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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: ㅿ구미오피[bam2.net]밤달상크미 ㌈구미건마 ⑨구미밤달 ┨구미오피 ꅞ구미즐길거리 H구미풀싸롱 ꄺ구미육덕미녀 ꁿ구미오피 ㎺구미오피밤달 ㋻구미키스방
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ㅿ구미오피밤달상크미 ㌈구미건마 ⑨구미밤달 ┨구미오피 ꅞ구미즐길거리 H구미풀싸롱 ꄺ구미육덕미녀 ꁿ구미오피 ㎺구미오피밤달 ㋻구미키스방 in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: ㅿ구미오피[bam2 net]밤달상크미 ㌈구미건마 ⑨구미밤달 ┨구미오피 ꅞ구미즐길거리 H구미풀싸롱 ꄺ구미육덕미녀 ꁿ구미오피 ㎺구미오피밤달 ㋻구미키스방

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Partial Matches
comp. assembly [software component in the .NET Framework]Assembly {f} [Software Komponente im .NET Framework]
fish dredge [net]Schleppnetz {n}
to take home [net]netto bekommen
to take home [net]netto verdienen
tech. sleeve mesh [net tubing]Netzschlauch {m}
clear {adj} [attr.] [net, without deduction]Netto-
Internet [hate speech on the net]Hassposting {n}
fish T
cloth. textil. réseau [net ground, foundation in lace]Spitzengrund {m}
gastr. tools spider (spoon) [coll.] [spider net strainer]Abseihlöffel {m}
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tirass {n}
lower heating value <LHV> [net calorific value]Heizwert {m}
not {adv}ned [österr.] [regional] [bayer.] [auch: net, nit] [nicht]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiraß {n} [alt]
bottom line [net income after taxes]Nettoeinkommen {n} nach Steuern
fish fyke (net) [Am.] [bag net for catching fish]Sacknetz {n}
social hammock [social safety net]soziale Hängematte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyrass {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
sports chip time [net time in a foot race]Nettozeit {f} [Lauf]
raschel bag [knitted net bag] [packaging]Raschelsack {m} [gestrickter Netzsack] [Verpackung]
fish cod end [narrow end of a tapered trawl net]Steert {m} [Ende eines Fischfangnetzes]
fish T
to sack up [coll.] [make as a net profit]einen Profit einsacken [ugs.] [netto verdienen]
net weight <nt. wt., NET WT>Nettogewicht {n} <Nettogew., Netto-Gew.>
fish fishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boat, camp, lodge, net, village]Fischer- [z. B. Boot, Siedlung, Hütte, Netz, Dorf]
comm. sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price]nomineller Preis {m}
comm. sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price]offizieller Preis {m}
market. leno net bag [woven net bag] [packaging]Leno-Sack {m} [auch: Lenosack] [gewebter Netzsack] [Verpackung]
RealEst. cold rent [net rent; i.e. rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Kaltmiete {f} [Nettomiete]
RealEst. warm rent [net cold rent + advance payment of operating costs and heating costs]Warmmiete {f} [Nettokaltmiete + Betriebskostenvorauszahlung + Heizkostenvorauszahlung]
med. case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case]Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie]
MedTech. net optical density <netOD, net OD> [EUR 17538]Nettodichte {f} [EUR 17538]
anat. biol. zool. rete mirabile [Latin for "wonderful net"] [complex of fine arteries]Rete mirabile {n} [lateinisch für „Wundernetz“] [Geflecht aus feinsten Arterien]
comm. net net <nn, NN>netto netto <nn, NN>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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