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English-German translation for: [value-added]
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Dictionary English German: [value added]

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admin. comm. exemption from VAT [value-added tax]Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung {f}
admin. comm. exemption from VAT [value-added tax]MwSt.-Befreiung {f} [Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung]
fin. VAT Reg. No. [value added tax registration number]UID-Nr. {f} [Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer]
affected {adj} {past-p} [added]beigefügt
safety margin [added]Sicherheitszuschlag {m}
sb. plumbed [added lead]jd. verbleite
oenol. unadulterated wine [no sugar added]Kreszenz {f} [veraltet]
gastr. [small savoury profiteroles added to clear soup]Schöberl {pl} [österr.] [Suppeneinlage]
chem. denaturant [added to alcohol to make it unfit for drinking]Vergällungsmittel {n}
gastr. [noodles, dumplings and the like added to a clear soup]Suppeneinlage {f}
gastr. [vegetables, meat balls, dumplings, etc. added to a clear soup]Einlage {f}
RadioTV clean feed [video signal without added graphics and text]Cleanfeed {m} <CLF>
brew kräusening [conditioning method in which fermenting wort is added to the finished beer]Kräusen {n}
mixer [coll.] [nonalcoholic beverage added to spirits]Mische {f} [ugs.] [alkoholfreies Getränk als Zutat für Cocktails]
padding [extra space added, e.g. for text justification]Füllsel {n} [leeres Füllwerk bei Texten]
mil. (troop) unit ['troop' is added when the context is ambiguous]Truppeneinheit {f}
film RadioTV sound effects {pl} [added after the film has been shot]Untermalung {f} [Film mit Musik, Geräuschen o. Ä. begleiten]
(my emphasis) [parenthetical reference] [cf. emphasis mine; emphasis added](meine Hervorhebung) [nach einem Zitat] [vgl. Hervorhebung durch Verfasser]
to be added [More will be added.]hinzukommen [Es kommt mehr hinzu. / Es wir mehr hinzukommen.]
comp. (plain-) vanilla software [basic system without any added features or updates](plain) Vanilla {n} [Software ohne Modifikation oder Anpassung]
lit. spec. paralipomenon [a supplement added to a book]Paralipomenon {n}
account [value]Wert {m}
minimum [value]Geringstwert {m}
neutral {adj} [value-free]wertfrei
neutral {adj} [value-free]wertneutral
worthful {adj} [having value]werthaltig
econ. to appreciate [in value]aufwerten
appreciation [in value]Aufwertung {f}
quality [value, worth]Wert {m}
comp. rvalue [R-value]Rechtswert {m}
fin. stat. swings [in value]Ausschläge {pl}
values [value systems]Wertehaltungen {pl}
values [value systems]Werthaltungen {pl}
inestimable {adj} [value, importance]unermesslich [geh.]
trashy {adj} [of no value]wertlos
to appreciate [to correctly estimate value]einschätzen
to treasure [value highly]schätzen [hochschätzen]
appreciation [increase in value]Wertsteigerung {f}
deterioration [decrease in value]Wertminderung {f}
deterioration [decrease in value]Wertverlust {m}
non-normative {adj} [value-free]werturteilsfrei
math. to assign to [value to variable]zuweisen
meteo. indicated value [measured value]Messwert {m}
tech. scan result [sample value]Abtastwert {m}
tech. standard value [calibration value]Eichwert {m}
characterizing {adj} [e.g. parameter, value]kennzeichnend
trashy {adj} [cheap, of no value]billig
trashy {adj} [cheap, of no value]Schund-
unbiased {adj} [free from value judgements]werturteilsfrei
to treasure [value highly]zu schätzen wissen
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