| English | German |  |
 | fin. with no hope of a return [investment] | à fonds perdu |  |
Partial Matches |
 | lost {adj} | perdu [ugs.] [prädikativ: perdu sein; nicht adverbial; nicht attributiv] |  |
 | geogr. French Southern and Antarctic Lands | Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises {pl} <T.A.A.F.> |  |
 | at the place already cited {adv} <loc. cit.> [loco citato] | am angeführten Ort <a. a. O.> |  |
 | loco citato {adv} <loc. cit.> | am angegebenen Ort <a. a. O.> |  |
 | math. philos. stat. a priori-a posteriori distinction | A-priori-a-posteriori-Unterscheidung {f} |  |
 | biochem. ribonuclease A <RNase A> | Ribonuclease A {f} <RNase A> |  |
 | mus. a capella {adj} {adv} | a cappella <a c.> |  |
 | fin. on account {adj} {adv} [payment] | a conto <a c.> |  |
 | comm. fin. at sight {adv} | a vista <a v.> |  |
 | mus. A minor <a, Am> | a-Moll {n} <a, Am> |  |
 | law different interpretation | andere Ansicht {f} <a. A.> |  |
 | law different interpretation | andere Auffassung {f} <a. A.> |  |
 | math. a plus b in brackets squared < (a+b)² > | a plus b in Klammern zum Quadrat < (a+b)² > |  |
 | hist. mil. A-A line [Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line] | A-A-Linie {f} [oder: AA-Linie] [Astrachan-Archangelsk-Linie] |  |
 | econ. jobs International Congress for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine <A+A Congress> | Internationaler Kongress {m} für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin <A+A-Kongress> |  |
 | admin. mil. by order (of) {prep} [before signature] [esp. public administration and military authorities] | im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.> [vor Unterschrift] |  |
 | on behalf of {prep} [before signature] | im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.> [vor Unterschrift] |  |
 | questions and answers <Q&A> | Fragen {pl} und Antworten <F & A, F&A> |  |
 | endowment fund | Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. fund | Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. RealEst. trust | Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. funds | Fonds {pl} |  |
 | math. a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> | a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> |  |
 | gastr. fonds {pl} | Fonds {pl} [Bratensäfte] |  |
 | fin. to attract investors for an investment fund | Fonds einwerben |  |
 | fin. to buy funds | Fonds kaufen |  |
 | fin. to administer funds | Fonds verwalten |  |
 | stocks distributing fund <Dis fund, DIS fund, dis fund> | ausschüttender Fonds {m} |  |
 | stocks exchange-traded funds <ETF> | börsennotierte Fonds {pl} |  |
 | stocks exchange-traded fund <ETF> | börsennotierter Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. mixed fund | gemischter Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. closed-end fund | geschlossener Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. closed-ended fund | geschlossener Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. hedge fund | Hedge-Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. hedge funds | Hedge-Fonds {pl} |  |
 | international fund | internationaler Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. stocks unit trust | Investment-Fonds {m} |  |
 | unit trust fund | Investment-Fonds {m} |  |
 | consolidated fund | konsolidierter Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. open-end fund | offener Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. revolving fund | revolvierender Fonds {m} |  |
 | fin. hedge fund | spekulativer Fonds {m} |  |
 | balanced fund | stabiler Fonds {m} |  |
 | acc. reinvestment funds [e.g. dividends, capital gains] | thesaurierende Fonds {pl} |  |
 | stocks accumulating fund <Acc fund, ACC fund, acc fund> | thesaurierender Fonds {m} |  |
 | independent fund | unabhängiger Fonds {m} |  |
 | mus. A major <A> | A-Dur {n} <A> |  |
 | fin. vulture funds [coll.] | Geier-Fonds {pl} [ugs.] |  |
 | fin. stocks to launch a fund | einen Fonds auflegen |  |
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