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| busy {adj} [fully occupied, working to capacity] | 303 ausgelastet | |
| wood {adj} [attr.] [wooden; also: for working with wood, e.g. wood saw] | 169 Holz- | |
| plying {pres-p} [working with] | 37 hantierend | |
| pickled {adj} {past-p} [metal working] | 18 gebeizt [Metallbearbeitung] | |
| broken {adj} [not working properly] | nicht in Ordnung | |
Verbs |
| to assess sth. [costs, working hours etc.] | 353 etw. veranschlagen | |
Nouns |
| sports gym [for working out] | 3590 Fitnessstudio {n} | |
| retirement [after working life] | 2201 Ruhestand {m} | |
| retirement [after working life] | 300 Pension {f} [österr.] [südd.] | |
| team [of animals in harness (to pull a vehicle); also fig.: two people working together] | 249 Gespann {n} [vor eine Wagen gespannte Zugtiere; auch fig.: Paar] | |
| educ. smug [Br.] [sl.] [dated] [hard-working student] | 243 Streber {m} [Student] | |
| educ. grind [coll.] [excessively hard-working student] | 129 Streber {m} [pej.] [Schüler, Student] | |
| sociol. [working poor receiving top-up benefit in Germany] | 87 Aufstocker {pl} [ugs.] | |
| workforce [treated as sg. or pl.] [working population] | 73 Erwerbsbevölkerung {f} | |
| jobs officials [people working for state or community] | 30 Bedienstete {pl} | |
| smug [Br.] [female] [sl.] [dated] [hard-working student] | 20 Streberin {f} [Studentin] | |
| hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [prostitute, working for a pimp] | 18 Pferdchen {n} [ugs.] [Straßenprostituierte (meistens mit Zuhälter)] | |
| sports gym [for working out] | 10 Fitneßstudio {n} [alt] | |
| hist. mil. dungarees {pl} [20th-century U.S. Navy working uniform or (part of a) Marines battle dress] | 9 [ehem. Arbeitsuniform der U.S. Navy, bzw. Uniformteil (auch: die gesamte Felduniform) der Marines] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | 8 Rollbrett {n} [für Montagen, Werkstatt] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | 6 Werkstattrollbrett {n} | |
| [coll. description of paramedical staff working in emergency services regardless of rank or education] | 5 Notarzthelfer {pl} [ugs.] [falsche Bezeichnung für das Rettungsdienstpersonal] | |
| admin. hist. jobs scribe [working for daily wages] | 5 Diurnist {m} | |
| relig. [pastoral work with the working class] | Arbeiterseelsorge {f} | |
| ling. [working class sociolect in Bern] | Mattenenglisch {n} [schweiz.] [Unterschicht-Soziolekt, auch Geheimsprache in Bern] | |
| RadioTV [working pool of the broadcasting corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany] | Arbeitsgemeinschaft {f} der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland <ARD> | |
| hunting [working terriers, dachshunds] | Erdhunde {pl} [bes. Terrier und Dackel] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | Arbeitsliege {f} [Montagerollbrett] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | Montageliege {f} [Rollbrett] | |
| automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car] | Werkstatt-Liegewagen {m} | |
| hist. grisette [archaic] [pleasure-seeking French working girl] | Grisette {f} [junge, Vergnügen suchende franz. Arbeiterin] | |
| constr. jobs tech. marbler [female] [working with marble] | Marmorarbeiterin {f} [selten] | |
| constr. jobs marbler [working with marble] | Marmorarbeiter {m} [selten] | |
| mondaytofridayer [Br.] [neologism] [coll.] [lodger during the working week] | Wochenendheimfahrer {m} | |
| furn. workbench [when working on jewellery] | Werkbrett {n} [beim Bearbeiten von Schmuck] | |
2 Words: Others |
| cross-grained {adj} [wood product, wood working] | quer zur Maserung [Holz] | |
| Let's go! [coll.] [idiom] [get to it, start working] | Dann mal ran (an den Speck)! [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| You see? [e.g. pointing out something correct or correctly working to another person] | Siehst du wohl! | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to cut out [stop working] [engine, electricity, etc.] | aussetzen | |
| to ginger sb. up [coll.] [idiom] [get sb. working] | jdn. ans Arbeiten bringen | |
| to slog on [coll.] [continue working] | weitermachen [mit der Arbeit] | |
| to slow down [at running, driving, working etc.] | langsamer machen [ugs.] [langsamer werden] [beim Laufen, Fahren, Arbeiten etc.] | |
| to stand down sth. [mainly Br.] [stop working] | etw.Akk. einstellen [nicht fortsetzen] | |
| to work on [carry on working] | weiterarbeiten [z. B. bis spät in die Nacht] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| film jobs RadioTV cable puller [working at roving television camera] | Kabelträger {m} | |
| cat ladder [Br.] [a lightweight ladder frame for working on a sloping roof] | Steigleiter {f} | |
| admin. EU law Community instruments [diverse provisions regulating the inner working of the EU] | Gemeinschaftsinstrumente {pl} | |
| jobs comp day [coll.] [in compensation for working on a holiday] | Guttag {m} | |
| hunting zool. earth dog [working terrier, dachshund] | Erdhund {m} [Jagdhund (Dackel, Terrier), der bei der Baujagd eingesetzt wird] [Bauhund] | |
| hunting earth dogs [working terriers, dachshunds] | Bauhunde {pl} [Erdhunde] [bes. Terrier und Dackel] | |
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