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English-German translation for: .ir
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Dictionary English German: ir

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SYNO   IR | Inland Revenue | Ir ... 
SYNO   IR | infrarot
infrared {adj} <IR>
infrarot <IR>
ir- {prefix}un-
infrared <IR>
Infrarot {n} <IR>
chem. iridium <Ir>
Iridium {n} <Ir>
geogr. Iran <.ir>(der) Iran {m}
mineral. platiniridium <Ir, Pt>Platiniridium {n}
2 Words: Nouns
comp. psych. immediate recovery <IR>sofortige Wiederherstellung {f}
QM incident response <IR>Vorfallsreaktion {f}
curr. Indian rupee <INR, iR>Indische Rupie {f} <INR, iR>
nucl. inferred resource <IR>vermutete Ressource {f} [Uranwirtschaft]
educ. law information law <IL>Informationsrecht {n} <IR>
comp. information retrieval <IR>Informationsabruf {m}
comp. information retrieval <IR>Informationsrückgewinnung {f}
infrared analysisInfrarotanalyse {f} <IR-Analyse>
aviat. mil. infrared decoy <IRD, IR decoy>Infrarot-Köder {m} <IR-Köder>
tech. infrared detector <IR detector>Infrarotdetektor {m} <IR-Detektor> [auch: Infrarot-Detektor]
electr. infrared diode <IR diode>Infrarotdiode {f} <IR-diode>
astron. infrared excess <IR excess, IRX>Infrarotexzess {m}
infrared light <IR light>Rotlicht {n} [Infrarotlicht]
tech. infrared microscopy <IR-microscopy, IR microscopy>Infrarotmikroskopie {f} <IR-Mikroskopie>
comp. infrared port <IR port>Infrarotschnittstelle {f} <IR-Schnittstelle>
tech. infrared receiver <IR receiver>Infrarot-Empfänger {m} <IR-Empfänger>
tech. infrared scan <IR scan>Infrarotscan {m} <IR-Scan>
tech. infrared scanner <IR scanner>Infrarotscanner {m} <IR-Scanner> [auch: Infrarot-Scanner]
chem. phys. infrared spectroscopy <IR spectroscopy>Infrarotspektroskopie {f} <IR-Spektroskopie, IRS>
phys. infrared spectrum <IR spectrum>Infrarotspektrum {n} <IR-Spektrum>
electr. infrared transistor <IR transistor>Infrarottransistor {m} <IR-Transistor>
tech. infrared transmitter <IR transmitter>Infrarot-Sender {m} <IR-Sender>
QM tech. inspection report <IR>Prüfbericht {m} <PB>
med. pharm. insulin receptor <IR>Insulinrezeptor {m} <IR>
med. insulin resistance <IR>Insulinresistenz {f} <IR>
biol. intercellular space <ICS> [Spatium intercellulare]Interzellularraum {m} <IR>
comp. psych. intermediate recovery <IR>zügige Wiederherstellung {f}
educ. pol. international relations <IR>internationale Beziehungen {pl} <IB> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
acad. astron. IR astronomyInfrarot-Astronomie {f}
acad. astron. IR astronomyIR-Astronomie {f}
IR decoyIR-Falschziel {n}
optics IR microscopeInfrarotmikroskop {n}
optics IR microscopeInfrarot-Mikroskop {n}
optics IR microscopeIR-Mikroskop {n} [Infrarot-Mikroskop]
IR radiometerInfrarotradiometer {n}
IR radiometerInfrarotstrahlungsmesser {m}
IR radiometerInfrarot-Radiometer {n}
IR radiometerInfrarot-Strahlungsmesser {m}
mil. IR reconnaissanceInfrarotaufklärung {f}
mil. IR reconnaissanceInfrarot-Aufklärung {f}
med. IR spectrophotometryIR-Spektrophotometrie {f}
IR Trademark [International Registration]IR-Marke {f}
chem. phys. isomorphous replacement <IR>isomorpher Ersatz {m}
electr. RMS current [root mean square current] <Irms, Ir.m.s., IRMS>Effektivstrom {m} <Ieff>
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. inversion recovery sequence <IR sequence>Inversion-Recovery-Sequenz {f} <IR-Sequenz>
weapons IR (rifle) scopeInfrarotzielfernrohr {n}
weapons IR (rifle) scopeInfrarot-Zielfernrohr {n}
educ. law law of informationInformationsrecht {n} <IR>
biochem. biotech. chem. plug-flow reactor <PFR>ideales Strömungsrohr {n} <IR>
4 Words: Nouns
stocks Head of Investor RelationsIR-Leiter {m}
stocks Head of Investor RelationsIR-Verantwortlicher {m}
geogr. Islamic Republic of Iran <.ir>Islamische Republik {f} Iran
educ. law right of / to informationInformationsrecht {n} <IR>
electr. root mean square current <Irms, Ir.m.s., IRMS>Effektivstrom {m} <Ieff>
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Q 2020-11-25: k.k. IR
Q 2017-09-14: Word "not" vs. prefix "un-" or "ir-" or "in-" ... and mutatis mutandi "nic...
A 2016-02-15: ir. nach einem Namen
A 2016-02-15: ir. nach einem Namen
A 2016-02-15: ir nach einem Namen
Q 2016-02-14: ir. nach einem Namen
A 2013-12-30: Useless vocabulary outside / beyond the legal context - http://ir.canterbu...
A 2013-03-19: http://www.munichre.com/en/ir/corporate_governance/co_determination_agreem...
A 2012-12-16: *ir*radiation ist *Be*strahlung
A 2009-10-31: no, Laura. As an employer you get a load of bumf from IR every year ...
A 2008-07-10: IR-reflector
A 2008-07-10: IR radiator
A 2008-07-10: IR-Strahler
Q 2008-07-10: IR- Strahler
A 2008-05-27: The answer, that they should invoice the transport (costs) to us, is on th...
A 2008-05-25: are you based in the IR then esme? never sure where you are:-)
A 2008-03-22: isn't ir rather: this also takes account of / fulfils the criteria?
A 2007-08-09: http://search.hmrc.gov.uk/kbroker/inldrev/inldrev/search.lsim?sr=80&qt=cou...
A 2007-04-26: sorry, for telling you what ir means, I was kind of thinking aloud
Q 2007-04-22: would you hammer "at" the door ir "on" the door?

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