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| to abrogate sth. [treaty] | 1327 etw. kündigen [Vertrag] | |
| econ. to negotiate sth. [e.g. a contract, a treaty] | 895 etw.Akk. abschließen [Handel, Vertrag] | |
| to negotiate sth. [e.g. a contract, a treaty] | 346 etw.Akk. unterhandeln | |
| to cancel sth. [e. g. a contract, treaty] | 196 etw. aufheben [ungültig machen] | |
Nouns |
| pol. accord [official agreement or treaty] | 764 Abkommen {n} | |
| article [in a treaty, contract etc.] | 220 Abschnitt {m} [in einem Schriftstück] | |
| law term [in a contract or treaty] | 85 Bestimmung {f} [in Verträgen] | |
| accession [to treaty, demand] | 29 Einwilligung {f} | |
| law cancellation [of a treaty] | 25 Lösung {f} [eines Vertrags] | |
| hist. [clause in the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye prohibiting the unification of Austria and Germany] | Anschlussverbot {n} | |
| hist. pol. [General Treaty for the Renunciation of War; signed on August 27, 1928] | Kriegächtungspakt {m} [vom 27. August 1928] | |
| admin. Unverified [immigration into Switzerland from EU permitted by a recent treaty guaranteeing freedom of movement] | Freizügigkeitszuwanderung {f} | |
| mil. pol. NATO [also: Nato] [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] | NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [Kurzwort] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| law pol. to accede to sth. [formal] [agree to the terms of an agreement or treaty, etc.] | etw.Dat. beitreten [den Bedingungen eines Abkommens zustimmen] [z. B. einem Abkommen od. Staatsvertag] | |
| to negotiate sth. (with sb.) [e.g. a contract, a treaty] | etw.Akk. (mit jdm.) aushandeln [z. B. einen Vertrag] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| pol. ANZUS Treaty [The Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty] | ANZUS-Abkommen {n} [gebildet aus den englischen Abkürzungen der teilnehmenden Staaten Australien, Neuseeland und USA] | |
| law approval law [a federal law, with which national approval to an international treaty is given] | Zustimmungsgesetz {n} [Vertragsgesetz] | |
| law continued application [of a law or treaty] | Weitergeltung {f} [eines Gesetzes oder Vertrags] | |
| hist. mil. pol. dictated peace [e.g. Treaty of Versailles] | Diktatfrieden {m} | |
| comm. law exit agreement [out of a contract or treaty] | Austrittsabkommen {n} | |
| comm. law exit agreement [out of a contract or treaty] | Austrittsvertrag {m} | |
| law pol. final act [part of treaty] | Schlussakte {f} | |
| law pol. final act [part of treaty] | Schlußakte {f} [alt] | |
| pol. German Treaty [coll.] [Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany between the two German states and the four victorious powers of the Second World War] | Regelungsvertrag {m} [ugs.] [Vertrag zwischen den beiden deutschen Staaten und den vier Siegermächten des Zweiten Weltkrieges über die abschließende Regelung in bezug auf Deutschland] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| law to be in force [treaty, contract, etc.] | rechtskräftig sein [Übereinkommen, Vertrag usw.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| law pol. entering into force [law, treaty] | Inkrafttreten {n} | |
| law pol. entry into force [law, treaty] | Inkrafttreten {n} | |
| mil. pol. North Atlantic Alliance [NATO] | NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [kurz für: North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [Atlantisches Bündnis] | |
| hist. Treaty of Karlowitz [1699] [also: Treaty of Carlowitz] | Frieden {m} von Karlowitz [auch: Friede von Karlowitz] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty <ABM Treaty, ABMT> | ABM-Vertrag {m} [Vertrag über die Begrenzung von antiballistischen Raketenabwehrsystemen] | |
| hist. Treaty of Adrianople (1829) [also: Treaty of Edirne] | Friede {m} von Adrianopel (1829) | |
| pol. Treaty on European Union <TEU> [Maastricht Treaty] | Vertrag {m} über die Europäische Union <EUV> [Vertrag von Maastricht] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. Treaty of the Three Black Eagles [also: Treaty of Berlin] [1732] | Allianzvertrag {m} der drei Schwarzen Adler [auch: Vertrag von Berlin] | |
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