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English-German translation for: [trap]
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Dictionary English German: [trap]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
traffic clocked {adj} {past-p} [speed trap]
geblitzt [Radarkontrolle]
gravel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bank, fill, layer, mining, pit, plant, trap]
Kies- [z. B. Bank, Füllung, Schicht, Abbau, Grube, Werk, Fang]
weapons bullet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. shot, trap, crossbow, grease]
Kugel- [z. B. Schuss, Fang, Schnäpper, Talg]
zool. mouse {adj} [attr.] [e.g. hole, trap]
to spring sb. [from a trap, prison etc.]
jdn. rausholen [ugs.] [befreien]
to bait sth. [e.g. trap]
etw. beködern [z. B. Falle]
fish weir [fish trap]
Reuse {f}
archi. hunting pitfall [trap]Wolfsgrube {f} [auch fig.: Fanggrube]
rattrap [coll.] [also: rat trap] [a hopeless situation]hoffnungslose Situation {f}
2 Words
to box sb./sth. in [trap or hem in]jdn./etw. einkeilen
sports (sand) bunker [sand trap]Bunker {m} [mit Sand gefüllte Senke auf dem Golfplatz]
toys Chinese handcuff [finger trap](chinesische) Fingerfalle {f} [Scherzartikel]
fish eel leap [wickerwork eel trap, eel basket]Aalreuse {f} [aus Weidengeflecht]
orn. funnel trap [Heligoland trap]Reuse {f} [Vogelreuse]
orn. funnel trap [Heligoland trap]Vogelreuse {f}
tech. intercepting trap [disconnecting trap]Geruchsverschluss {m} [z. B. bei Bodeneinlauf]
MedTech. needle trap [also: needle-trap]Nadelfänger {m}
hist. mil. punji stick [also: punji stake] [booby trap]Bambustrittfalle {f}
roach motel [generic term for any cockroach trap] [Roach Motel®]Kakerlakenfalle {f}
tendelle traps [bird-trap hunting]Quetschfallen {pl}
tendelle traps [bird-trap hunting]Steinquetschfallen {pl}
tech. u-bend [trap, plumbing]Röhrensiphon {m}
3 Words
Wrap (it) up! [Br.] [sl.] [Shut your trap!]Halt die Klappe! [ugs.]
hunting stone crush trap [coll.] [tendelle for bird-trap hunting]Steinquetschfalle {f}
biol. orn. stone crush trap [coll.] [tendelle for bird-trap hunting]Quetschfalle {f}
trou de loup [booby trap]Wolfsfalle {f} [Grube mit Pfahl]
5+ Words
proverb Do what you are told and keep quiet! [literally: Clasp your hands and shut your trap!]Hände falten, Goschen halten! [österr.] [Redewendung]
to go for a pony (and trap) [Br.] [vulg.] [Abbr. for Cockney rhyming: pony & trap = crap]scheißen gehen [vulg.]
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