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English-German translation for: [where]
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Dictionary English German: [where]

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

English German
[Where are you from?] [usually pronounced "Where're you from?"]Wo kommste wech? [regional nordd.] [phonet. Dialektschreibung]
in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"]im [Präp. + Art.: in dem]
whence {adv} [dated] [from where, which place]von wo
where {adv} [at the place where]allwo [veraltet] [bes. Amtssprache]
hunting to poach [hunt wild game on land where not permitted]
schwarzgehen [ugs.] [wildern]
to run [street, border, etc.] [e.g. Where does ... run? / There runs ...]langgehen [ugs.] [verlaufen] [Straße, Grenze etc.] [z. B. Wo geht ... lang? / Da geht ... lang.]
locus [place where something happens]
Ort {m}
acc. [principle of allocation by which variable costs must be traced to cost centres and costing units where such costs originated]
Kostenverursachungsprinzip {n}
archi. gastr. pantry [room where food is arranged for serving]
Anrichte {f} [Raum]
comm. dairy [shop where milk and milk products are sold]
Milchladen {m}
rail TrVocab. platform [raised structure beside a railway track where passengers embark and disembark at a station]
Steig {m} [kurz für: Bahnsteig]
loci [places where something happens]
Orte {pl}
archaeo. provenance [place where sth. was found]
Fundort {m}
naut. anchorage [place where ships or boats can anchor]
Anlegestelle {f}
clambake [Am.] [beach party where seafood is cooked in the sand]
[Muschelessen am Strand]
seam [place where two things are joined]
Nahtstelle {f}
law [place where the tortious act was committed]
Handlungsort {m}
slops {pl} [contents of bedroom or prison vessels, where applicable]
Schmutzwasser {n} [Fäkalien]
ropewalk [lane or pathway where long strands of material were laid before being twisted into rope]
Reeperbahn {f} [niederd. für: Reiferbahn]
gastr. barroom [Am.] [room where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter; bar]
Schankstube {f} [Schankraum, Schenke]
engin. neck [portion where necking occurs]
Einschnürung {f} [eingeschnürte Stelle]
urban circus [esp. Br.] [circular open space where several streets converge]
Rondell {n} [runder Platz]
mus. coin [corner on a stringed instrument where corner blocks are glued]
Ecke {f} [Position für Eckklötze eines Streichinstruments]
comm. [contract for work where copyright is retained by the contractor]
Urheberwerkvertrag {m}
law [room where court exhibits are kept]
Asservatenkammer {f}
relig. [a societal state where people with different worldviews allow their differences to dominate their consciousness]
Gegeneinander {n} [Kirchenjargon]
law [room where court exhibits are kept]
Asservatenraum {m}
pol. [voting procedure similar to a division in the House of Commons where MPs re-enter the floor through one of three doors]
Hammelsprung {m} [Abstimmungsverfahren]
[accommodation, job where one is treated as part of the family]Familienanschluss {m}
hunting [branch marking the place where game was initially wounded]Anschussbruch {m}
[cafe where coffee and pastries are consumed standing up]Stehcafé {n}
tech. [country where something (equipment, documentation, etc.) is to be used]Einsatzland {n} [das Land, in dem ein Gerät o. Ä. in Betrieb gehen wird, eine Dokumentation gültig ist]
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Rügegericht {n}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Ruggericht {n}
insur. [pairs or sets, e.g. a pair of shoes, where the loss of one item reduces the value of the remaining item(s)](einheitliche) Sachmehrheit {f}
[situation where the press is owned by a few companies]Pressekonzentration {f}
mil. cantonment [a building or area where soldiers live]Unterkunftsraum {m}
neol. sports cupset [sl.] [Br.] ["cup upset"; sports cup game where the underdog wins]Pokalsensation {f} [Pokalspiel, bei dem der Nicht-Favorit gewinnt]
mousery [place where mice are bred]Mäusezucht {f} [Station]
hort. pinery [hothouse where pineapples are grown]Ananashaus {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to bail on sb. [sl.] [not offer help where expected]jdn. sitzen lassen [Redewendung] [ugs.] [jdn. in einer Notlage allein lassen]
2 Words: Nouns
(gay) beat [Aus.] [sl.] [area where gay men meet or cruise for sexual encounters]Schwulentreff {m} [ugs.]
