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English-German translation for: .ci
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Dictionary English German: ci

Translation 1 - 40 of 40


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SYNO   Ci | curie | 101 | ci ... 
canister <CI>
Kanister {m} [Verpackungscode: CI]
phys. unit curie <Ci>
Curie {n} <Ci>
onanism [coitus interruptus]Coitus interruptus {m} <CI>
2 Words: Others
ci-devant {adj} [rare]ehemals [bei Namen]
2 Words: Nouns
med. cardiac index <CI>Herzindex {m}
material cast iron <CI>Gusseisen {n}
geogr. Channel Islands <CI>Kanalinseln {pl}
med. VetMed. chlamydial infection <CI>Chlamydieninfektion {f} <CI>
pharm. cholinesterase inhibitor <CI>Cholinesteraseinhibitor {m} <CI>
med. chronic inflammation <CI>chronische Entzündung {f}
med. chronic inflammation <CI>chronische Inflammation {f}
aviat. meteo. cirrus clouds <Ci>Cirruswolken {pl}
med. MedTech. QM clinical investigation <CI>klinische Prüfung {f} <KP>
med. cochlear implant <CI>Cochleaimplantat {n} <CI>
audio cochlear implant <CI>Cochlea-Implantat {n} <CI>
comp. coded information <CI>codierte Information {f}
coitus interruptusCoitus interruptus {m} <CI>
econ. competitive intelligence [strategic information gathering] <CI>Wettbewerbsforschung {f}
econ. competitor intelligence [strategic information gathering] <CI>Konkurrenzforschung {f}
comp. computational intelligence <CI>Computational Intelligence {f} <CI>
comp. computer interface <CI>Rechnerschnittstelle {f} <RS, RSS>
confidential informant <C.I., CI>Informant {m} [für die Polizei]
comp. configuration item <CI>Konfigurationselement {n}
consistency index <CI>Konsistenzindex {m} <KI, CI>
econ. QM continual improvement <CI>ständige Verbesserung {f} <SV>
comp. control interface <CI>Kontrollschnittstelle {f}
econ. corporate identity <CI>Unternehmensidentität {f}
econ. corporate identity <CI>Corporate Identity {f} <CI>
geogr. Côte d'Ivoire <.ci> [official name for Ivory Coast]Elfenbeinküste {f}
fin. creditor identifier <CI>Gläubiger-ID {f}
fin. creditor identifier <CI>Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer {f}
criminal informant <CI> [Am.]Informant {m} [für Strafverfolgungsbehörden]
withdrawal method [coitus interruptus]Coitus interruptus {m} <CI>
3 Words: Nouns
curr. Cayman Islands dollar <KYD, CI$>Kaiman-Dollar {m} <KYD, CI$>
QM continual improvement process <CIP, CI process>kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess {m} <KVP>
med. stat. cumulative incidence (rate) <CI>kumulative Inzidenz {f}
pull-out method <POM> [coitus interruptus]Coitus interruptus {m} <CI>
4 Words: Others
comme ci, comme çaso lala [ugs.]
comme ci, comme çacomme ci, comme ça [veraltend]
5+ Words: Nouns
educ. computer vision <CV> and computational intelligence <CI>Computer Vision und Computational Intelligence [Studiengangsbezeichnung] [Bilderkennungen und intelligente Informationssysteme]
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A 2015-10-04: markiert CI
Q 2013-02-06: CI oder Cl - ein akademischer Titel?
Q 2008-12-15: at Allan - ciao! Allora sei dai tuoi - e fa freddo dici, beh meglio che da...
Q 2008-12-12: @Allan - salve, è da un bel po' che non ti vedo - stai bene? Se non ci sen...
A 2008-11-16: aber Mi-Ci, das ist doch längst beantwortet. geh einfach noch mal in deinen
A 2008-06-25: ti ringrazio - io adesso scapo - magari "ci vediamo" domani" - buona serat...
A 2007-08-19: www.sn.schule.de/~ci/download/lp_bfs_fachwortschat zsammlung_englisch.pdf
A 2006-09-01: Vielleicht Corporate Identity = CI ?
Q 2004-04-29: tributyl tetradecyl phosponium CI

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