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English-German translation for: ...-to-be
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Dictionary English German: to be

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VERB  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
-to-be {adj} [bride, father etc.] [postpos.]zukünftige [attr.]
...-to-be {adj}angehende
...-to-be {adj}... in spe
to be to [do sth.] [formal]angehalten sein [etw. zu tun]
... to be exact.... um genau zu sein.
be sure tosicherlich
continue to be ...werden immer noch ...
fated to be sth. {adj} {past-p} [pred.]verurteilt, etw. zu sein [vom Schicksal bestimmt]
sb./sth. used to bejd./etw. war einmal
Seems to be.Scheint so.
soon-to-be {adj}angehend
soon-to-be {adj}baldig [zukünftig]
soon-to-be {adj}bald werdend
soon-to-be {adj} [coll.]zukünftig
To be concluded.Schluss folgt.
To be continued. <To be contd., tbc, TBC>Fortsetzung folgt. <Forts. f., F.f.>
To be fair, ...Um fair zu sein, ...
To be honest, ...Um ehrlich zu sein, ...
woe be to sb.wehe jdm.
To be blunt, ...Um es direkt zu sagen, ...
to adjudicate sth. to beetw. erklären als
to affect to be ...sichDat. den Anschein geben, ... zu sein
to appear to be sb./sth.jd./etw. zu sein scheinen
to appear to be sth.etw. vorgeben [den Anschein geben]
to appoint sb. to bejdn. ernennen zum
to aspire to be sb./sth.(danach) trachten, jd./etw. zu sein [geh.]
to assume to beansehen als
to be abhorrent to sb.jdm. zuwider sein [geh.]
to be accessory to sth.in etw.Akk. verwickelt sein
to be accorded to sb./sth.jdm./etw. zuteilwerden [geh.]
to be accustomed (to sth.)gewöhnt sein (an etw.)
to be accustomed to sth.an etw. gewöhnt sein
to be accustomed to sth.sich an etw. gewöhnt haben
to be added to sth.zu etw.Dat. hinzukommen [hinzugefügt werden]
to be addicted to sth.etw.Dat. hingegeben sein [verfallen]
to be addicted to sth.etw.Dat. verfallen sein
to be addicted to sth.nach etw.Dat. süchtig sein
to be addressed to sb./sth.sich an jdn./etw. richten [Person, Gremium]
to be addressed to sb./sth.sich an jdn./etw. wenden [Individuum, Gremium]
to be adjacent to sth.an etw.Akk. angrenzen
to be adjacent to sth.an etw.Akk. grenzen
to be adjacent to sth.mit etw.Dat. benachbart sein
to be advantageous to sb.für jdn. von Vorteil sein
to be affianced to sb. [literary]jdm. anverlobt sein [veraltet]
to be affiliable to sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. eine Verbindung eingehen können
to be agreeable to sth.mit etw.Dat. einverstanden sein
to be akin to sth.etw.Dat. gleichen
to be akin to sth.etw.Dat. ähneln
to be alert to sth.mit etw.Dat. rechnen [wachsam sein, sich etw. (Gen.) bewusst sein]
to be alert to sth.wachsam gegen etw.Akk. sein
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Q 2025-01-01: C & F landed {adv} [unloading costs to be borne by seller] ?=? an Land verbracht
A 2024-12-01: It always otherwise seems to be in the accusative
Q 2024-11-24: We all have our cross/crosses to bear.
A 2024-10-15: +oath hand+ not to be found in medical sources; +benediction hand+ seems t...
Q 2024-10-11: to be committed to sth. = sich etw. [Dat.] verschreiben
A 2024-09-10: the constitution is (always) my/her/his guiding principle, to be (strict...
Q 2024-09-06: ... in order to be admitted to the university (einen Studienplatz bekommen)
A 2024-08-26: to be fed up with s.th. , to have it / s.th. up to here (often accompani...
Q 2024-08-23: to drown vs. to be drowned
A 2024-05-13: "... sollen erlaubt werden" refers to the future: "... are going to be a...
Q 2024-05-03: to be bad at bad
Q 2024-04-25: To be or not to be: 1500424
A 2023-11-11: It seems to be his favorite pastime ;-)
Q 2023-10-11: to be homebound = to be on the way home??
A 2023-08-14: Has to be illuminated, I think.
A 2023-08-08: The definition of a neologism is so blurry as to be useless, today's neolo...
A 2023-06-13: to become a tottering old fogey
A 2023-05-20: Upon searching, "coffee jockey" appears to be a very rare colloquial/derog...
A 2023-05-01: I'm not aware of the term "esoterics", the current translations seem to be...
A 2023-04-12: cash crediting entry -- likely to be cash refund

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