black spot [Br.] [place on a road where accidents frequently occur]Unfallhäufungsstelle {f} <UHS>
black spot [Br.] [place on a road where accidents frequently occur]Unfallschwerpunkt {m}
archi. relig. burial church [church where a particular person or group is buried]Grabeskirche {f}
engin. tech. corner blend [corner where three rounded edges meet]Kofferecke {f} [Ecke, an der drei Abrundungen zusammentreffen]
travel TrVocab. death house [building where a famous person has died]Sterbehaus {n}
hist. light room [illuminated room where girls gathered to spin in winter evenings]Lichtstube {f} [regional] [Spinnstube]
pickup point [prearranged place where you go to collect people]Treffpunkt {m} [Abholpunkt]
traffic pull-off [area beside the road where cars can stop]Haltebucht {f}
fin. law reverse charge [note on invoices where the customer is liable for the payment of the VAT]Steuerschuldnerschaft {f} des Leistungsempfängers [Angabe auf Rechnungen, wenn der Kunde die USt. schuldet]
sausage fest [sl.] [event where the guy to girl ratio is too high][Veranstaltung, Party etc., bei der das Männer-Frauen-Verhältnis nicht stimmt.]
archi. relig. sepulchral church [church where a particular person or group is buried]Grabeskirche {f}
publ. serious reading [where the topic is weighty, requiring considerable effort to comprehend]anspruchsvolle Lektüre {f}
chem. silver chalcogenide [Ag2X, where X = S, Se, or Te]Silber-Chalkogenid {n}
work area [place where one's work is done as well as subjects one works on]Arbeitsfeld {n} [bezeichnet den Gegenstandsbereich der Arbeit, nicht den konkreten Arbeitsplatz]
3 Words: Others
Where ya been? [sl.] [Where have you been?]Wo bistn gewesen? [ugs.] [Wo bist du denn gewesen?]
Where ya from? [sl.] [Where are you from?]Wo kommstn her? [ugs.] [Wo kommst du denn her?]
3 Words: Verbs
to share a joke [usually only of a greater community where a joke is told repeatedly in different groups]sich einen Witz erzählen [meist nur von einer größeren Gemeinschaft, in der ein Witz mehrfach in unterschiedlichen Gruppen erzählt wird]
3 Words: Nouns
archi. constr. RealEst. service entrance room [room in a basement area, where all services enter the same exterior wall facing a road]Hausanschlussraum {m} <HAR>
4 Words: Others
Where's he got to? [Where can he be?]Wo ist der nur abgeblieben? [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
print text with ragged alignment [alignment of text where the lines of text are allowed to end naturally]Text {m} mit frei auslaufenden Zeilen
5+ Words: Others
quote Home is not where you live, but where you want to die.Heimat ist nicht dort, wo man herkommt, sondern wo man sterben möchte. [Carl Zuckmayer]
quote Home is where I understand and where I am understood.Heimat ist da, wo ich verstehe und wo ich verstanden werde. [Karl Jaspers]
Where did you get that from? [Where do you know that from?]Woher wissen Sie das? [formelle Anrede]
Where do you want this to go? [Where do you want me to put this?]Wo willst du das hinhaben? [ugs.]
idiom Where has he got to? [Where can he be?]Wo steckt er? [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Where do you go? [also: Where goest Thou?]Wo gehest du hin? [J. S. Bach, BWV 166]
film F Where Is Fred? [also: Where Is Fred!?]Wo ist Fred? [Anno Saul]
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