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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: 오피간다┭bam2.net┭밤달 ☞천안오피 ∽오피좋아 ∫밤달달리자 ↘달리자 ÷오피가장께 ×오피간다 ∬대구유흥 ∠안마시술소
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오피간다┭bam2.net┭밤달 ☞천안오피 ∽오피좋아 ∫밤달달리자 ↘달리자 ÷오피가장께 ×오피간다 ∬대구유흥 ∠안마시술소 in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: 오피간다┭bam2 net┭밤달 ☞천안오피 ∽오피좋아 ∫밤달달리자 ↘달리자 ÷오피가장께 ×오피간다 ∬대구유흥 ∠안마시술소

Translation 1 - 50 of 548  >>

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Partial Matches
med. neuroendocrine tumour <NET> [Br.]neuroendokriner Tumor {m} <NET>
biochem. norepinephrine transporter <NET>Norepinephrintransporter {m} <NET>
zool. T
med. neuroendocrine tumor <NET> [Am.]neuroendokriner Tumor {m} <NET>
comp. place/transition net <P/T net>Stellen-Transitions-Netz {n} <S/T-Netz>
comm. market. net-net priceNetto-Netto-Preis {m}
net {adv}netto
fish hunting netGarn {n}
netNetto {n}
netNetz {n}
netNetzwerk {n}
textil. netTüll {m}
net {adj}rein [netto]
to netnetto abwerfen
to netnetto einbringen
sports to net [football]einnetzen
textil. to net [needlework]netzen
net [fishing]Fangnetz {n}
bot. net-leaved {adj}netzblätterig
net-like {adj}netzartig
net-savvy {adj}interneterfahren
to net outsaldieren
fish to scoop-netkeschern
bag netGepäcknetz {n}
bag netSacknetz {n}
sports basketball netBasketballnetz {n}
bed netBettnetz {n}
bird netVogelnetz {n}
blasting netSprengschutznetz {n}
fish bow netReuse {f}
bow-netFischreuse {f}
bun netDuttnetz {n}
entom. butterfly netSchmetterlingskescher {m}
entom. butterfly netSchmetterlingsnetz {n}
mil. camo netTarnnetz {n}
mil. camouflage netTarnnetz {n}
cargo netLadenetz {n}
cast-netWurfnetz {n}
cat netKatzennetz {n}
chignon netDuttnetz {n}
market. covering netAbdecknetz {n}
dip netKäscher {m}
dip netKescher {m}
drag netSchleppnetz {n}
fish drift netTreibnetz {n}
elastic netElastiknetz {n}
fish fishing netFischernetz {n}
fishing netFischnetz {n}
ecol. naut. ghost netGeisternetz {n}
sports goal netTornetz {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers