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English-German translation for: [travelling]
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Dictionary English German: [travelling]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
via {prep} [by way of, travelling through; by means of (e.g. via satellite), by the agency of (e.g. via a friend)]
über [+Akk.] [einen Ort passierend (z. B. über München reisen); mittels, per (z. B. über Satellit), durch Vermittlung (z. B. über einen Freund)]
busing {adj} [travelling by bus]mit dem Bus reisend
bussing {adj} [travelling by bus] [spv.]mit dem Bus reisend
eastbound {adj} [travelling towards the east]ostwärts fahrend
transp. mileage [travelling expenses paid according to the number of miles travelled]
Kilometergeld {n} [eigentlich: »Meilengeld«]
comm. traveller [travelling salesman]
Handelsvertreter {m}
hist. travel Berlin [also: Berline] [travelling carriage]Berline {f} [Reisekutsche]
hist. travel Berline [also: Berlin] [travelling carriage]Berline {f} [Reisekutsche]
comm. hist. piepowder [England] [travelling market trader]Wanderhändler {m}
valise [esp. for travelling by horse]Mantelsack {m} [veraltet]
2 Words
travel-weary {adj} [tired of travelling]reisemüde
to rough it [when travelling] [coll.] [idiom]ohne (jeden) Komfort reisen
to use sth. up [esp. petrol / gasoline] [travelling by car]etw.Akk. verfahren [verbrauchen, bes. Benzin]
law travel birth tourism [also: birth-tourism] [travelling to another country so that the child becomes a lawful citizen of that country]Geburtstourismus {m} [Reise in ein anderes Land, damit das Kind die dortige Staatsangehörigkeit erhält]
per diem [daily allowance for living expenses while travelling]Auslösung {f}
3 Words
on the move {adv} [idiom] [travelling, on the road]auf Achse [ugs.] [Redewendung] [unterwegs, auf Reisen]
on the road {adv} [idiom] [on tour, travelling]auf Achse [ugs.] [Redewendung] [unterwegs, auf Reisen]
on the road {adv} [idiom] [travelling]unterwegs [auf Reisen (bes. geschäftlich)]
philat. TPO / T.P.O. cancellation [Travelling Post Office]Bahnpoststempel {m}
4 Words
on a Europe trip {adv} [travelling through Europe]auf (einer) Europareise
to be worth a visit [to be worth travelling to]eine Reise wert sein [einen Besuch wert sein]
5+ Words
idiom to be always on the move [idiom] [be always travelling]ständig auf Achse sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be on one's way through [to be travelling through]auf der Durchreise sein
to be on the way through [to be travelling through]auf der Durchreise sein
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Beatrice Goes to Brighton [The Travelling Matchmaker #4] [Marion Chesney]Neues Glück für Beatrice
lit. F Belinda Goes to Bath [The Travelling Matchmaker #2] [Marion Chesney]Das Schloß am Fluß
lit. F Deborah Goes to Dover [The Travelling Matchmaker #5] [Marion Chesney]Ein wildes Mädchen
lit. F Emily Goes to Exeter [The Travelling Matchmaker #1] [Marion Chesney]Fahrt ins Glück
lit. F Penelope Goes to Portsmouth [The Travelling Matchmaker #3] [Marion Chesney]Penelope
lit. F Yvonne Goes to York [The Travelling Matchmaker #6] [Marion Chesney]Unterwegs ins Glück
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