| English | German | |
| underground {adj} [cable, wire, conduit, etc.] | 76 erdverlegt | |
| tech. braided {adj} {past-p} [wire] | 42 umsponnen [Draht] | |
| electr. naked {adj} [cable, wire] | 20 blank | |
Verbs |
| spec. to twist [fishing line, wire] | verdrallen [Angelschnur, Draht] | |
Nouns |
| haywire [baling wire] | 241 Bindedraht {m} [für Heu] | |
| fin. reference [field on wire transfer forms] | 84 Verwendungszweck {m} [Feld auf Überweisungsformularen] | |
| strand [wire] | 81 Draht {m} | |
| shelf [wire rack shelf in a refrigerator] | 24 Rost {m} [Gitterrost] | |
| electr. pigtail [lead wire] | 18 Drahtende {n} [Anschlussdraht] | |
| mastermind [wire-puller] | 16 Strippenzieher {m} [ugs.] [Drahtzieher] | |
| gastr. oenol. muselet [wire cage] | 7 Muselet {n} [Drahtbügel für Sektkorken (Agraffe)] | |
| shell [wire wheel] | 7 Nabenteil {n} | |
| tools wirecutter [spv.] [wire cutter] | 7 Drahtschneider {m} | |
| tech. ferrule [termination for steel wire ropes] | 6 Pressklemme {f} [Endverbindung für Drahtseile aus Stahldraht] | |
| hist. [repair of clay pots with wire] | Topfeinstricken {n} | |
| agr. [wire construction for hay drying] | Schwedenreiter {pl} | |
| tech. capstan [of a wire-drawing machine] | Ziehscheibe {f} | |
| purl [gold or silver wire] | Kantille {f} [vergoldeter oder versilberter Draht] | |
| tech. winding [e.g. winding wire around a core] | Aufwickeln {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| electr. high-tension {adj} [attr.] [less frequent] [e.g. cable / wire, line, switch] | Hochspannungs- [z. B. Kabel, Leitung, Schalter] | |
| solid-core {adj} [wire] | eindrähtig | |
| three-strand {adj} [attr.] [wire, rope] | dreilitzig [Draht, Seil] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to become dislodged [e.g. kneecap, stone, wire] | sichAkk. lösen [aus einer Verankerung oder Befestigung] [z. B. Kniescheibe, Stein, Kabel] | |
| to pull in [wire] | einziehen [Leitung, Kabel] | |
| to snag sth. on sth. [e.g. trousers on barbed wire fence] | etw.Akk. an etw.Dat. zerreißen [z. B. Hose am Stacheldrahtzaun] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| bird-caging [of wire] | Korbbildung {f} [eines Drahtseils] | |
| bob wire [Am.] [also: bobbed wire] | Stacheldraht {m} | |
| electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire, El wire> | Elektrolumineszenzdraht {m} <EL-Draht, El-Draht> | |
| electr. end splice [on wire or cable] | Aderendhülse {f} | |
| material Leonic wire [also: leonic wire] | leonischer Draht {m} | |
| electr. tech. mesh gasket [knitted wire mesh] | Mesh-Dichtung {f} | |
| mesh wire [less frequent than: wire mesh] | Maschendraht {m} | |
| material tech. muscle wire [shape memory alloy wire] | Formgedächtnisdraht {m} <FG-Draht> [Draht aus Formgedächtnislegierung] | |
| net curtain [fixed across top and bottom with wire/rod] | Spanngardine {f} | |
| tech. plastic spool [e.g. for steel wire] | Kunststoffspule {f} | |
| acc. fin. reference line [field on e.g. wire transfer forms] | Verwendungszweck {m} [Feld auf Überweisungsformularen] | |
| top strand [wire] | oberster Drahtstrang {m} | |
| spec. twisted tangle [fishing line, wire] | Verdrallung {f} [Angelschnur, Draht] | |
| tools wire cutters {pl} [one pair of wire cutters] | Drahtschere {f} | |
| tech. wire drawing [also: wire-drawing] | Drahtzieherei {f} [das Drahtziehen] | |
| electr. wire nut [Am.] [Wire-Nut®] [twist-on wire connector] | Drehverbinder {m} | |
| electr. wire technique [e.g. 4-wire technique] | Leitertechnik {f} [z. B. 4-Leitertechnik] | |
3 Words: Others |
| zool. wild-boar colored {adj} [Am.] [wire-haired dachshund] | saufarben [Rauhaardackel] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hexagonal wire netting [chicken wire] | Sechseckgeflecht {n} [fachspr.] [Hühner-, Kaninchenzaun] | |
| sports wire to wire | Start-Ziel-Sieg {m} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| ind. round wires on stands [wire packaging] | Runddrähte {pl} auf Kronenstöcken | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| electr. three-phase four-wire system <3-phase four-wire system, 3-phase 4-wire system> | Drehstrom-Vierleitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromvierleitersystem] | |
| electr. three-phase three-wire system <3-phase three-wire system, 3-phase 3-wire system> | Drehstrom-Dreileitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromdreileitersystem] | |
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