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| astron. automot. tech. planetary {adj} [e.g. formation, orbit, system; gear, wheel] | Planeten- [Entstehung, Bahn, System; Getriebe, Rad] | |
Verbs |
| to move sth. [roll, shove, wheel] | 40 etw.Akk. scheiben [österr.] [bayer.] [schieben] | |
| to swerve [jerk (the wheel) violently] | 26 verreißen [das Steuer, den Wagen] | |
| to lock [wheel] | 15 blockieren [Rad] | |
| [to be a fifth wheel (coll. idiom for a superfluous or useless person)] | das dritte Rad (am Wagen) sein [Redewendung] [FALSCH für: das fünfte Rad am Wagen sein] | |
Nouns |
| hub [of a wheel] | 276 Nabe {f} | |
| automot. camber [wheel] | 91 Sturz {m} [Rad] | |
| hub [of a wheel] | 78 Radnabe {f} | |
| tech. pulley [wheel, drum] | 75 Scheibe {f} [Rolle] | |
| automot. wheel [steering wheel] | 63 Steuer {n} [Lenkrad] | |
| nave [of wheel] | 29 Nabe {f} | |
| automot. hoop [wheel] | 21 Federstahlbügel {m} [Rad] | |
| tech. flange [of wheel] | 13 Spurkranz {m} | |
| nave [of wheel] | 11 Radnabe {f} | |
| handbarrow [obs.] [flat barrow with wheel] | 10 Schubkarre {f} | |
| [center of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate] | 7 Nabe {f} [z. B. Fahrrad] | |
| shell [wire wheel] | 7 Nabenteil {n} | |
| bike fixie [coll.] [fixed-wheel bicycle] | 5 Fixie {n} [ugs.] [Rad mit starrem Gang, ohne Freilauf] | |
| agr. [wind wheel used as bird scarer in Slovenia and Southern Austria] | Klapotetz {m} [südostösterr.] [Windrad als Vogelscheuche] | |
| tech. clickwheel [surveyor's wheel] | Messrad {n} [Hodometer] | |
| spec. textil. footman [at the spinning wheel] | Antriebsstange {f} [ Knecht] [am Spinnrad] | |
| tech. hodometer [surveyor's wheel] | Hodometer {n} [Messrad] | |
| millrace [the canal in which water flows to and from a mill wheel] | Mühlgerinne {n} | |
| millrace [the current that drives the wheel] | Mühlgraben {m} | |
| tech. odograph [odometer, pedometer, surveyor's wheel, etc.] | Hodometer {n} [Wegstreckenzähler] | |
| constr. rockwheel [wheel trencher] | Grabenfräse {f} | |
| tech. roller [wheel] | Laufrädchen {n} | |
| rundle [wheel] | Rad {n} | |
| tech. Unverified truing [e.g. grinding wheel] | Abziehen {n} [z. B. Schleifscheibe] | |
| tech. tools truing [of a grinding wheel] | Abrichten {n} [einer Schleifscheibe] | |
| tech. waywiser [surveyor's wheel] | Messrad {n} [Hodometer] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to settle oneself [in a chair, behind the wheel, etc.] | sichAkk. niederlassen [auf einem Stuhl, hinter dem Lenkrad etc.] | |
| tech. to true (up) sth. [wheel] | etw.Akk. zentrieren [Rad] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| automot. (inner) mudshield [inside the wheel arch] | Schottblech {n} | |
| sports ayro wheel [German wheel] | Rhönrad {n} | |
| hist. Catherine wheel [breaking wheel] | Rad {n} [zur Hinrichtung durch Rädern] | |
| automot. clincher ring [wheel rim] | Wulstring {m} [Felge] | |
| sports Cyr wheel [mono wheel] | Cyr Wheel {n} [Sport- od. Akrobatikgerät ähnlich dem Rhönrad] | |
| fish fish wheel [salmon wheel] | Fischrad {n} [Lachsrad] | |
| automot. front drive [front-wheel drive, forward-wheel drive] | Vorderradantrieb {m} | |
| sports German wheel [gymnastics wheel] | Rhönrad {n} | |
| automot. horn ring [steering wheel] | Hupenring {m} | |
| textil. lazy kate [device to hold one or more spools in place while twisting the yarn with the spinning wheel] | Spulenhalter {m} [Vorrichtung, um eine oder mehrere Spulen während des Zwirnens mit dem Spinnradzu deponieren ] | |
| tech. loose nut [wheel] | lockere Schraube {f} [Rad] | |
| automot. mag wheel [coll.] [magnesium alloy wheel] | Magnesium-Felge {f} [Magnesium-Alufelge] | |
| relig. mani wheel [(Tibetan) prayer wheel] | Mani-Mühle {f} | |
| relig. mani wheel [(Tibetan) prayer wheel] | Mani-Rad {n} | |
| automot. micro truck [e.g. 3-wheel van] | Kleinstlastwagen {m} | |
| mus. mod wheel [coll.] [modulation wheel] | Modulationsrad {n} | |
| sports mono wheel [formerly for: Cyr wheel] | Einreifen {m} [früher für: Mono Wheel / Cyr Wheel] | |
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