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English-German translation for: [whose]
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Dictionary English German: [whose]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
cuckold [dated] [a man whose spouse or romantic partner is unfaithful]
Gehörnter {m} [fig.] [ugs.] [veraltend] [betrogener Ehemann od. Geliebter]
manchild [coll.] [an adult male whose behavior and tendencies resemble that of a child]
Kindskopf {m} [Mann]
hist. law [Name for German clubs in the 1920's, usually with criminal orientation, whose members were identified by a characteristic signet ring]
Ringverein {m} [kriminelle Organisation]
insur. med. [non SHI-accredited doctor of your choice, whose bill gets fully or in part paid by your health insurance in Austria]
Wahlarzt {m} [österr.]
[Finnish citizen whose native language is Swedish]
Finnländer {m} [Finnlandschwede]
gastr. [an empty plate and cutlery at eateries offered to kids whose parents or other accompanying people share their food with]Räuberteller {m} [ugs.]
agr. gastr. orn. [eggs from laying hens whose "brothers" are raised instead of being killed]Bruderhahneier {pl}
[family whose first child is a girl]Bixnmacherei {f} [bayer.] [hum.] [pej.]
[person whose profession swears them to secrecy / confidentiality]Berufsgeheimnisträger {m}
cuckold [dated] [a man whose spouse is unfaithful]gehörnter Ehemann {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [betrogener Ehemann]
radioelement [element whose all currently known isotopes are radioactive]Radioelement {n} [Element, das nur radioaktive Isotope hat]
jobs Unverified report [Br.] [employee whose work is the responsibility of a particular manager]Berichtender {m} [untergeordneter Mitarbeiter]
theatre tragicomedian [actor whose performance contains tragic and comic elements]Tragikomiker {m} [auch: Tragikkomiker]
2 Words
oenol. cleanskin (wine) [Aus.] [wine whose label does not indicate the name of the winery or the winemaker][(billiger) Wein ohne Angabe des Abfüllers auf dem Etikett]
comp. Internet data subject [individual whose personal data is collected]betroffene Person {f} [Person, deren personenbezogene Daten erhoben werden]
econ. normal goods [goods whose consumption increases when income increases]Nichtsättigungsgüter {pl} [steigende Nachfrage]
art law lit. orphan work [work whose copyright owner is difficult to trace or cannot be found]verwaistes Werk {n}
3 Words
Unverified local leading families [families whose members sat on local councils]Ratsgeschlechter {pl} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet]
5+ Words
proverb Beware of the doctor, whose wife sells cemetery plots, whose brother owns a granite quarry, and whose father deals in shovels.Hüte dich vor dem Arzt, dessen Frau Gräber verkauft, dessen Bruder einen Granitsteinbruch besitzt und dessen Vater mit Schaufeln handelt.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
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