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English-German translation for: [various]
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Dictionary English German: [various]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
multifarious {adj} [many and various]
promiscuous {adj} [composed of various elements]
gastr. to concoct sth. [prepare by mixing various ingredients] [a smoothie, a cocktail, etc.]
etw.Akk. zubereiten [zusammenmixen] [z. B. einen Smoothie, einen Cocktail etc.]
collage [combination of various things]
Zusammenstellung {f}
econ. educ. [entrepreneurship exam in various European countries]
Unternehmerprüfung {f}
naut. gracht [used by foreigners for various artificial waterways in the Netherlands and the Flemish parts of Belgium]
Gracht {f} [von Ausländern verwendet für verschiedene künstliche Wasserwege in den Niederlanden und den flämischen Teilen Belgiens]
agr. hist. [German term for a historical system of agriculture used in various places in Europe]
Flurzwang {m}
mus. [fragmenting the melody among various instruments]durchbrochene Arbeit {f}
mil. [military rank roughly equivalent to a Chief Warrant Officer <CWO> in various Anglophone armies]Oberstabsfeldwebel {m} [Bundeswehr]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tirass {n}
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiraß {n} [alt]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyrass {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hist. [various translations: vow of the loyal followers, vow of most faithful allegiance, proclamation of loyalty of German writers, promise of most loyal obedience]Gelöbnis {n} treuester Gefolgschaft [Treuegelöbnis von 88 deutschen Schriftstellern und Dichtern für Adolf Hitler]
geogr. Edinburg [name of various places, e.g. in the U.S., South Africa]Edinburg {n} [Name verschiedener Orte, z. B. in den USA, Südafrika]
mus. endpin [for various instruments]Endknopf {m} [für verschiedene Instrumente]
entom. T
Thrips {m}
urban Zentralplatz [proper name for places in various cities in Germany, Switzerland, Austria]Zentralplatz {m} [in Koblenz, Biel usw.]
textil. zephyr [any of various soft light fabrics, yarns, or garments, esp. a lightweight, checked gingham fabric]Zefir {m} [sehr leichtes Gewebe, buntgewebter Batist od. ein daraus gefertigtes Kleidungsstück]
textil. zephyr [any of various soft light fabrics, yarns, or garments, esp. a lightweight, checked gingham fabric]Zephir {m} [sehr leichtes Gewebe, buntgewebter Batist od. ein daraus gefertigtes Kleidungsstück]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. bread rolls {pl} [in various shapes]Gebäck {n} [österr.]
rail British Rail <BR> [now segmented into various train operating companies, and Network Rail (infrastructure)]Britische Bahn {f}
philat. combination franking [various stamps of same isssue]Buntfrankatur {f}
automot. driving performance {sg} [of various vehicles]Fahrleistungen {pl}
sports tools hand trainer [grip strengthener in various shapes and sizes]Handtrainer {m} [z. B. als Fingerhantel, Ring, Stern, Rolle]
entom. honey ants [species of various genera] [honeypot ants]Honigameisen {pl} [Arten verschiedener Gattungen] [Honigtopfameisen]
gastr. zool. honeypot ants [species of various genera]Honigtopfameisen {pl} [Arten verschiedener Gattungen]
med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items]Waschfrauenhände {pl}
med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items]Waschhände {pl}
agr. mixed farming [growing various cash crops]Mischbetrieb {m} [Anbau verschiedener Anbaufrüchte]
philat. mixed franking <MF> [stamps of various issues]Mischfrankatur {f} <MiF>
ling. mixed preposition [preposition that can take various cases]Wechselpräposition {f} [Mischpräposition]
anat. muscle stiffness {sg} [of various muscles; various cases of muscle stiffness]Muskelverhärtungen {pl}
fin. overall balance [between various types of entities]Gesamtbilanz {f}
gastr. pastry disk [disk made of pastry, used as a base for various baked goods]Oblate {f} [Scheibe aus Teig, die als Unterlage für verschiedenes Gebäck verwendet wird]
spec. printed electronics [usually treated as sg.] [a set of printing methods used to create electrical devices on various substrates]gedruckte Elektronik {f} [Herstellung von Bauelementen usw. mittels Druckverfahren]
ecol. refuse sack [Br.] [various colours: black, clear, white, red, green, blue, yellow, etc.]Müllsack {m}
automot. road performance {sg} [of various vehicles]Fahrleistungen {pl}
geogr. Salt River [any of various of this name]Salzfluß {m}
geogr. San Fernando [name of various cities]San Fernando {n} [Name verschiedener Städte]
archi. hist. Wittelsbach Fountain [also: Wittelsbacher Brunnen, Wittelsbacherbrunnen] [various fountains in Bavaria, Germany]Wittelsbacher Brunnen {m} [auch: Wittelsbacherbrunnen]
3 Words: Nouns
electr. line-matching stage [various voltages]Vorschaltstufe {f}
gastr. raw food platter [plate with various grated vegetables and pickles]Rohkostteller {m}
St. Martin's singing [Martinmas custom in various countries]Martinssingen {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Murder on the Orient Express [novel: Agatha Christie; various films]Mord im Orientexpress
lit. F My Blue Piano [various translations]Mein blaues Klavier [Gedicht von Else Lasker-Schüler]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
VetMed. zool. T
fish T
entom. T
zool. T
entom. T
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