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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [vehicles]
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Dictionary English German: [vehicles]

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
to leave [of vehicles]
wegfahren [bes. von Fahrzeugen]
to converge [people, vehicles]sich zusammenfinden
traffic traffic [vehicles, pedestrians]
Verkehr {m} [Fahrzeuge, Fußgänger]
market. livery [vehicles and planes]
Beschriftung {f} [auf Fahr- und Flugzeugen]
exit [for vehicles]
Ausfahrt {f}
automot. mileage [of tyres, vehicles]
Laufleistung {f}
admin. pound [for towed vehicles]
Verwahrstelle {f}
thoroughfare [for vehicles]
Durchfahrt {f}
automot. naut. rail diesels [diesel-powered vehicles and ships]
Diesel {pl} [ugs.] [Fahrzeuge mit Dieselmotor]
moving [e.g. of vehicles]
Bewegen {n} [z. B. von Fahrzeugen]
placing [e.g. of vehicles]
Abstellen {n} [z. B. von Fahrzeugen]
automot. autocars [archaic] [motor vehicles, cars]
Kraftfahrzeuge {pl}
wreckers {pl} [coll.] [for wrecked vehicles]
Abschleppdienst {m} [Besatzung des Abschleppwagens]
automot. ruck [vehicles]
Pulk {m} [Fahrzeuge]
bike traffic transp. sharrow [Am.] [pavement symbol indicating motor vehicles and bicycles share a lane]
[Piktogramm aus Fahrrad und Pfeilspitzen auf den Fahrbahnbelag des gemeinsamen zu nutzenden Fahrstreifens aufgebracht]
step [e.g. on vehicles]
Trittstufe {f}
herald. mil. Balkenkreuz [national identification cross on German military vehicles in different forms since 1918]Balkenkreuz {n} [dt. Streitkräfte]
automot. Dodge® [vehicles]Dodge® {m} [US-amerikanische Automarke]
automot. driving [of vehicles]Führen {n} von Fahrzeugen [bes. amtssprachlich]
EU FireResc traffic eCall [short for: emergency call; automated emergency call system for motor vehicles in the EU]eCall [meist ohne Artikel, seltener {m}] [automatisches Notrufsystem für Kraftfahrzeuge in der EU]
chem. transp. HazChem [hazardous chemical code system; warning plate system used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, and on storage facilities]HazChem-Code {m} [gefährliche Chemikalien]
rail transp. headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route]Takt {m} [Zeittakt, z. B. bei Zugabfahrten]
rail transp. headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route]Zeittakt {m} [z. B. bei Zugabfahrten]
stream [of people, vehicles, etc.]Strom {m} [größere, sich langsam in einer Richtung fortbewegende Menge, z. B. Menschen, Fahrzeuge]
automot. Unverified wayback [Am.] [coll.] [back area of vehicles]Heckraum {m} [von Fahrzeugen]
2 Words: Others
banged up {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [battered, damaged, esp. vehicles]mitgenommen [lädiert, ramponiert, demoliert]
bullet proof {adj} [vehicles; also bullet-proof]gepanzert [Fahrzeuge]
traffic much-used {adj} {past-p} [road etc.; by vehicles]viel befahren [Straße etc.]
no entry [to vehicles]keine Einfahrt
traffic No entry! [to vehicles]Einfahrt verboten! [Schild]
off-street {adj} [esp. parked vehicles]neben der Straße [bes. parkende Fahrzeuge]
2 Words: Nouns
transp. charging point [for electric vehicles]Ladestation {f} [für Elektrofahrzeuge]
rail clearance gauge [between moving rail vehicles and fixed structures]Lichtraumprofil {n}
coach stand [for horse-drawn vehicles]Kutschenstation {f}
automot. driving performance {sg} [of various vehicles]Fahrleistungen {pl}
transp. Unverified driving slowly [emergency vehicles]Schonfahrt {f}
automot. aviat. constr. dual controls {pl} [airplanes, vehicles, construction plant]Doppelsteuerung {f} [Flugzeuge, Fahrzeuge, Baumaschinen]
FireResc hard-standing [for rescue vehicles]Aufstellfläche {f} [befestigte Fläche für Rettungsfahrzeuge]
pelican crossing [Br.] [pedestrian crossing with lights for both pedestrians and vehicles]Fußgängerüberweg {m} mit Druckknopfampel
automot. road performance {sg} [of various vehicles]Fahrleistungen {pl}
aviat. traffic Unverified runout space [for out-of-control vehicles or airplanes]Auslauffläche {f}
tech. sound deadener [e.g. for vehicles]Entdröhnungsmittel {n}
mil. spaced armor [Am.] [armored vehicles]Schottpanzerung {f}
mil. spaced armour [Br.] [armoured vehicles]Schottpanzerung {f}
stationary noise [of vehicles, trains]Standgeräusch {n}
traffic turning area [for vehicles]Wendefläche {f}
valley entrance [for vehicles]Taleinfahrt {f}
visitor spot [for vehicles]Besucherparkplatz {m}
3 Words: Nouns
weapons boar's head mantlet [also: saukopf mantlet] [amored vehicles]Saukopfblende {f} [Panzerfahrzeuge]
automot. deep-tread tyres [Br.] [motor vehicles, trucks, tractors etc.]grobstollige Reifen {pl} [Kfz, Lkw, Traktoren usw.]
one-way rental [of vehicles]Einwegmiete {f}
4 Words: Verbs
traffic to crash into each other [vehicles]zusammenkrachen [ugs.] [(miteinander) zusammenstoßen]
4 Words: Nouns
owner of a garage [for repairing and servicing motor vehicles]Garagist {m} [schweiz.]
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