| English | German | |
| crooked {adj} [mostly trees] | 36 verwachsen | |
| bot. weeping {adj} [trees, shrubs] | 33 hängend | |
| isolated {adj} [e.g. trees] | 11 alleinstehend | |
| for. arbored {adj} [having trees] | baumbestanden | |
| bot. for. arborous {adj} [consisting of trees] | aus Bäumen bestehend | |
| bot. for. arborous {adj} [formed by trees] | von Bäumen gebildet | |
| bot. for. arborous {adj} [relating to trees] | baumbezogen | |
| bare {adj} [trees] | ohne Laub [nachgestellt] | |
| overmature {adj} [e.g. trees, forest] | überaltert | |
| piny {adj} [covered with pine trees] | mit Kiefern bewachsen | |
Verbs |
| for. to log sth. [harvest trees] | 314 etw.Akk. fällen [Bäume zur Holzgewinnung] | |
| to poll [trees etc.] | 47 beschneiden | |
| to moan [wind, trees] | 34 raunen [geh.] | |
| for. to log sth. [trees] | 11 etw. schlägern [österr.] [fällen (Bäume)] | |
| to lean [trees] | sich biegen [Bäume] | |
| to level [building, trees] | dem Erdboden gleichmachen | |
Nouns |
| row [line of trees, houses etc.] | 1008 Zeile {f} [Reihe] | |
| motte [Am., esp. Texas] [also: mott] [copse or small grove of trees] | 534 Baumgruppe {f} | |
| cluster [trees, islands, houses etc.] | 295 Gruppe {f} [Bäume, Inseln, Häuser usw.] | |
| for. hort. lopping [of trees] | 125 Zurückschneiden {n} [von Bäumen] | |
| for. felling [of trees] | 96 Abtrieb {m} [Abholzung] | |
| hort. tools secateurs {pl} [one pair] [Br.] [for trees] | 87 Baumschere {f} | |
| clump [of houses, trees, flowers, etc.] | 84 Gruppe {f} [Häuser, Bäume, Blumen etc.] | |
| agr. for. hort. stand [of trees] | 53 Bestand {m} [von Bäumen] | |
| agr. ecol. [meadow with scattered fruit trees] | 34 Streuobstwiese {f} | |
| for. litter [from trees etc.] | 32 Bodenstreu {f} | |
| hort. tools loppers {pl} [one pair] [for pruning trees] | 29 Baumschere {f} | |
| moan [of wind, trees, etc.] | 28 Raunen {n} [geh.] | |
| belt [e.g. of trees] | 22 Streifen {m} [z. B. Waldstreifen] | |
| for. deadfall [Am.] [tangled mass of fallen trees and brush] | 20 Windbruch {m} | |
| shadowing [by trees etc.] | 15 Beschattung {f} [durch Bäume etc.] | |
| bot. periderm [the outermost layer of stems and roots of trees etc.] | 14 Borke {f} | |
| bot. T | 13 | |
| grove [of (pine) trees] | 13 Tannicht {n} | |
| for. logging [felling trees, esp. for firewood] | 11 Holzung {f} [veraltend] [Holzfällen] | |
| hort. allée [alley in a formal garden or park, bordered by trees or bushes] | 10 Allee {f} [französischer Garten] | |
| bot. T | 10 | |
| for. hort. thinning [of trees, a wood] | 10 Ausholzung {f} | |
| hort. tools loppers {pl} [one pair] [for pruning trees] | 9 Astschere {f} | |
| bot. dieback [of trees and shrubs] | 6 Zurücksterben {n} | |
| agr. hist. mast [the fruit of the oak and beech or other forest trees, used as food for hogs and other animals] | 5 Eichelmast {f} | |
| treen {pl} [obs.] [trees] | 5 Bäume {pl} | |
| [a street or road lined with chestnut trees] | Kastanienallee {f} | |
| for. blaze [mark on trees, esp. by chipping off the bark] | Schalm {m} [Zeichen an Bäumen, bes. durch Abschlagen der Rinde] | |
| geogr. bluff [Am. dial.] [cluster of trees] | (einzelne) Baumgruppe {f} | |
| hort. bonsai [art of growing artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs] | Bonsai {n} [Kunst des Ziehens von Zwergbäumen] | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| agr. hist. mast [the fruit of the oak and beech or other forest trees, used as food for hogs and other animals] | Schweinemast {f} mit Eicheln [auch: Eichelmast od. Eckerich] | |
| hort. parkland [green space with trees] | Parkanlage {f} | |
| ringbarking [of trees] | Ringelung {f} | |
| bot. T | | |
2 Words: Others |
| light-hungry {adj} [plants, trees] | lichthungrig | |
| shade-giving {adj} [e.g. trees] | schattenspendend | |
| surrounded by sth. {adj} [trees, flowers etc.] | von etw.Dat. gesäumt | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| agr. hort. brown rot [on fruit trees] | Monilia {f} [Obstbaumkrankheit] | |
| bot. browse plants [trees etc. cropped by animals] | Äsungspflanzen {pl} | |
| for. cutting (down) [trees] | Holzung {f} [veraltend] [Holzfällen] | |
| for. cutting down [of trees] | Fällung {f} [von Bäumen] | |
| growing space [trees etc.] | Wuchsraum {m} | |
| mature height [plants, trees] | Endwuchshöhe {f} | |
| ring-barking [of trees] | Ringelung {f} | |
| for. selection cutting [cutting down individual trees] | Plentern {n} | |
| agr. bot. hort. shelter belt [also: shelterbelt] [line of trees] | Windschutzgürtel {m} | |
| bot. for. spiral growth [of trees] | Drehwuchs {m} [von Bäumen] | |
| bot. trunk circumference [trees] | Stammumfang {m} | |
| hist. twelve Apostles [linden trees] | Apostellinden {pl} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be lined with [trees] | gesäumt sein von [Bäumen] | |
| to take resin from sth. [trees] | etw. abharzen [Bäume] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| for. diameter at breast height <DBH> [trees] | Brusthöhendurchmesser {m} <BHD> | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
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