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English-German translation for: [worker]
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Dictionary English German: [worker]

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
jobs sociol. zool. migratory {adj} [e.g. butterfly, fish, instinct; life, worker]
Wander- [auf Tiere bezogen; nomadisch] [z. B. Falter, Fisch, Trieb; Leben, Arbeiter]
redundant {adj} [worker]ohne Beschäftigung
jobs redundant {adj} [worker]ohne Arbeit [nachgestellt]
to carry sb./sth. [coll.] [loss-making concern, non-productive worker]
jdn./etw. durchschleppen [ugs.] [Verlustgeschäft, unproduktiven Arbeiter]
jobs temp [coll.] [temporary worker]
Zeitarbeiter {m}
constr. jobs builder [worker]
Bauarbeiter {m}
associate [colleague, co-worker]
Kollege {m}
hobo [Am.: migratory worker]
Wanderarbeiter {m}
hist. jobs almoner [Br.] [today: medical social worker]
Fürsorger {m} [im Krankenhaus]
gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s]
Gastarbeiter {m}
striker [worker]
Streikender {m}
jobs hand [worker]
Arbeiter {m}
jobs hobo [Am.] [migratory worker in the U.S.]
Hobo {m} [umherziehender Gelegenheitsarbeiter in den USA]
jobs contractor [contract worker]
Leiharbeiter {m}
jobs hiring [of a worker]
Verdingung {f}
jobs lychnobite [obs.] [night worker]
Nachtarbeiter {m}
jobs mining rigger [oil rig worker]
Bohrinselarbeiter {m}
jobs jobber [worker doing odd jobs]
Gelegenheitsarbeiter {m}
jobs temporary [office worker]
Zeitarbeitskraft {f} [für Büroarbeiten]
hist. jobs mil. [day worker esp. for earthworks during a fortress war]Tagearbeiter {m} [bes. für das Ausführen von Erdarbeiten im Festungskrieg]
constr. jobs [female worker who mixes mortar and carries it to the bricklayers]Mörtelweib {n} [österr.] [veraltet]
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives]Heilerziehungspfleger {m}
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives] [female]Heilerziehungspflegerin {f}
hist. jobs [worker who kept streetcar tracks clean] [until the 1950s]Ritzenschieber {m} [ugs.]
jobs oenol. [worker who loosens the soil at a vineyard]Hacker {m} [regional] [Arbeiter im Weinberg, der den Boden lockert]
jobs oenol. [worker who loosens the soil at a vineyard]Häcker {m} [regional] [Arbeiter im Weinberg, der den Boden lockert]
caregiver [social worker]Sozialarbeiter {m}
drudge [heavy worker]Kärrner {m} [veraltet] [Schwerarbeiter]
jobs jobber [piece worker]Akkordarbeiter {m}
hist. kolkhoznik [worker on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauer {m}
jobs mining miner [face worker]Hauer {m}
jobs temp [coll.] [temporary worker]Temporärarbeiter {m} [schweiz.]
jobs temp [coll.] [temporary worker] [female]Zeitarbeiterin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
jobs dispatched laborer [Am.] [contract worker employed by an external agency, esp. in East Asia]Leiharbeiter {m}
jobs dispatched labourer [Br.] [contract worker employed by an external agency, esp. in East Asia]Leiharbeiter {m}
jobs dispatched worker [dispatched laborer] [contract worker employed by an external agency, esp. in East Asia]Leiharbeiter {m}
acad. jobs field worker [also: field-worker]Feldforscher {m}
lab rat [coll.] [pej.] [also fig.] [lowly qualified lab worker]Laborratte {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [auch fig.] [niedrigqualifizierte Laborkraft]
lunch-pailer [dated] [sl.] [blue-collar worker]Malocher {m} [ugs.]
admin. Unverified mother advisor [social worker focused on helping mothers]Beiständin {f} [Schweiz]
3 Words: Nouns
jobs chemical plant operator [Am.] [chemical plant worker]Chemikant {m}
econ. jobs full-time equivalent <FTE> [FTE of 1.0 means that the person's hours worked is equivalent to that of a full-time worker]Mitarbeiteräquivalent {n}
hist. relig. Nikolaos the Wonderworker [coll.] [Nicholas of Bari, Nicholas of Myra, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas the Wonder-Worker](Sankt) Nikolaus {m} [kurz für: Nikolaus von Myra]
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