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English-German translation for: überhitzte Debatte
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Dictionary English German: überhitzte Debatte

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

NOUN   die überhitzte Debatte | die überhitzten Debatten
overheated debateüberhitzte Debatte {f}
Partial Matches
econ. excess boomüberhitzte Konjunktur {f}
econ. overheated boomüberhitzte Konjunktur {f}
econ. overheated economyüberhitzte Konjunktur {f}
argumentDebatte {f}
controversionDebatte {f}
debateDebatte {f}
discussionDebatte {f}
disputeDebatte {f}
heated-up debateangeheizte Debatte {f}
nucl. pol. nuclear debateAtom-Debatte {f}
stormy debatebewegte Debatte {f}
acrimonious debateerbitterte Debatte {f}
wrought-up discussionerregte Debatte {f}
ferocious debateheftige Debatte {f}
passionate debateheftige Debatte {f}
biol. Great Hippocampus QuestionHippocampus-Debatte {f}
fray [heated discussion]hitzige Debatte {f}
heated debatehitzige Debatte {f}
violent debatehitzige Debatte {f}
critical debatekritische Debatte {f}
noisy debatelebhafte Debatte {f}
vigorous debatelebhafte Debatte {f}
public debateöffentliche Debatte {f}
pol. parliamentary debateparlamentarische Debatte {f}
pol. political debatepolitische Debatte {f}
RadioTV debate on TVTV-Debatte {f}
wordy debatewortreiche Debatte {f}
after an hour and a half long debate {adv}nach anderthalbstündiger Debatte
at issue {adj} [postpos.]zur Debatte stehend
to open the floor for debatedie Debatte eröffnen
to fuel a debateeine Debatte anfachen
to stimulate a debateeine Debatte anregen
to ignite a debateeine Debatte anstoßen
to spark a debateeine Debatte auslösen
to open a debateeine Debatte eröffnen
to close a debateeine Debatte schließen
to pursue a debateeine Debatte weiterführen
contribution to the debateBeitrag {m} zur Debatte
debate on foreign policyDebatte {f} über Außenpolitik
end of debateEnde {n} der Debatte
psych. nature-nurture issueErbe-Umwelt-Debatte {f}
opening of a debateEröffnung {f} einer Debatte
idiom cut and thrust of the debateHitze {f} der Debatte
hist. Huxley-Wilberforce debateHuxley-Wilberforce-Debatte {f}
closure of the debateSchluss {m} der Debatte
to be open to debatezur Debatte stehen [Redewendung]
to be up for debatezur Debatte stehen [Redewendung]
to enter into a debatemit einer Debatte beginnen
to not be at issuenicht zur Debatte stehen
pol. confidence debateDebatte {f} über einen Misstrauensantrag
pol. cross-party debateDebatte {f} über Parteigrenzen hinweg
RadioTV televised debatevom Fernsehen übertragene Debatte {f}
to be beyond discussionaußer Debatte stehen [unbestritten sein]
It's out of the question.Es steht nicht zur Debatte.
the case in pointder zur Debatte stehende Punkt {m}
much broader political debatepolitische Debatte {f} auf breiterer Basis
pol. to put sth. up for debateetw.Akk. zur Debatte stellen [Redewendung]
to question sth. [put up for debate]etw.Akk. zur Debatte stellen [Redewendung]
to introduce sth. into the debateetw.Akk. in die Debatte werfen
to inject oneself into the debatesichAkk. in die Debatte einbringen
The sparks really flew in the debate. [coll.]Bei der Debatte ging es heiß her. [ugs.]
I'd really like the debate to go further.Ich würde mir wünschen, dass die Debatte weitergeht.
pol. to invoke cloture [Am.] [idiom]die Beendigung der Debatte beantragen [im US-Senat]
pol. cloture [Am.]Antrag {m} auf Beendigung der Debatte [im US-Senat]
pol. neo-neo debateNeo-Debatte {f} [Debatte zwischen Neo-Realisten und Neo-Liberalisten]
pol. neos debateNeo-Debatte {f} [Debatte zwischen Neo-Realisten und Neo-Liberalisten]
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