| English | German | |
| inefficient {adj} [method, treatment etc.] | 325 unwirksam | |
| root {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ball, extract, rot, treatment, canal] | 165 Wurzel- [z. B. Ballen, Extrakt, Fäule, Behandlung, Kanal] | |
| humane {adj} [treatment etc.] | 142 menschlich | |
| harsh {adj} [severe, stern, (treatment:) ungentle, unpleasant] | 43 rigoros | |
| med. pharm. drug {adj} [attr.] [e.g. therapy, treatment] | 40 medikamentös [z. B. Behandlung] | |
| shabby {adj} [treatment of a person etc.] | 29 stiefmütterlich [fig.] | |
| humane {adj} [treatment of animals] | 24 tiergerecht | |
| adequate {adj} [e.g. packing, treatment etc.] | 10 sachgemäß [z. B. Verpackung, Behandlung usw.] | |
| rotten {adj} [coll.] [excuse, treatment] | 6 schofel [ugs.] | |
| textil. burnout {adj} [velvet fabric treatment] | Ausbrenner- | |
| dent. chairside {adj} [next to or in the vicinity of the dental chair during treatment] | [neben oder nahe des Behandlungsstuhls beim Zahnarzt] | |
| med. curative {adj} [e.g. effect, power, treatment] | Heil- [z. B. Wirkung, Kraft, Behandlung] | |
| med. immedicable {adj} [unresponsive to treatment] | untherapierbar [nicht auf Behandlung ansprechend] | |
| med. noninvasive {adj} [e.g. treatment] | nichteingreifend [nichtinvasiv] | |
| med. subaqual {adj} [application, treatment] | subaqual [Anwendung, Behandlung] | |
Verbs |
| to discontinue sth. [e.g. one's visits, the ferry service, the treatment] | 770 etw. einstellen [z. B. seine Besuche, den Fährbetrieb, die Behandlung] | |
| med. to work [of a treatment etc.] | 55 anschlagen [Medizin, Behandlung] | |
| biol. cosmet. to exfoliate [cosmetic treatment] | die Haut schälen | |
| to finish sth. [give a surface treatment to sth.] | etw.Dat. ein Finish geben | |
Nouns |
| justice [just behaviour or treatment] | 1837 Gerechtigkeit {f} | |
| acad. discourse [treatment of a subject in speech] | 336 Vortrag {m} [Abhandlung] | |
| med. clinic [esp. Br.] [occasion or time when medical treatment or advice is given] | 188 Sprechstunde {f} | |
| dent. mouthguard [used in the treatment of bruxism] | 162 Zahnschiene {f} [Aufbissschiene] | |
| care [treatment of e.g. wounds] | 104 Behandlung {f} [z. B. von Wunden] | |
| sludge [formed in sewage treatment] | 90 Klärschlamm {m} | |
| discrimination [discriminatory treatment] | 80 Ungleichbehandlung {f} | |
| compendium [summary, brief treatment of sth.] | 15 Abriss {m} [Kompendium] | |
| base [e.g. treatment chair] | 7 Unterteil {n} [z. B. Behandlungsstuhl] | |
| sociol. equity [equal treatment] | 7 Gleichbehandlung {f} | |
| med. optics [diagnosis and treatment of strabismus] | Schielheilkunde {f} [Strabologie] | |
| med. pharm. [medical treatment to reduce blood coagulation with coumarin-type drugs] | Marcumarisierung {f} [ugs.] [medikamentöse Behandlung mit Marcumar®] | |
| med. [medical treatment using therapeutic baths] | Bäderbehandlung {f} | |
| med. [outpatient or non-hospital treatment] | ambulante Behandlung {f} | |
| ecol. [waste treatment regulation] | Abfallbehandlungspflichtenverordnung {f} <AbpVO> [österr.] | |
| med. pharm. arm [investigational group, treatment group] | Arm {m} [Behandlungsgruppe in einer randomisierten Studie] | |
| med. chiropody [esp. Br.] [the treatment of the feet, esp. the treatment of corns, verrucas, etc.] | Fußbehandlung {f} | |
| med. course [of treatment] | Behandlungskur {f} | |
| med. pharm. medication [treatment] | medikamentöse Behandlung {f} | |
| med. tech. monitoring [e.g. of a treatment] | Verlaufsüberwachung {f} [z. B. einer Behandlung] [Monitoring] | |
| med. nailing [fracture treatment] | Frakturnagelung {f} | |
| FoodInd. med. Plumpy'nut® [a peanut-based paste in a plastic wrapper for treatment of severe acute malnutrition] | Plumpy'nut® {n} [ugs.: Plumpy] [therapeutische Fertignahrung] | |
| med. MedTech. radiation [medical treatment] | Radiatio {f} [Strahlenbehandlung] | |
| hist. Sonderbehandlung ['special treatment', the Nazi euphemism for bureaucratized, state-organized murder] | Sonderbehandlung {f} <S.B.> [NS-Tarnbezeichnung für staatl. angeordneten Mord] | |
| med. surgery [surgical treatment] | chirurgische Behandlung {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| med. pharm. drug-free {adj} [treatment, therapy] | nichtmedikamentös [Behandlung, Therapie] | |
| med. in-hospital {adj} [treatment] | intramural [österr.] [in einem Krankenhaus] | |
| low-key {adj} [production, film's treatment] | unaufdringlich | |
| low-key {adj} [production, film's treatment] | einfach gehalten | |
| organ-saving {adj} [treatment, concept, etc.] | organerhaltend [Behandlung, Konzept usw.] | |
| med. responsive to sth. {adv} [treatment, therapy, etc.] | auf etw.Akk. ansprechend [Behandlung, Therapie usw.] | |
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