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English-German translation for: [wool]
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Dictionary English German: [wool]

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
rough {adj} [voice, wool]
woolly {adj} [as if made of wool, like wool]wollartig
woolly {adj} [consisting of wool]aus Wolle [nachgestellt]
to unwind sth. [wool etc.]
etw.Akk. abwickeln [Wolle etc.]
textil. to scour [wool]
entschweißen [Rohwolle durch einen Waschprozess von Schweiß und Fett befreien]
to snarl sth. [wool etc.]
etw. durcheinanderbringen [Fäden]
textil. to card sth. [e.g. wool]
etw. krempeln [z. B. Wolle]
textil. to card sth. [e.g. wool]
etw.Akk. kardieren [z. B. Wolle]
to card [wool]kardätschen
to clean [wooden floors with steel wool]spänen
to comb [wool]kardätschen
agr. biol. textil. fleece [the yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time]
Wolle {f} [Schaffell, Vlies]
snarl [in wool etc.]
Gewirr {n} [von Schnüren etc.]
hank [of wool etc.]
Strang {m}
matting [of wool]
Verfilzen {n}
med. [people with a wool allergy]Wollallergiker {pl}
broadtail [the fleece or wool from a karakul lamb]Breitschwanz {m}
cloth. burel [traditional Portuguese wool fabric]Burel {m} [portugiesischer Loden]
card [for carding wool]Kardätsche {f}
agr. zool. clip [wool yield from shearing]Wollertrag {m} der Schur
hanks [of wool, of yarn]Stränge {pl} [Wollstränge, Garnstränge]
zool. kemp [brittle fiber in a sheep's wool fleece]Grannenhaar {n}
krimmer [fur made from the wool of young Crimean lambs]Krimmer {m} [Pelzart]
spec. tech. textil. Leviathan [machine for washing wool]Leviathan {m} [Wollwaschmaschine]
agr. zool. longwool [sheep of a breed with long wool]Langwollschaf {n}
agr. zool. longwool [sheep of a breed with long wool]langwolliges Schaf {n} [Langwollschaf]
cloth. mulesing [removal of strips of wool-bearing skin from around the breech without anesthesia]Mulesing {n} [auch: Mulesierung] [das Entfernen der Haut rund um den Schwanz von Schafen ohne Schmerzausschaltung]
textil. mungo [yarn or textile from low-grade wool]Mungo {m} [Garn, Gewebe aus Reißwolle]
textil. shoddy [reclaimed wool]Kunstwolle {f}
strand [of hair, wool etc.]Strange {f} [schweiz.] [Strähne, Strang]
taglock [of hair or wool]verfilzte Strähne {f} [Haarsträhne, Wollsträhne]
tools teaser [for teasing wool]Wollkamm {m}
Unverified vicuña [wool]Vicuñawolle {f}
2 Words: Others
4-ply {adj} [wool]vierfädig [Wolle]
2 Words: Verbs
to mess sth. up [esp. small things like ribbons, wool etc.]etw.Akk. verwurschteln [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
textil. ball band [wool, yarn]Banderole {f} [Wolle, Garn]
hist. jobs textil. cloth maker [maker of cloth from combed wool]Zeugmacher {m} [Tuchmacher, der aus gekämmter Schafwolle Stoffe herstellt]
agr. textil. dead wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
agr. textil. fallen wool [wool rubbed off the backs of sheep and collected from the ground or elsewhere][Wolle, die sich Schafe abscheuern und die dann aufgelesen wird]
agr. textil. fallen wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
cloth. shahtoosh wool [also: shahtush wool]Shahtoosh-Wolle {f} [auch: Shatush-Wolle]
cloth. Tyrolean jacket [boiled wool jacket]Walkjanker {m}
cloth. wool socks [made from sheep's wool]Schafwollsocken {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to get messed up [e. g. wool, thread, hair]sichAkk. verwurschteln [österr.] [ugs.]
to get messed up [e. g. wool, thread, hair]sichAkk. verwursteln [ugs.]
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