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English-German translation for: [village]
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Dictionary English German: [village]

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
quaint {adj} [charming, esp. landscape, village etc.]
quaint {adj} [charming, esp. landscape, village etc.]
malerisch [Gegend etc.]
quaint {adj} [e.g. pub, cottage, village]
quaint {adj} [charming, esp. landscape, village etc.]
pittoresk [geh.]
drowsy {adj} [person: after getting up; also fig.: village, etc.]
verschlafen [nach dem Aufstehen; auch fig.: Dorf etc.]
row {adj} [attr.] [e.g. counter, house, village]
Reihen- [z. B. Zähler, Haus, Dorf]
sedate {adj} [village, place]
verschlafen [fig.]
quaint {adj} [e.g. pub, cottage, village]
urtümlich [urig]
quaint {adj} [e.g. pub, cottage, village]
urwüchsig [urig]
fish fishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boat, camp, lodge, net, village]Fischer- [z. B. Boot, Siedlung, Hütte, Netz, Dorf]
to burn sth. [a building, a village etc.]
etw. niederbrennen
to bypass sth. [town, village]
etw.Akk. umfahren [auf einer Umgehungsstraße]
mil. to invade sth. [a country, etc.] [also fig.: e.g. tourists invading a village]in etw. [Akk., auch Dat.] einfallen [in ein / einem Land etc.] [auch fig. ugs.: z. B. Touristen in ein / einem Dorf]
traffic road [outside a city, town or village]
Landstraße {f}
admin. geogr. urban incorporation [Am.] [of a town, village, etc. into another]
Eingemeindung {f}
district [part of a town, village]
Ortsteil {m}
place [village or small town]
Ortschaft {f}
admin. [area of a city, town or village]
Ortsgebiet {n} [österr.]
admin. [any road outside a city, town or village]
Außerortstraße {f}
green [in village]
Anger {m} [im Dorf]
admin. [road outside a city, town or village]
Freilandstraße {f} [österr.]
urban centre [Br.] [of a village, town]
Ortskern {m}
agr. [newly established farmstead outside a village]
Aussiedlerhof {m}
agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang]
Schulze {m} [Schultheiß]
traffic [any road outside a city, town or village]
Landstraße {f} [österr.] [oft für: Freilandstraße, Außerortstraße]
ethn. geogr. aul [village settlement of Turkic peoples]
Aul {m} [Dorfsiedlung der Turkvölker]
admin. geogr. law [frazione; a parish, village which belongs to a bigger commune in Italy]Fraktion {f} [italienische Ortschaft, die zu einer größeren Gemeinde gehört]
[stupid and unsympathetic village woman]Dorftrutsche {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [südd.]
[village built around a village green]Angerdorf {n}
backwater [village] [pej.]verschlafenes Nest {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
geogr. Baltimore [Irish: Dún na Séad] [village in the Republic of Ireland]Baltimore {n} [irisches Dorf]
bibl. Chorazin [village in northern Galilee, also known as Kh. Karraza, Kh. Karazeh, Chorizim, Kerazeh, Korazim, Korazin]Chorazin {n} [Dorf bzw. Stadt in Nordgaliläa]
clannishness [in a village, family]fester Zusammenhalt {m}
agr. farmstead [belonging to the sheriff and administrator of the hamlet or village]Schulzenhof {m} [regional] [Bauerngehöft; nicht südd.] [Hof des Schulzen, d. h. des Ortsvorstehers]
geogr. Fucking [Austrian village]Fucking {n}
geogr. Göttin [German village in the district of Herzogtum Lauenburg in Schleswig-Holstein]Göttin {n}
agr. archi. hist. granary [of a village or large farm]Tradkasten {m} [österr.] [Getreidespeicher]
agr. archi. hist. granary [of a village or large farm]Troadkasten {m} [bayer.] [Getreidespeicher]
geogr. Haufendorf [irregular conglomerate village]Haufendorf {n}
geogr. Mayo [Irish: Maigh Eo] [village and county in the Republic of Ireland]Mayo {n}
geogr. Moy [village in Northern Ireland]Moy {n}
pol. panchayat [Indian village or town council]Gemeinderat {m} [eines indischen Dorfes]
stanitsa [also: stanitza] [village in the Cossack regions of Russia]Staniza {f} [Kosakensiedlung]
geogr. Userin [German village near Neustrelitz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania]Userin {n}
village {sg} [village inhabitants] [coll.]Dorfbewohner {pl}
geogr. Wachbach [village]Wachbach {n} [Ortschaft]
2 Words: Others
picture-postcard {adj} [attr.] [fig.: idyllic, e.g. village]Bilderbuch- [fig.: idyllisch, z. B. Dorf]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. imperial village [Holy Roman Empire] [also: Imperial Village]Reichsdorf {n}
RealEst. isolated farmstead [not part of a village]Bauernhof {m} in Außenlage
archi. urban little square [in a town or village]Plätzchen {n} [kleiner Platz (in einer Stadt oder einem Dorf)]
lock up [of a village or small town] [Br.]Gemeindekotter {m} [österr.] [veraltend]
old town [of a small town or village]Dorfkern {m} [eines größeren Dorfs]
village fête [Br.] [also: village fete]Dorffest {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to completely burn out [village]völlig niederbrennen
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. mining ex-pit village [coll.] [former mining village]ehemalige Zechenkolonie {f}
travel TrVocab. open air museum [showing farmsteads, village culture]Museumsdorf {n}
village lime tree [also: village lime-tree]Dorflinde {f}
5+ Words: Others
film quote She is led by love. The World moves for love. It kneels before it in awe. [The Village]Die Liebe zeigt ihr den Weg. Die treibende Kraft auf der Welt ist die Liebe. Alles verneigt sich vor ihr in Ehrfurcht.
quote Sometimes we don't do things we want to do, so that others won't know we want to do them. [The Village]Manchmal tun wir das, was wir tun wollen, nicht, damit die anderen nicht bemerken, was wir tun wollen.
5+ Words: Nouns
entrance to a / the village ["the" when village is specified]Ortseingang {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
F [fairytale village between heaven and hell]Warteinweil {n} [veraltet] [selten]
film lit. F Hobbiton [fictional village in J. R. R. Tolkien's work]Hobbingen {n}
film lit. F Pincup [fictional village in J. R. R. Tolkien's work]Finkenschlupf {m}
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