| English | German | |
| deployed {adj} {past-p} [troops, weapons] | 193 stationiert | |
| unsupported {adj} [troops] | ohne Unterstützung | |
Verbs |
| to approach [troops, groups of people] | 573 anrücken | |
| mil. to commit sth. [troops, soldiers etc.] | 469 etw. einsetzen [Truppen, Soldaten etc.] | |
| to mass sth. [troops etc.] | 361 etw.Akk. konzentrieren [zusammenziehen] | |
| mil. to inspect [troops] | 80 mustern [inspizieren] | |
| to rally sb. [troops] | 58 jdn. versammeln [Truppen] | |
| mil. to redeploy [e.g. troops] | 49 verlegen [z. B. Truppen] | |
| mil. to mass [troops] | 23 massieren | |
| mil. to dress sth. [troops] | 17 etw. ausrichten [Truppen] | |
| mil. to invest [to surround with troops or ships; besiege] | 13 einschließen [einkesseln] | |
| mil. to debouch [troops] | 11 hervorbrechen | |
| mil. to debouch [troops] | 6 debouchieren [veraltet] | |
| mil. to field [troops] | ins Feld führen [aufstellen] | |
| to recede [e.g. troops, glaciers] | sichAkk. zurückziehen [z. B. Truppen, Gletscher] | |
Nouns |
| mil. deployment [of troops e.g.] | 89 Entsendung {f} [von Truppen z. B.] | |
| mil. retreat [e.g. a retreat of one's troops] | 23 Zurückweichen {n} | |
| hist. mil. levy [conscription of troops] | 20 Heerbann {m} | |
| mil. redeployment [of troops] | 10 Verlegung {f} [von Truppen] | |
| mil. [a muster of troops before going on leave] | Urlaubsappell {m} | |
| hist. mil. [light infantry troops in the Austrian-Hungarian Army] [1808 - 1918] | k. u. k. Feldjäger {pl} [Bez. der österr.-ungarischen Jägertruppe 1808 - 1918] | |
| mil. command [a command body of troops] | Truppenkommando {n} | |
| concentration [of troops etc.] | Zusammenziehung {f} | |
| mil. irregular [soldier, member of irregular troops] | Irregulärer {m} [Angehöriger irregulärer Truppen] | |
| armour mantelet [body armor for siege troops] | Sturmmantel {m} [Körperpanzer für Belagerungstruppen] | |
| massing [of troops] | Massierung {f} [Massieren] | |
| hist. mil. piket [field guard - non-permanent detachment of troops on guard duty] | Pikett {n} [Feldwache - nichtständige Bereitschaftsabteilung im Wachdienst] | |
| mil. redeployment [of troops] | Umverlegung {f} [von Truppen] | |
| mil. regrouping [the troops] | Umgliederung {f} [der Truppen] | |
2 Words: Others |
| spread out {adj} {past-p} [e.g. troops] | auseinandergezogen [z. B. Truppen] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| mil. to advance on sth. [e.g. troops advance on a city] | auf etw.Akk. vorrücken [z. B. Truppen rücken auf eine Stadt vor] | |
| mil. to be garrisoned [(troops) stationed in a fortress or town] | einquartiert sein | |
| mil. to be garrisoned [e.g. troops] | stationiert sein [bes. Truppen] | |
| mil. to be garrisoned [e.g. troops] [process] | stationiert werden [bes. Truppen] | |
| to be surrounded [troops] | eingekesselt sein [Soldaten] | |
| to burn out sb./sth. [enemy troops, wasp's nest, etc.] | jdn./etw. ausräuchern [gegnerische Streitkräfte, Wespennest usw.] | |
| Unverified to call out sb./sth. [troops, police, fire brigade] | jdn./etw. alarmieren | |
| mil. to move closer [troops] | anrücken [Truppen] | |
| mil. to move forward [troops] | sich vorschieben [sich nach vorn bewegen] [Truppen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mil. airborne troops [air-landing troops] | Luftlandetruppen {pl} | |
| mil. assembly area [e.g. for troops] | Bereitstellung {f} [Bereitstellungsraum] | |
| mil. build-up [e.g. of troops] | Konzentrierung {f} [von Truppen etc.] | |
| mil. cantonment area [of troops] | Unterkunftsraum {m} [der Truppen] | |
| mil. Commanding Officer <CO> [Bundeswehr medical and air defense missile troops] | Staffelchef {m} [Bundeswehr Sanitäts- und Flugabwehrraketentruppe] | |
| mil. final assembly [of troops] | Bereitstellung {f} (von Truppen) | |
| hist. Hun Speech [Kaiser Wilhelm II 1900 address to German troops leaving to put down the Boxer Uprising] | Hunnenrede {f} | |
| mil. jump boot [combat boot for airborne troops] | Springerstiefel {m} | |
| cloth. mil. jump boots [combat boots for airborne troops] | Springerstiefel {pl} | |
| hist. military road [for moving and supplying troops] | Etappenstraße {f} | |
| mil. pull-out [troops] | Abzug {m} [von Truppen] | |
| mil. quartering party [to provide quarters as shelter to troops] | Quartiermacherkommando {n} | |
| hist. mil. Ruga-Ruga {pl} [also: Rugaruga] [irregular troops in Eastern Africa] | Rugaruga {pl} [auch: Ruga-Ruga] | |
3 Words: Others |
| mil. based in Germany {adj} [postpos.] [soldiers, troops, etc.] | in Deutschland stationiert [Soldaten, Truppen etc.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| mil. to be in disarray [troops] | in Auflösung (begriffen) sein [Truppen] | |
| to bring sb./sth. back home [e.g. troops from a foreign war] | jdn./etw. heimholen | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. naut. marine infantry battalion [Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops] | Seebataillon {n} | |
| hist. mil. naut. marine infantry corps [WW I Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops] | Marinekorps {n} | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| mil. to come as a relief [troops] | zum Entsatz eintreffen [Truppen] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| mil. ship-to-shore movement [landing troops and equipment during amphibious operations] | Anlandsetzen {n} | |
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