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English-German translation for: [wheat]
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Dictionary English German: [wheat]

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
wheatish {adj} [wheat brown]
agr. corn [England: wheat (being the chief cereal crop of most districts)]
Weizen {m} [hier: als Hauptgetreide einer Region]
gastr. semolina [made from durum wheat]
Hartweizengrieß {m}
gastr. gruel [from wheat flour]
Mehlsuppe {f}
FoodInd. seitan [wheat gluten]
Seitan {m} {n} [Weizengluten]
gastr. udon [wheat-based noodles]
Udon {pl} [Bandnudeln aus Weizenmehl]
agr. bot. gastr. T
bot. T
Triticale {m} {f}
gastr. [(wheat) beer with coke]
Neger {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Cola-Bier-Mischgetränk]
FoodInd. hist. frumenty [Br.] [dish of wheat boiled in milk]
Frumenty {n} [Gericht aus Weizen oder Mais in Milch gekocht]
gastr. [Bavarian veal sausage breakfast with wheat beer, pretzel and sweet mustard]Weißwurstfrühstück {n} [Bayern]
gastr. [cola drink mixed with fizzy lemonade or with (wheat) beer]Negerschweiß {m} [ugs.] [regional] [veraltend] [gilt bei manchen als rassistisch] [Cola-Mix-Getränk, z. B. „Spezi“ oder Biermischgetränk, z. B. „Cola-Weizen“]
FoodInd. gastr. [German wheat-rye bread, usually white; percentage of rye approx. 20-30%; "Feinbrot" not laid down officially for bread products]Feinbrot {n} [Weizenmischbrot, meistens hell] [Deutschland]
gastr. [one liter of wheat beer and lemonade; 50/50 mixture]Russenmaß {f} [1 ltr. Weizenradler] [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. hist. [wheat flour loaf based on the size of a soldier's daily ration during the Napoleonic Wars]Franzenbrot {n} [Weizenmehl-Wecken, ca. viermal so groß wie ein heutiges Brötchen] [noch zum regionalen Brauchtum gehörig, z. B. bei Schützenbrüderschaften]
agr. dockage [of wheat]Besatz {m} [von Getreide]
brew hefeweizen [wheat beer]Hefeweizen {n}
gastr. somen [also: sōmen] [thin wheat-based noodles]Somen {pl} [auch: Sōmen]
2 Words: Others
agr. geogr. German-grown {adj} [wheat, hop etc.]in Deutschland angebaut [Weizen, Hopfen etc.]
bot. long-stemmed {adj} [attr.] [e.g. wheat]Langhalm-
agr. bot. long-stemmed {adj} [e.g. wheat]langhalmig
agr. bot. prematurely ripened {adj} [wheat, fruit]notreif [Getreide, Obst]
bot. short-stemmed {adj} [attr.] [e.g. wheat]Kurzhalm-
agr. bot. short-stemmed {adj} [e.g. wheat]kurzhalmig
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to be in sth. [in wheat, etc.] [obs.] [field: be cultivated with wheat, etc.]mit etw. bestellt sein [Feld: mit Weizen etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. brown bread [made with wheat and rye flour]Graubrot {n} [regional]
gastr. brown bread [made with wheat and rye flour]Mischbrot {n}
FoodInd. brown flour [dark, brownish wheat flour]Ruchmehl {n} [schweiz.] [alemannisch]
gastr. flannel cake [Am.] [a griddlecake esp. of wheat flour]Weizenpfannkuchen {m}
Marxist glue [Am.] [sl.] [wheat paste]Kleister {m} [aus Weizen und Wasser zum wilden Plakatieren]
med. miller's lung [of wheat flour mill workers]Mehlstaublunge {f} [Mehllunge der Müller]
gastr. mock duck [duck-flavored wheat gluten (seitan)]vegetarische Ente {f} [aus Seitan]
archi. constr. straw roof [long-stemmed wheat straw or rye straw]Strohdach {n} [mit Langstroh bzw. Roggenstroh gedecktes Dach]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. dark rye bread [sourdough bread made from rye mixed with wheat]Mischbrot {n}
gastr. dark rye bread [sourdough bread, from rye mixed with wheat]Schwarzbrot {n} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Mischbrot]
agr. wheat after wheat [wheat-wheat sequence, second wheat crop]Weizen {m} nach Weizen [Weizen in Selbstfolge]
gastr. whole wheat toast [also: whole-wheat toast]Vollkorntoast {m}
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. Bread and Butter State [also: Wheat State, New England of the West] [nickname] [State of Minnesota][Spitzname für Minnesota, USA]
bibl. parable of the tares [also of the weeds, or wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43]Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut unter dem Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43]
5+ Words: Verbs
agr. hist. to cut sth. off with a sickle [wheat]etw. abschröpfen [Getreidespitzen mit der Sichel abmähen]
5+ Words: Nouns
bibl. parable of the wheat and weeds [also wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43]Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut im Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Ewoks: The Battle for Endor [Jim Wheat & Ken Wheat]EwoksKampf um Endor
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
agr. bot. T
agr. bot. T
bot. T
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