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English-German translation for: [women:]
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Dictionary English German: [women ]

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Partial Matches
cosmet. jobs hairdresser [for women]Damenfriseur {m}
educ. seminary [for women]Mädchenpensionat {n}
bust size [women]Oberweite {f}
bitchy {adj} [women]stutenbissig [ugs.] [pej.]
catty {adj} [women]stutenbissig [ugs.] [pej.]
bitchiness [of women]Stutenbissigkeit {f} [ugs.]
cattiness [of women]Stutenbissigkeit {f} [ugs.]
cloth. office suit [for women]Bürokostüm {n}
cloth. traditional costume [for women]Trachtenkleid {n}
sociol. [willingness of women to get children]Geburtenfreudigkeit {f}
catfight [coll.] [between women]Zickenkrieg {m} [ugs.]
gallantry [polite behaviour towards women]Galanterie {f}
rape [of women]Frauenschänden {n} [veraltet] [selten]
cloth. loden suit [for women]Lodenkostüm {n} [Damenkostüm]
cloth. tank suit [for women]Badeanzug {m} [einteilig]
cloth. (pair of) drawers [for women]Damenschlüpfer {m}
mankind {sg} [men as opposed to women]Männer {pl}
womanhood {sg} [all women]alle Frauen {pl} [insgesamt]
cat fight [coll.] [between women]Zickenkrieg {m} [ugs.]
cloth. hist. night cap [when worn by women]Nachthaube {f}
cloth. med. medical assistant's smock [women's]Arzthelferinnenkittel {m}
[(little) girls, women]Schlitzbrunzer {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [vulg.]
catfight [coll.] [between women]Zickenkampf {m} [ugs.] [selten] [Zickenkrieg]
catfight [coll.] [physical, between women]Schlägerei {f} unter Frauen
female rape [rape by women]Vergewaltigung {f} durch Frauen
cloth. suit trousers {pl} [one pair] [for women]Kostümhose {f} [Damenkostüm]
bootylicious {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [sexually attractive] [of women]sexy [ugs.]
med. nulliparae [women who have never borne a child]Nulliparen {pl}
med. nulliparas [women who have never borne a child]Nulliparen {pl}
womanhood {sg} [women considered collectively]die Frauen {pl} [insgesamt gesehen]
cat fight [coll.] [between women]Zickenkampf {m} [ugs.] [selten] [Zickenkrieg]
weighing chart [e.g. of pregnant women, babies]Wiegekarte {f}
cloth. bathers [Aus.] [coll.] [swimming costume for women and girls]Badeanzug {m}
femaledom {sg} [women considered as a group]Frauen {pl} [als Sammelbegriff]
nagging [loud and shrill scolding (esp. of women)]Keifen {n} [pej.]
violator [of women, holy places]Schänder {m} [von Frauen, heiligen Orten]
cloth. suit pants {pl} [one pair, for women] [Am.]Kostümhose {f} [eines Damenkostüms]
lit. theatre F Assemblywomen [also: A Parliament of Women] [Aristophanes]Die Weibervolksversammlung [Komödie]
to freebuff [coll.] [usually applied to women]keine Unterwäsche tragen [meist bei Frauen]
to scold [in a loud and shrill way (esp. women)]keifen [pej.]
catfight [usually amongst women] [fig.]Gezänk {n} [auch: Gezanke] [bes. von Frauen]
equal rights [of men and women]Gleichberechtigung {f} [von Mann und Frau]
a right little devil [esp. of women]ein richtiges kleines Luder {n}
games [group of three or four men / women playing cards regularly]Kartelrunde {f} [ugs.]
hist. spec. [the custom of auctioning off young women at a May festival]Mailehen {n}
cloth. briefs {pl} [one pair] [short underpants for women]kurzer Schlüpfer {m} für Damen [Damenslip]
cloth. drag [women's clothes worn by a man]Fummel {m} [ugs.] [eines Transvestiten]
cloth. dress [esp. evening women's dress]Toilette {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [Abendkleid, festliches Kleid]
cloth. kokoshnik [traditional Russian headdress worn by women]Kokoschnik {m} [nationaler Kopfputz russischer Frauen]
women trafficking [common but non-native English] [preferred: trafficking in women]Frauenhandel {m}
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