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English-German translation for: ökonomisches Modell
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ökonomisches Modell in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: ökonomisches Modell

Translation 1 - 50 of 194  >>

econ. economic modelökonomisches Modell {n}
Partial Matches
comp. econ. input-process-output model <IPO model, I-P-O model>Eingabe-Verarbeitung-Ausgabe-Modell {n} <EVA-Modell, E-V-A-Modell>
fin. economic exposure <EE>ökonomisches Risiko {n}
econ. economic riskökonomisches Risiko {n}
comp. entity relationship model <ERM, ER model>Entity-Relationship-Modell {n} <ERM, ER-Modell>
econ. Heckscher-Ohlin model <H-O model>Heckscher-Ohlin-Modell {n} <H-O-Modell>
engin. tech. finite element analysis model <FEA model>Finite-Elemente-Methode-Modell {n} <FEM-Modell>
astron. phys. Lambda-CDM model <ΛCDM model>Lambda-CDM-Modell {n} <ΛCDM-Modell>
astron. phys. Randall-Sundrum modelRandall-Sundrum-Modell {n} <RS-Modell>
three-component model <3-component model>Drei-Komponenten-Modell {n} <3-Komponenten-Modell>
econ. three-environments modelDrei-Umwelten-Modell {n} <3-Umwelten-Modell>
model {adj} [attr.]Modell-
art artist's modelModell {n}
mockupModell {n}
modelModell {n}
patternModell {n}
prototypeModell {n}
versionModell {n}
jobs mannequinModell {n} [Mannequin]
cloth. model (dress)Modell {n} [Modellkleid]
art to act as a modelModell sitzen
art photo. to pose [as model]Modell sitzen
to act as a modelModell stehen
art photo. to pose [as model]Modell stehen
art to pose for an artistModell stehen
material 3D model3D-Modell {n}
audio electr. ADSR model [Attack - Decay - Sustain - Release]ADSR-Modell {n}
analytic modelanalytisches Modell {n}
anatomical figureanatomisches Modell {n}
anat. anatomical modelanatomisches Modell {n}
econ. Anglo-Saxon modelangelsächsisches Modell {n}
response surface model <RSM>Antwortflächen-Modell {n}
jobs psych. sociol. attraction-selection-attrition model <ASA model>ASA-Modell {n}
audio binaural modelbinaurales Modell {n}
ecol. bioclimatic modelbioklimatisches Modell {n}
phys. Debye modelDebye-Modell {n}
econ. sociol. stat. demographic modeldemographisches Modell {n}
comp. Internet domain modelDomain-Modell {n}
phys. Drude modelDrude-Modell {n}
exponential modelexponentielles Modell {n}
tech. working modelfunktionsfähiges Modell {n}
graphical modelgrafisches Modell {n}
math. graph theoretic model [spv.]graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
math. graph theoretical model [spv.]graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
math. graph-theoretic modelgraphentheoretisches Modell {n}
math. graph-theoretical modelgraphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graphical modelgraphisches Modell {n}
phys. Heisenberg modelHeisenberg-Modell {n}
astron. heliocentric modelheliozentrisches Modell {n}
math. Heston modelHeston-Modell {n}
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