4 Words |
| relig. Mortal, where are you? [translated theme of the 32nd DEKT; based on Gen. 3:9] | Mensch, wo bist du? [Thema des 32. DEKT; nach Gen. 3,9] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee [translated from the Chinese by Robert van Gulik] | Merkwürdige Kriminalfälle des Richters Di | |
| art lit. F On the Spiritual in Art [translated by Hilla Rebay, The S.R. Guggenheim-Foundation, New York, 1946] | Über das Geistige in der Kunst [Wassily Kandinsky] | |
| art lit. F The Art of Spiritual Harmony [translated by J.H. Sadler, Constable & Co. Ltd., London and Boston] | Über das Geistige in der Kunst [Wassily Kandinsky] | |
| lit. F The Jew's Beech [translated 2008 by Lionel and Doris Thomas] | Die Judenbuche. Ein Sittengemälde aus dem gebirgichten Westfalen [Annette von Droste-Hülshoff] | |
| lit. F The Jew's Beech-Tree [translated 1913 by Lillie Winter] | Die Judenbuche. Ein Sittengemälde aus dem gebirgichten Westfalen [Annette von Droste-Hülshoff] | |
| F [nickname of Kelly Bundy in "Married with Children"; in the German version rather translated as "dimwit", unlike "pumpkin" in the original US-series] | Dumpfbacke {f} [Christina Applegate als Kelly Bundy, US-Fernsehserie "Eine schrecklich nette Familie"] | |
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